PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > Enterprise Objects Framework's User Defaults

Enterprise Objects Framework's User Defaults


This document lists the user defaults that Enterprise Objects Framework uses to customize its behavior. For information on how to set these defaults, see the NSUserDefaults class specification in the Foundation Reference.

Defaults for Enterprise Objects Framework

The following table lists the defaults used to customize the behavior of the classes in the Framework.

Default NameDescription
EOAdaptorDebugEnabledA boolean value that determines whether the access layer logs database server interactions, including connection attempts, transaction activity (begin, rollback, commit), and SQL statements (SELECT, UPDATE, and so on). The default is NO, not to log. For more information, see the EOAdaptorContext methods: setDebugEnabledDefault, debugEnabledDefault.
EOAdaptorQuotesExternalNamesA boolean value that determines whether EOSQLExpressions quote external names when they are referenced in SQL statements. The default behavior is NO, not to quote. For more information, see the EOSQLExpression methods setUseQuotedExternalNames and useQuotedExternalNames
EOAdaptorUseBindVariablesA boolean value that determines whether the access layer's SQL generation process uses bind variables (for Oracle and Informix). The default is YES, to use bind variables. For more information, see the EOSQLExpression methods setUseBindVariables and useBindVariables.
EODeferredFaultDebugLevelAn integer value that the determines the level of logging the access layer performs as it creates and fires deferred faults. A value of 0 (the default) disables logging, a value of 1 logs messages when deferred faults are created, and a value of 2 or greater logs messages when deferred faults are created or fired. It can be helpful to enable logging when you're debugging a custom enterprise object class that uses deferred fault creation.
EOEventLoggingEnabledA boolean value that determines whether event logging is enabled for event classes as they are registered. For more information, see the EOEventCenter method registerEventClass (in Objective-C, registerEventClass:classPointer: and registerEventClass:handler:). The default is NO, logging isn't enabled.
EOEventLoggingLimitAn integer value that sets the maximum number of events the event logging system logs. When the logging limit is reached, the logging system attempts to purge old events before logging new ones. If the system is unable to purge old events, event logging is aborted. The default logging limit is 200,000. For more information, see the EOEventCenter method markStartOfEvent.
EOEventLoggingOverflowDisplayA boolean value that determines whether the event logging system logs a message when the event logging limit is reached. If YES, it logs messages when the event center truncates the log and also when event logging is aborted due to overflow.
EOFDebugEditingContextA boolean value that determines whether the control layer logs a message when an object is changed. The logging occurs as the result of registering an undo operation with an undo manager, and the message has the form "Record Undo for object...". The default is NO, not to log messages.
EOLockingDebugEnabledA boolean value that determines whether Enterprise Objects Framework logs messages when code that needs to be protected by a lock:
  • Is accessed when no lock is in place
  • Is accessed by a thread that isn't the lock holder
NSProjectSearchPathAn array of paths in which EOAccess searches for framework project directories that contain models. The default is "../..", so during development, your application uses changes made to your project's model without rebuilding.

Defaults for the Informix Adaptor

The following table lists the defaults used to customize the behavior of the Informix Adaptor.

Default NameDescription
InformixDefaultIsolationLevelIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:


The default is "COMMITTED READ". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixGlobalConstraintsIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:


The default is "ALL IMMEDIATE". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixGlobalDataSkipIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:


The default is "DEFAULT". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixGlobalExplainIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:

SET EXPLAIN DefaultValue

The default is "OFF". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixGlobalLockModeIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:


The default is "WAIT". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixGlobalOptimizationIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:


The default is "HIGH". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixGlobalPDQPriorityIf this default is set, the Informix adaptor sends the following command to the Informix server:


The default is "LOW". For more information on the effects of this setting, see your Informix server documentation.
InformixInformixTableNamesSQL An SQL statement (a quoted string) that determines the tables to include in a new model. The default statement is
SELECT tabname, owner, tabid
FROM informix.systables
WHERE (tabid > 99) and (tabname <> 'ANSI')
ORDER BY tabname

InformixShowSystablesA string that determines whether system tables appear in a new model. The default is "NO", not to show system tables.
InformixShowTableOwnerA string that determines whether the table owner is included in the external names of entities in a new model. The default is "YES", to include the owner in an entity's external name.

Defaults for the Oracle Adaptor

The following table lists the defaults used to customize the behavior of the Oracle adaptor.

Default NameDescription
EOOracleDecimalSeparatorA string value that sets the character used as the decimal separator in numbers sent to an Oracle database server. The default is the period character ("."). You would set this default if your NLS_LANG setting requires the client libraries to use a character other than the default.
EOOracleTableNamesSQLAn SQL statement (a quoted string) that describes the tables to include in a new model. The default statement is

If you want the model reverse engineering process to look at a subset of the tables in a given database, you can provide your own SQL statement, such as
WHERE table_name NOT IN ('MY_USELESS', 'FOO')

EOOracleUseNoWaitLocksControls whether Oracle uses NOWAIT locks. The default is NO.

Defaults for the Sybase Adaptor

The following table lists the defaults used to customize the behavior of the Sybase adaptor.

Default NameDescription
EOSybaseInterfacesFile The path (a string) to an interface file with which the Sybase adaptor initializes the client library. This default is not applicable on Windows NT.
EOSybaseTableNamesSQL An SQL statement (a quoted string) that determines the tables to include in a new model. The default statement is
select name
from sysobjects
where type = 'U' or type = 'V'

EOSybaseAttributeSQL An SQL statement (a quoted string) used to get attribute information for a given table during new model creation. The default is
SELECT attr_name, b.type attr_type, type_name, b.allownulls allownulls,
     c.type primary_key, a.length width,
     a.prec prec, a.scale scale
FROM syscolumns a, systypes b, syskeys c
WHERE = object_id('%@') and *= and
     (a.colid *= c.key1 or a.colid *= c.key2
     or a.colid *= c.key3 or a.colid *= c.key4) and
     (c.type = 1 or c.type is null) and
     a.usertype = b.usertype and
     datalength( > 0

EOSybaseRelationshipSQL An SQL statement (a quoted string) used to get relationship information during new model creation. The default is
SELECT a.keycnt, tname, cname, dtname, dcname
FROM syskeys a, sysobjects b, syscolumns c,
     sysobjects d, syscolumns e
WHERE (b.type = 'U' or b.type = 'V') and
     a.depid is not null and a.depid > 0 and = and =  and
     ((c.colid = a.key1 and e.colid = a.depkey1) or
     (c.colid = a.key2 and e.colid = a.depkey2) or
     (c.colid = a.key3 and e.colid = a.depkey3) or
     (c.colid = a.key4 and e.colid = a.depkey4))
     and = a.depid and =

EOSybaseStoreProcedureSQL An SQL statement (a quoted string) used to get the stored procedures to include in a new model. The default is
SELECT name, id FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P'

EOSybaseStoredProcedureDetailsSQLAn SQL statement (a quoted string) used to get stored procedure information for a given stored procedure during new model creation. The default is
sp_sproc_columns %@

Defaults for EOModeler

The following table lists the defaults used to customize the behavior of EOModeler.

Default NameDescription
BundlesToLoadAn array that lists the paths in which EOModeler looks for extensions. Remember to include parentheses when you set it. For example:

defaults write EOModeler BundlesToLoad "(/System/Developer/Applications/, $HOME/eoexamples/ModelerBundle/ModelerBundle.bundle) "
DisableAdvancedOptionsA boolean value that determines whether EOModeler runs in simplified mode. If set to YES, the advanced inspectors don't appear, the choices of table view columns is limited, and so on. The default is NO.
DisableAttributeDetailsA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies attribute definitions. It verifies that:
  • Attributes with NSNumber as a value class have a value type defined.
  • That attributes with a custom value class have a value factory method and a adaptor value conversion method set.
  • The source attributes of a relationship that propagate primary keys contain the source entity's primary key attributes; that the destination attributes contain the primary key attributes of the destination entity, and that the inverse relationship doesn't also propagate primary key.
The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisableConsistencyCheckOnSaveA boolean value that determines whether EOModeler runs the consistency checker when a model is saved. The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisableEntityStoredProcedureA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies that an entity's stored procedures (for performing a particular operation) match the entity's attributes. The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisableExternalNameCheckA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies the existence of external names in entities and attributes (and the existence of a value class for attributes). The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisableInheritanceCheckA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies entity inheritance relationships. It verifies that:
  • All the attributes in the parent entity exist in the child.
  • The relationships in the parent exist in the child, and their relationship definitions match.
  • The primary key definition in the parent matches the primary key definition in the child.
  • The parent and child have restricting qualifiers if their columns reside in the same table.
The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisablePrimaryKeyCheckA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies the existence of primary key definitions. The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisableRelationshipCheckA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies relationship definitions. It verifies that:
  • All relationships have at least one join defined.
  • The destination attributes of to one relationships are the primary keys of the destination entities.
  • The source attributes of a relationship that propagate primary keys contain the source entity's primary key attributes; that the destination attributes contain the primary key attributes of the destination entity, and that the inverse relationship doesn't also propagate primary key.
The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
DisableStoredProcedureCheckA boolean value that determines whether the consistency checker verifies the existence of external names for stored procedures and their attributes. The default value is NO, the consistency check is not disabled (the check is performed). You can set this default in EOModeler's preferences panel.
RecordFetchLimitAn integer that specifies how many rows the Data Browser fetches before asking users if they want to fetch all, fetch another n rows, or stop fetching. The default is 100.
SkipBeautifyNamesOnModelCreationA boolean value that determines the naming scheme used for entity and attribute names in new models. If YES, EOModeler uses the database table and column names as the entity and attribute names (including case). If NO, EOModeler beautifies the names as described in the EOEntity and EOAttribute methods beautifyName. The default is NO.
