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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

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addTemporaryAttributes instance method 1
addTextContainer instance method 1
backgroundLayoutEnabled instance method 1
boundingRectForGlyphRange instance method 1
boundsRectForTextBlock instance method 1
boundsRectForTextBlockAtIndex instance method 1
characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
characterRangeForGlyphRange instance method 1
defaultAttachmentScaling instance method 1
defaultLineHeightForFont instance method 1
delegate instance method 1
deleteGlyphsInRange instance method 1
drawBackgroundForGlyphRange instance method 1
drawGlyphsForGlyphRange instance method 1
drawsOutsideLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
drawStrikethroughForGlyphRange instance method 1
drawUnderlineForGlyphRange instance method 1
extraLineFragmentRect instance method 1
extraLineFragmentTextContainer instance method 1
extraLineFragmentUsedRect instance method 1
firstTextView instance method 1
firstUnlaidCharacterIndex instance method 1
firstUnlaidGlyphIndex instance method 1
fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint instance method 1
glyphAtIndex instance method 1
glyphAttributeForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
glyphIndexForPoint instance method 1
GlyphInscribeAbove constant 1
GlyphInscribeBase constant 1
GlyphInscribeBelow constant 1
GlyphInscribeOverBelow constant 1
GlyphInscribeOverstrike constant 1
glyphRangeForBoundingRect instance method 1
glyphRangeForBoundingRectWithoutAdditionalLayout instance method 1
glyphRangeForCharacterRange instance method 1
glyphRangeForTextContainer instance method 1
glyphsInRange instance method 1
hyphenationFactor instance method 1
insertGlyphAtGlyphIndex instance method 1
insertTextContainerAtIndex instance method 1
invalidateDisplayForCharacterRange instance method 1
invalidateDisplayForGlyphRange instance method 1
invalidateGlyphsForCharacterRange instance method 1
invalidateLayoutForCharacterRange instance method 1
isValidGlyphIndex instance method 1
layoutManagerDidCompleteLayoutForTextContainer delegate method 1
layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout delegate method 1
layoutManagerOwnsFirstResponderInWindow instance method 1
layoutRectForTextBlock instance method 1
layoutRectForTextBlockAtIndex instance method 1
lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
locationForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
notShownAttributeForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
NSLayoutManager constructor method 1
numberOfGlyphs instance method 1
rangeOfNominallySpacedGlyphsContainingIndex instance method 1
rectArrayForCharacterRange instance method 1
rectArrayForGlyphRange instance method 1
removeTemporaryAttribute instance method 1
removeTextContainerAtIndex instance method 1
replaceGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
replaceTextStorage instance method 1
rulerAccessoryViewForTextView instance method 1
rulerMarkersForTextView instance method 1
setBackgroundLayoutEnabled instance method 1
setBoundsRect instance method 1
setCharacterIndexForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
setDefaultAttachmentScaling instance method 1
setDelegate instance method 1
setDrawsOutsideLineFragmentForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
setExtraLineFragmentRect instance method 1
setGlyphAttributeForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
setHyphenationFactor instance method 1
setLayoutRect instance method 1
setLineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
setLocationForStartOfGlyphRange instance method 1
setNotShownForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
setShowsControlCharacters instance method 1
setShowsInvisibleCharacters instance method 1
setTemporaryAttributes instance method 1
setTextContainerForGlyphRange instance method 1
setTextStorage instance method 1
setTypesetterBehavior instance method 1
setUsesScreenFonts instance method 1
showAttachmentCell instance method 1
showsControlCharacters instance method 1
showsInvisibleCharacters instance method 1
strikethroughGlyphRange instance method 1
substituteFontForFont instance method 1
temporaryAttributesAtCharacterIndex instance method 1
textContainerChangedGeometry instance method 1
textContainerChangedTextView instance method 1
textContainerForGlyphAtIndex instance method 1
textContainers instance method 1
textStorage instance method 1
textStorageChanged instance method 1
textViewForBeginningOfSelection instance method 1
typesetterBehavior instance method 1
TypesetterBehavior_10_2 constant 1
TypesetterBehavior_10_2_WithCompatibility constant 1
TypesetterBehavior_10_3 constant 1
TypesetterBehavior_10_4 constant 1
TypesetterLatestBehavior constant 1
TypesetterOriginalBehavior constant 1
underlineGlyphRange instance method 1
usedRectForTextContainer instance method 1
usesScreenFonts instance method 1

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© 1997, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-02-01)

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