YPXFR(8) BSD System Manager's Manual YPXFR(8)
ypxfr -- get a YP map from YP server
ypxfr [-bcf] [-d domain] [-h host] [-s domain] [-C tid prog ipadd port] mapname
ypxfr is the utiliy in YP that transfers maps to the local host.
Since the YP master transfers a map when it has changed, an YP slave should check for missed maps regu-lary. regulary.
lary. This can be done via an entry in crontab(5). The scripts ypxfr_1perhour, ypxfr_2perday and
ypxfr_1perday could be used for that.
The options are as follows:
-b Preserve the entry in the database informing a YP server to use DNS to get information about
unknown hosts. This option will only have effect on the two maps hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr.
-c Don't send a "Clear current map" to local ypserv process. Useful if ypserv isn't running localy
to avoid timeout message.
-f Force map transfer, even if version of master is older than local copy.
-d domain
Don't use default domain, use the specifiyed domain.
-h host
Get map from host insteed of the maps master host.
-s domain
Specify a source domain other than the target domain.
-C tid prog ipadd port
This option is only used by ypserv. This is to open communication with an yppush on another
yp(8), yppush(8), ypserv(8)
Mats O Jansson <moj@stacken.kth.se>
BSD August 18, 1994 BSD