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Apache::TestRun(3)                   User Contributed Perl Documentation                  Apache::TestRun(3)

       Apache::TestRun - Run the test suite

       The "Apache::TestRun" package controls the configuration and running of the test suite.

       Several methods are sub-classable, if the default behavior should be changed.


       The "bug_report()" method is executed when "t/TEST" was executed with the "-bugreport" option, and
       "make test" (or "t/TEST") fail. Normally this is callback which you can use to tell the user how to
       deal with the problem, e.g. suggesting to read some document or email some details to someone who can
       take care of it. By default nothing is executed.

       The "-bugreport" option is needed so this feature won't become annoying to developers themselves.
       It's automatically added to the "run_tests" target in Makefile. So if you repeateadly have to test
       your code, just don't use "make test" but run "t/TEST" directly. Here is an example of a custom


         package My::TestRun;
         use base 'Apache::TestRun';

         sub bug_report {
             my $self = shift;

             print <<EOI;
         | Please file a bug report: |


       The "pre_configure()" method is executed before the configuration for "Apache::Test" is generated. So
       if you need to adjust the setup before httpd.conf and other files are autogenerated, this is the
       right place to do so.

       For example if you don't want to inherit a LoadModule directive for but to make sure
       that the local version is used, you can sub-class "Apache::TestRun" and override this method in

         package My::TestRun;
         use base 'Apache::TestRun';
         use Apache::TestConfig;

         sub pre_configure {
             my $self = shift;
             # Don't load an installed mod_apreq


       Notice that the extension is .c, and not .so.

       Don't forget to run the super class' c<pre_configure()> method.


       META: to be completed

Persistent Custom Configuration
       When "Apache::Test" is first installed or used, it will save the values of "httpd", "apxs", "port",
       "user", and "group", if set, to a configuration file "Apache::TestConfigData".  This information will
       then be used in setting these options for subsequent uses of "Apache-Test" unless temprorarily
       overridden, either by setting the appropriate environment variable ("APACHE_TEST_HTTPD",
       relevant option ("-httpd", "-apxs", "-port", "-user", and "-group") when the "TEST" script is run.

       To avoid either using previous persistent configurations or saving current configurations, set the
       "APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES" environment variable to a true value.

       Finally it's possible to permanently override the previously saved options by passing "-save".

       Here is the algorithm of how and when options are saved for the first time and when they are used. We
       will use a few variables to simplify the pseudo-code/pseudo-chart flow:

       $config_exists - custom configuration has already been saved, to get this setting run
       "custom_config_exists()", which tests whether either "apxs" or "httpd" values are set. It doesn't
       check for other values, since all we need is "apxs" or "httpd" to get the test suite running.
       custom_config_exists() checks in the following order lib/Apache/ (if during Apache-
       Test build) , ~/.apache-test/Apache/ and Apache/ in the perl's

       $config_overriden - that means that we have either "apxs" or "httpd" values provided by user, via env
       vars or command line options.

       1 Building Apache-Test or modperl-2.0 (or any other project that bundles Apache-Test).
             1) perl Apache-Test/Makefile.PL
             (for bundles top-level Makefile.PL will run this as well)

             if $config_exists
                 do nothing
                 create lib/Apache/ w/ empty config: {}

             2) make

             3) make test

             if $config_exists
                 if $config_overriden
                     override saved options (for those that were overriden)
                     use saved options
                 if $config_overriden
                     save them in lib/Apache/
                     (which will be installed on 'make install')
                     - run interactive prompt for C<httpd> and optionally for C<apxs>
                     - save the custom config in lib/Apache/
                     - restart the currently run program

             modperl-2.0 is a special case in (3). it always overrides 'httpd'
             and 'apxs' settings. Other settings like 'port', can be used from
             the saved config.

             4) make install

                if $config_exists only in lib/Apache/
                   it will be installed system-wide
                   nothing changes (since lib/Apache/ won't exist)

       2 Testing 3rd party modules (after Apache-Test was installed)
           Notice that the following situation is quite possible:

             cd Apache-Test
             perl Makefile.PL && make install

           so that Apache-Test was installed but no custom configuration saved (since its "make test" wasn't
           run). In which case the interactive configuration should kick in (unless config options were
           passed) and in any case saved once configured.

           $custom_config_path - perl's Apache/ (at the same location as
           Apache/ if that area is writable by that user (e.g. perl's lib is not owned by
           'root'). If not, in ~/.apache-test/Apache/

             1) perl Apache-Test/Makefile.PL
             2) make
             3) make test

             if $config_exists
                 if $config_overriden
                     override saved options (for those that were overriden)
                     use saved options
                 if $config_overriden
                     save them in $custom_config_path
                     - run interactive prompt for C<httpd> and optionally for C<apxs>
                     - save the custom config in $custom_config_path
                     - restart the currently run program

             4) make install

       Saving Custom Configuration Options

       If you want to override the existing custom configurations options to "Apache::TestConfigData", use
       the "-save" flag when running "TEST".

       If you are running "Apache::Test" as a user who does not have permission to alter the system
       "Apache::TestConfigData", you can place your own private configuration file under
       "$ENV{HOME}/.apache-test/Apache/", which "Apache::Test" will use, if present. An example of such a
       configuration file is

         # file $ENV{HOME}/.apache-test/Apache/
         package Apache::TestConfigData;
         use strict;
         use warnings;
         use vars qw($vars);

         $vars = {
             'group' => 'me',
             'user' => 'myself',
             'port' => '8529',
             'httpd' => '/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd',


perl v5.8.8                                      2005-10-20                               Apache::TestRun(3)

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