networksetup -- configuration tool for network settings in System Preferences.
networksetup [-listnetworkserviceorder] [-listallnetworkservices] [-listallhardwareports]
[-detectnewhardware] [-getmacaddress hardwareport] [-getcomputername]
[-setcomputername computername] [-getinfo networkservice]
[-setmanual networkservice ip subnet router] [-setdhcp networkservice [clientid]]
[-setbootp networkservice] [-setmanualwithdhcprouter networkservice ip]
[-setv4off networkservice] [-setv6off networkservice] [-setv6automatic networkservice]
[-setv6manual networkservice address prefixLength router] [-getdnsservers networkservice]
[-setdnsservers networkservice dns1 [dns2] [...]] [-getsearchdomains networkservice]
[-setsearchdomains networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]]
[-create6to4service networkservicename] [-set6to4automatic networkservice]
[-set6to4manual networkservice relayAddress] [-getftpproxy networkservice]
[-setftpproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]
[-setftpproxystate networkservice on | off] [-getwebproxy networkservice]
[-setwebproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]
[-setwebproxystate networkservice on | off] [-getsecurewebproxy networkservice]
[-setsecurewebproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]
[-setsecurewebproxystate networkservice on | off] [-getstreamingproxy networkservice]
[-setstreamingproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]
[-setstreamingproxystate networkservice on | off] [-getgopherproxy networkservice]
[-setgopherproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]
[-setgopherproxystate networkservice on | off] [-getsocksfirewallproxy networkservice]
[-setsocksfirewallproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]
[-setsocksfirewallproxystate networkservice on | off]
[-getproxybypassdomains networkservice]
[-setproxybypassdomains networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]]
[-getpassiveftp networkservice] [-setpassiveftp networkservice on | off]
[-getairportnetwork] [-setairportnetwork network [password]] [-getairportpower]
[-setairportpower on | off] [-getnetworkserviceenabled networkservice]
[-setnetworkserviceenabled networkservice on | off]
[-createnetworkservice networkservicename hardwareport]
[-renamenetworkservice networkservice newnetworkservicename]
[-duplicatenetworkservice networkservice newnetworkservicename]
[-removenetworkservice networkservice]
[-ordernetworkservices service1 [service2] [service3] [...]]
[-getappletalk networkservice] [-setappletalk networkservice on | off]
[-getMTU hardwareport] [-setMTU hardwarePort value] [-listvalidMTUrange hardwareport]
[-getmedia hardwareport] [-setmedia hardwareport subtype [option1] [option2] [...]]
[-listvalidmedia hardwareport] [-createVLAN name parentdevice tag]
[-deleteVLAN name parentdevice tag] [-listVLANs] [-listdevicesthatsupportVLAN]
[-isBondSupported device] [-createBond name [device1] [device2] [...]] [-deleteBond bond]
[-addDeviceToBond device bond] [-removeDeviceFromBond device bond] [-listBonds]
[-showBondStatus bond] [-version] [-help] [-printcommands]
The networksetup command is used to configure network settings typically configured in the System Pref-erences Preferences
erences application. The networksetup command requires at least "admin" privileges to run.
A list of flags and their descriptions:
Displays a list of network services in the order they are contacted for a connection, along
with the corresponding port and device for each. An asterisk (*) next to a service means the
service is inactive.
Displays a list of all the network services on the server's hardware ports. An asterisk (*)
denotes that a network service is disabled.
Displays list of hardware ports with corresponding device name and ethernet address.
Detects new network hardware and creates a default network service on the hardware.
-getmacaddress hardwareport
Displays ethernet (or AirPort) address for hardwareport or device specified.
Displays the computer name.
-setcomputername computername
Sets computer name to <computername>. This name is used by AFP and AppleTalk.
-getinfo networkservice
Displays the IP address, subnet mask, router, and hardware address for the <networkservice>
that you specify.
-setmanual networkservice ip subnet router
Set the TCP/IP configuration for <networkservice> to manual with IP address set to <ip>, Subnet
Mask set to <subnet>, and Router address set to <router>.
-setdhcp networkservice [clientid]
Use this command to set the TCP/IP configuration for the specified <networkservice> to use
DHCP. The client ID is optional. Specify "Empty" for [clientid] to clear the DHCP client id.
-setbootp networkservice
Use this command to set the TCP/IP configuration for the specified <networkservice> to use
-setmanualwithdhcprouter networkservice ip
Use this command to specify a manual IP address to use for DHCP for the specified <networkser-
-setv4off networkservice
Use this command to turn IPv4 off on the specified <networkservice>.
-setv6off networkservice
Use this command to turn IPv6 off on the specified <networkservice>.
-setv6automatic networkservice
Use this command to set IPv6 to get its addresses automatically for <networkservice>.
-setv6manual ip prefixlength router
Use this command to set IPv6 to get its addresses manually for <networkservice>. Specify the ip
address, the prefix length and the router.
-getdnsservers networkservice
Displays DNS info for <networkservice>.
-setdnsservers networkservice dns1 [dns2] [...]
Use this command to specify the IP addresses of servers you want the specified <networkservice>
to use to resolve domain names. You can list any number of servers (replace dns1, dns2, and so
on with the IP addresses of domain name servers). If you want to clear all DNS entries for the
specified network service, type "empty" in place of the DNS server names.
-getsearchdomains networkservice
Displays Domain Name info for <networkservice>.
-setsearchdomains networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]
Use this command to designate the search domain for the specified <networkservice>. You can
list any number of search domains (replace domain1, domain2, and so on with the name of a local
domain). If you want to clear all search domain entries for the specified network service, type
empty in place of the domain name.
-create6to4service -<newnetworkservicename>
Use this command to create a new 6 to 4 service with name <newnetworkservicename>.
-set6to4automatic -<newnetworkservicename>
Use this command to set the 6 to 4 service such that it will get the relay address automati-cally. automatically.
-set6to4manual -<newnetworkservicename> -<relayaddress>
Use this command to set the 6 to 4 service such that it will get the relay address manually.
Specify the <relayaddress> that you would like to set.
-getftpproxy networkservice
Displays FTP proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
-setftpproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password
Set FTP proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally,
specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support.
Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
-setftpproxystate networkservice on | off
Set FTP proxy on <networkservice> to either <on> or <off>.
-getwebproxy networkservice
Displays Web proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
-setwebproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password
Set Web proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally,
specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support.
Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
-setwebproxystate networkservice on | off
Set Web proxy on <networkservice> to either <on> or <off>.
-getsecurewebproxy networkservice
Displays Secure Web proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
-setsecurewebproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password
Set Secure Web proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on.
Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy
support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
-setsecurewebproxystate networkservice on | off
Set SecureWeb proxy on <networkservice> to either <on> or <off>.
-getstreamingproxy networkservice
Displays Streaming proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
-setstreamingproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password
Set Streaming proxy for <networkservice> with <networkservice>. Turns proxy on. Optionally,
specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support.
Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
-setstreamingproxystate networkservice on | off
Set Streamingproxy on <networkservice> to either <on> or <off>.
-getgopherproxy networkservice
Displays Gopher proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
-setgopherproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password
Set Gopher proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Option-ally, Optionally,
ally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy sup-port. support.
port. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
-setgopherproxystate networkservice on | off
Set Gopher proxy on <networkservice> to either <on> or <off>.
-getsocksfirewallproxy networkservice
Displays SOCKS Firewall proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
-setsocksfirewallproxy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password
Set SOCKS Firewall proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on.
Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy
support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
-setsocksfirewallproxystate networkservice on | off
Set SOCKS Firewall proxy to either <on> or <off>.
-getproxybypassdomains networkservice
Displays Bypass Domain Names for <networkservice>.
-setproxybypassdomains networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]
Set the Bypass Domain Name Servers for <networkservice> to <domain1> [domain2] [...]. Any num-ber number
ber of Domain Name servers can be specified. Specify "Empty" for <domain1> to clear all Domain
Name entries.
-getpassiveftp networkservice
Displays whether Passive FTP is on or off for <networkservice>.
-setpassiveftp networkservice on | off
Set Passive FTP to either <on> or <off>.
-setautoproxyurl networkservice url
Set proxy auto-config to url for <networkservice> and enable it.
-getautoproxyurl networkservice
Displays proxy auto-config (url, enabled) info for <networkservice>.
-setsocksfirewallproxystate networkservice on | off
Set SOCKS Firewall proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Displays current AirPort Network.
-setairportnetwork network [password]
Set AirPort Network to <network> using optional [password] if specified.
Displays whether AirPort power is on or off.
-setairportpower on | off
Set AirPort power to either <on> or <off>.
-getnetworkserviceenabled networkservice
Displays whether a service is on or off (enabled or disabled).
-setnetworkserviceenabled networkservice on | off
Use this command to turn the specified network service on or off (enable or disable).
-createnetworkservice networkservicename hardwareport
Create a service named <networkservice> on port <hardwareport>. The new service will be enabled
by default.
-renamenetworkservice networkservice newnetworkservicename
Use this command to rename the specified network service <networkservice> to <newnetworkservi-
-duplicatenetworkservice networkservice newnetworkservicename
Use this command to duplicate an existing network service <networkservice> and rename it to the
specified name <newnetworkservicename>.
-removenetworkservice networkservice
Use this command to delete a network service <networkservice>. You cannot use this command to
delete the last remaining service for a hardware port. To do so, you use the -setnetworkser-viceenabled -setnetworkserviceenabled
viceenabled command.
-ordernetworkservices service1 [service2] [service3] [...]
Use this command to designate the order network services are contacted on the specified hard-ware hardware
ware port. Name the network you want contacted first, then the second, and so on. Use "listnet-workserviceorder" "listnetworkserviceorder"
workserviceorder" to view current service order. Note: use quotes around service names which
contain spaces (ie. "Built-in Ethernet").
-getappletalk networkservice
Displays whether AppleTalk is on or off (enabled or disabled) on <networkservice>.
-setappletalk networkservice on | off
Set AppleTalk to either <on> or <off> (enabled or disabled) on <networkservice>.
-setMTUAndMediaAutomatically hardwarePort
Set hardwareport or device specified back to automatically setting the MTU and Media.
-getMTU hardwareport
Get the MTU value for hardwareport or device specified.
-setMTU hardwarePort value
Set MTU for hardwareport or device specified.
-listValidMTURange hardwareport
List the valid MTU range for hardwareport or device specified.
-getMedia hardwareport
Show both the current setting for media and the active media on hardwareport or device speci-fied. specified.
-setMedia hardwareport subtype [option1] [option2] [...]
Set media for hardwareport or device specified to subtype. Specify optional [option1] and addi-tional additional
tional options depending on subtype. Any number of valid options can be specified.
-listValidMedia hardwareport
List valid media options for hardwareport or device name. Enumerates available subtypes and
options per subtype.
-createVLAN name parentdevice tag
Create a VLAN with the name <name> over the parent device <parentdevice> and with the tag
-deleteVLAN name parentdevice tag
Delete the VLAN with the name <name> over the parent device <parentdevice> and with the tag
List the VLANs that have been created.
List the devices that support VLANs.
-isBondSupported device
Displays YES if the device can be added to a bond. NO if it cannot.
-createBond name [device1] [device2] [...]
Create a bond with the user-defined-name name and optionally add any listed devices if they
support bonding.
-deleteBond bond
Delete the bond with the specified device-name.
-addDeviceToBond device bond
Add device to bond.
-removeDeviceFromBond device bond
Remove device from bond.
List of all bonds.
-showBondStatus bond
Display the status of the specified bond.
List all PPPoE services in the current set.
-showpppoestatus name
Display the status of the PPPoE service with the specified name.
-createpppoeservice device name account password [pppoeName]
Create a PPPoE service on the specified device with the service name specified.
-deletepppoeservice service
Delete the service.
-setpppoeaccountname service account
Set the account name for the service.
-setpppoepassword service password
Set the password for the service.
-connectpppoeservice service
Connect the service.
-disconnectpppoeservice service
Disconnect the service.
Displays version of networksetup tool.
-help Displays a list of all the commands available in the Network Setup Tool, with explanatory
Displays a list of commands with no detail.
networksetup -listallnetworkservices
networksetup -setmanual "Built-in Ethernet"
networksetup -setdnsservers "Built-in Ethernet"
networksetup -setsearchdomains "Built-in Ethernet"
networksetup -setwebproxy "Built-in Ethernet" 80
networksetup -setwebproxy "Built-In Ethernet" 80 On authusername authpassword
networksetup -duplicatenetworkservice "Built-In Ethernet" "Local LAN"
networksetup -getdnsservers "Built-In Ethernet"
networksetup -setMTU en0 1500
networksetup -setMedia en0 autoselect
networksetup -setMedia en0 100baseTX half-duplex
networksetup -createBond MyBond en0 en1
networksetup -addDeviceToBond en0 bond0
Mac OS X April 16, 2002 Mac OS X