
Java Client-Side Components

Java client-side components are a feature of WebObjects that enables Java applets on the client browser to synchronize state with the associated component on the server side. Using this feature, applets can also cause the invocation of action methods in the server. This chapter describes the advantages and design of Java client-side components. It also explains how to integrate client-side components into a WebObjects application and how to make your own client-side components.

Table of Contents

If Client-Side Components Do Not Work
How Client-Side Components Work

Integrating Client-Side Components
1. Place dynamic-element markers (WEBOBJECT) in the HTML file
2. Make the appropriate WOApplet bindings
3. Declare and initialize variables for bound keys
4. Implement methods for bound actions
Making Your Own Java Client-Side Components
Implementing the SimpleAssociationDestination Interface
Creating a Subclass of Association

Related Topics

Java Support Classes Reference
Client-Side Applet Controls
First Section