New Methods
Returns a dictionary containing the default values to be used for newly inserted objects. The keys into the dictionary are the properties of the entity that the display group manages. If the dictionary returned by this method is empty, the insert method adds an object that is initially empty. Because the object is empty, the display group has no value to display in the user interface for that object, meaning that there is nothing for the user to select and modify. Use the setInsertedObjectDefaultValues: method to set up a default value so that there is something to display.
Sets the default values to be used for newly inserted objects. You use this method to provide at least one field that can be displayed for the newly inserted object. The possible keys into the dictionary are the properties of the entity managed by this display group. Note that EODisplayGroup already contains other hooks for this purpose, such as displayGroup:shouldInsertObject:atIndex: (displayGroupShouldInsertObject in Java).
Returns a dictionary of operators to use on items in the equalToQueryValues dictionary. If a key in the equalToQueryValues dictionary also exists in queryOperatorValues, that operator for that key is used. The possible values are defined in the EOQualifier header.
Sets a dictionary of operators to use on items in the equalToQueryValues dictionary.
Returns the operator used to perform pattern matching for NSString values in the equalToQueryValues dictionary. This operator is used for properties listed in the equalToQueryValues dictionary that have NSString values and that do not have an associated entry in the queryOperator dictionary. In these cases, the operator returned by this method is used to perform pattern matching.
The default value for the query match operator is caseInsensitiveLike, which means that the query does not consider case when matching letters. The other possible value for this operator is like, which matches the case of the letters exactly.
Sets the operator used to perform pattern matching for NSString values in the equalToQueryValues dictionary.
This format is used for properties listed in the equalToQueryValues dictionary that have NSString values and that do not have an associated entry in the queryOperator dictionary. In these cases, the value is matched using pattern matching and the format returned by this method specifies how it will be matched.
The default format string for pattern matching is "%@*" which means that the string value in the equalToQueryValues dictionary is used as a prefix. For example, if the equalToQueryValues dictionary contains a value "Jo" for the key "name", the query returns all records whose name values begin with "Jo".
Sets how pattern matching will be performed on NSString values in the equalToQueryValues dictionary.
Added to support the binding of complex qualifiers to the user interface (see the section "Binding to Complex Qualifiers"). This method returns an NSDictionary containing the actual values that the user wants to query upon.
Added to support the binding of complex qualifiers to the user interface (see the section "Binding to Complex Qualifiers"). This method sets the NSDictionary containing the actual values that the user wants to query upon.