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FTPUSERS(5)                 BSD File Formats Manual                FTPUSERS(5)

     ftpusers, ftpchroot -- tnftpd(8) access control file

     The ftpusers file provides user access control for tnftpd(8) by defining which users may login.

     If the ftpusers file does not exist, all users are denied access.

     A ``\'' is the escape character; it can be used to escape the meaning of the comment character, or if
     it is the last character on a line, extends a configuration directive across multiple lines.  A ``#''
     is the comment character, and all characters from it to the end of line are ignored (unless it is
     escaped with the escape character).

     The syntax of each line is:
           userglob[:groupglob][@host] [directive [class]]

     These elements are:

           userglob   matched against the user name, using fnmatch(3) glob matching (e.g, `f*').

           groupglob  matched against all the groups that the user is a member of, using fnmatch(3) glob
                      matching (e.g, `*src').

           host       either a CIDR address (refer to inet_net_pton(3)) to match against the remote address
                      (e.g, `'), or an fnmatch(3) glob to match against the remote hostname (e.g,

           directive  If ``allow'' or ``yes'' the user is allowed access.  If ``deny'' or ``no'', or
                      directive is not given, the user is denied access.

           class      defines the class to use in ftpd.conf(5).

     If class is not given, it defaults to one of the following:

           chroot  If there is a match in /etc/ftpchroot for the user.

           guest   If the user name is ``anonymous'' or `ftp'.

           real    If neither of the above is true.

     No further comparisons are attempted after the first successful match.  If no match is found, the user
     is granted access.  This syntax is backward-compatible with the old syntax.

     If a user requests a guest login, the tnftpd(8) server checks to see that both ``anonymous'' and
     ``ftp'' have access, so if you deny all users by default, you will need to add both ``anonymous allow''
     and ``ftp allow'' to /etc/ftpusers in order to allow guest logins.

     The file /etc/ftpchroot is used to determine which users will have their session's root directory
     changed (using chroot(2)), either to the directory specified in the ftpd.conf(5) chroot directive (if
     set), or to the home directory of the user.  If the file does not exist, the root directory change is
     not performed.

     The syntax is similar to ftpusers, except that the class argument is ignored.  If there's a positive
     match, the session's root directory is changed.  No further comparisons are attempted after the first
     successful match.  This syntax is backward-compatible with the old syntax.

     /etc/ftpchroot                     List of normal users who should have their ftp session's root direc-tory directory
                                        tory changed by using chroot(2).
     /etc/ftpusers                      This file.
     /usr/share/ftpd/examples/ftpusers  A sample ftpusers file.

     fnmatch(3), inet_net_pton(3), ftpd.conf(5), tnftpd(8)

BSD                            February 28, 2003                           BSD

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