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This document is a Mac OS X manual page. Manual pages are a command-line technology for providing documentation. You can view these manual pages locally using the man(1) command. These manual pages come from many different sources, and thus, have a variety of writing styles.

For more information about the manual page format, see the manual page for manpages(5).

swaplist(n)            A dialog which allows a user to move options between two lists            swaplist(n)


       swaplist - A dialog which allows a user to move options between two lists

       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require Tk  8.4

       package require swaplist  ?0.1?

       ::swaplist::swaplist pathName variable completeList selectedList ?options?


       This  package  provides  a  dialog  which  consists  of 2 listboxes, along with buttons to move items
       between them and reorder the right list.

       ::swaplist::swaplist pathName variable completeList selectedList ?options?
              Creates a dialog which presents the user with a pair of listboxes. Items are selected by using
              the  buttons  to  move  them  to the right list. The contents of the right list are put in the
              variable upon closure of the dialog.  The command returns a boolean  indicating  if  the  user
              pressed  OK  or  not.  If  -geometry  is  not  specified, the dialog is centered in its parent
              toplevel unless its parent is . in which case the dialog is centered in the screen.


              -embed if this flag is supplied, the procedure will create a swaplist widget  named  pathName,
              with the variable set as the
                     listvariable for the right side listbox. This flag  will  also  cause  the  -title  and
                     -geometry flags to be ignored.

              -reorder  boolean  specifying  if  buttons  allowing the user to change the order of the right
              listbox should appear or not. defaults to true

              -title sets the title of the dialog window. defaults to "Configuration"

              -llabel sets the heading above the left list. defaults to "Available:"

              -rlabel sets the heading above the right list. defaults to "Selected:"

              -lbuttontext sets the text on the "move left" button. defaults to "<<"

              -rbuttontext sets the text on the "move right" button. defaults to ">>"

              -ubuttontext sets the text on the "move up" button. defaults to "Move Up"

              -dbuttontext sets the text on the "move down" button. defaults to "Move Down"

              -geometry sets the geometry of the dialog window. screen.

       package require swaplist
       namespace import swaplist::*

       if {[swaplist .slist opts "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" "1 3 5"]} {
           puts "user chose numbers: $ops"

       dialog, disjointlistbox, listbox

swaplist                                             0.1                                         swaplist(n)

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