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Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Window Programming Guide for Cocoa.

2009-02-04Added information on the use of backing locations to improve performance.
2008-10-15Provided links to delegate methods.
2006-10-03Clarified the behavior of the setFrameAutosaveName: method in conjunction with a window's window controller.

Added window-controller requirement for the NSWindow setFrameAutosaveName: method to “Saving a Window’s Position into the User’s Defaults.”

2005-09-08Made correction to "Using the Windows Menu" article. Changed title from "Windows and Panels."

Updated “Setting a Window’s Appearance” to cover enabling and disabling buttons in the title bar, and to discuss setting a window’s background color and transparency.


“Setting a Window’s Level” renamed “Window Layers and Levels” and augmented.


“Changing the Key and Main Windows” renamed to “Window Layering and Types of Window” and augmented.


Augmented “Sizing and Placing Windows” to discuss animated resizing, window cascading, and constraining window size and position.


Minor changes to “Using the Windows Menu.”


Clarified the concepts of key and main windows in “Window Layering and Types of Window”“.


Revision history was added to existing topic.

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© 2002, 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2009-02-04)

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