The Direct to Web Framework consists of a number of components that are used to generate the pages you see in your application. Each property in a query, list, edit, or inspect page is shown in a default way.
For example, the figure below shows a list page for the Movie entity. It illustrates some of the components that can be used to display properties.
The Studio, Directors, and Roles properties are relationships:
By default, all to-many relationships are displayed using DisplayToManyFault, and to-one relationships use DisplayToOneFault.
Note: If Pick is disabled, there is no choice of components for the selected property.
In this example, the DisplayToMany component is used to display the directors. This component shows all the records in the relationship, identified by a target key, which you also select from a list. The target keys for Directors are firstName and lastName . In addition, Direct to Web provides a default key called userPresentableDescription , which is usually a combination of the relationship's keys. The example shown in the list page above uses this key to show both the last and first names of the directors.
Note: In the example shown, there happens to be only one director per movie.