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WODirectAction Class

The main purpose of WODirectAction is to act as a repository for action methods. WODirectAction also defines these methods, which you can use in your actions:
Method Description
initWithRequest: (Objective-C) WODirectAction (Java) Subclasses must override to provide any additional initialization.
request Returns the WORequest object that initiated the action.
session Returns the current session. If there is no session, which is a possibility if the application is written entirely with direct actions, this method creates a new session before returning it.
existingSession Attempts to restore and then return the session based upon the request. If the request didn't have a session ID or the session ID referred to a non-existent session, this method returns nil (null in Java).
pageWithName: Creates and returns an instance of WOComponent with the specified name.
takeFormValuesforKeyArray: Extracts input values from the request URL and assigns them to the WODirectAction instance using takeValue:forKey:. The argument is an NSArray of keys.
takeFormValuesForKeys: (Objective-C only) Extracts input values from the request URL. The argument is a comma-separated list of NSStrings.
takeFormValueArraysForKeyArray: Extracts input values from the request URL where the values are arrays. The argument is an NSArray of keys.
takeFormValueArraysForKeys: (Objective-C only) Extracts input values from the request URL where the values are arrays. The argument is a comma-separated list of NSStrings.
performActionNamed: Performs the action with the specified name and returns the result of that action.

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