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Enterprise Objects Framework Release Notes  Copyright 1998-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Enterprise Objects Framework 4.5
Release Notes

Last Updated March 24, 2000

This document lists those problems known to exist in the Enterprise Objects Framework (which is a major component of WebObjects 4.5). Release notes for the remaining portions of WebObjects are listed separately and can be found here.

Among the documention supplied with this release is "What's New in WebObjects 4.5", which details those features that are new or have substantially changed since the last release of WebObjects. As well, "WebObjects Post-Installation Instructions" details a number of important steps you may need to take--depending on your particular configuration--after installing WebObjects.

Obtaining and Installing Database Client Libraries on Windows NT

To use Enterprise Objects Framework on Windows NT, you must have the appropriate database client libraries, which you must purchase from your database vendor.


Phone: (800) 542-1170 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: Oracle 8 Client

The Oracle adaptor on NT requires the Oracle 8.0, 7.3, or 7.2 Client Library. It won't work with the 7.1 libraries.

On Windows NT, using the latest release of the Oracle client library (8.0) requires you to use SQL*Net v2, which requires a tnsnames.ora file. tnsnames.ora is a file that you put on client machines, generally in the directory Orant/Network/Admin or Orant/Net80/Admin. The file contains information needed to connect to a server over the network. Entries in tnsnames.ora are keyed off of a server ID alias, and they include information such as the server ID, the host machine name, and the network protocol used by the client library to resolve the server ID alias. An entry in tnsnames.ora might resemble the following:

(HOST=myMachine) (PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=eof)))

Oracle provides tools you can use to create tnsnames.ora files. Refer to your Oracle documentation for more information on tnsnames.ora files and the tools you can use to create them.

If you're using the 7.2 version of the Oracle client libraries on Windows NT, you can use either SQL*Net v1 or SQL*Net v2. To use SQL*Net v1, you should set your adaptor's connectionDictionary serverId entry to



Phone: (800) 331-1763 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: ESQL/C version 7.23.TC9 for Win32

If you get the error "INFORMIXSERVER not in sqlhosts file (25596)" but can connect to your database server using the Informix ilogin program, you may need to run SetNet32 to update the environment variables used by Informix.

The Informix client libraries appear to have redundant sources of server information. They use the sqlhosts file ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts) as well as a collection of environment variables managed by the Setnet32 program.

See your Informix documentation for more information on the sqlhosts file and the Setnet32 program.


Phone: (800) 685-8225 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: OpenClient/C Version 11.1

Obtaining and Installing Database Client Libraries on Solaris

To use Enterprise Objects Framework on Solaris, you must have the appropriate database client libraries.

Here's what you need:


Phone: (800) 542-1170 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: 8.0 SQLNet V2 TCP/IP Client libraries

The Oracle adaptor on Solaris requires the Oracle 8.0 or 7.3 Client Library. The makefiles are configured for 7.3 or 8.0 (they default to 7.3); with some modifications of the makefiles, you can also link with 7.2.


Phone: (800) 331-1763 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: ESQL/C Version 7.23.UC9

If you get the error "INFORMIXSERVER not in sqlhosts file (25596)" but can connect to your database server using the Informix ilogin program, you may need to run SetNet32 to update the environment variables used by Informix.

The Informix client libraries appear to have redundant sources of server information. They use the sqlhosts file ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts) as well as a collection of environment variables managed by the Setnet32 program.

See your Informix documentation for more information on the sqlhosts file and the Setnet32 program.


Phone: (800) 685-8225 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: OpenClient/C Version 11.1

Linking Against the Adaptor

On Solaris applications must explicitly link against the adaptor framework and the client libraries. New makefiles look for adaptor frameworks and automatically add in the right linker arguments. Simply add the adaptor framework to your project, and set the requisite environment variable specifying where the client libraries are installed. For Oracle set ORACLE_HOME and optionally ORACLE_REL. (The ORACLE_REL flag controls which set of libraries are used. It uses the Oracle 7.3 static link libraries by default, but you can also specify "8.0-static" or "7.3-dynamic".) For Sybase set SYBASE_HOME. For Informix set INFORMIX_HOME.

If you use dynamic libraries on Solaris, you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when running your application.

Obtaining and Installing Database Client Libraries on HP-UX

To use Enterprise Objects Framework on HP-UX, you must have the appropriate database client libraries.


Phone: (800) 542-1170 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: 8.0 SQLNet V2 TCP/IP Client libraries

The Oracle adaptor on HP-UX requires the Oracle 8.0 or 7.3 Client Library. The makefiles are configured for 7.3 or 8.0 (they default to 7.3); with some modifications of the makefiles, you can also link with 7.2.


Phone: (800) 331-1763 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: ESQL/C Version 7.23.UC6

If you get the error "INFORMIXSERVER not in sqlhosts file (25596)" but can connect to your database server using the Informix ilogin program, you may need to run SetNet32 to update the environment variables used by Informix.

The Informix client libraries appear to have redundant sources of server information. They use the sqlhosts file ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts) as well as a collection of environment variables managed by the Setnet32 program.

See your Informix documentation for more information on the sqlhosts file and the Setnet32 program.


Phone: (800) 685-8225 or call your local sales representative

Ask for: OpenClient/C Version 11.1

Linking Against the Adaptor

On HP-UX applications must explicitly link against the adaptor framework and the client libraries. New makefiles look for adaptor frameworks and automatically add in the right linker arguments. Simply add the adaptor framework to your project, and set the requisite environment variable specifying where the client libraries are installed. For Oracle set ORACLE_HOME and optionally ORACLE_REL. (The ORACLE_REL flag controls which set of libraries are used. It uses the Oracle 7.3 static link libraries by default, but you can also specify "8.0-static" or "7.3-dynamic".) For Sybase set SYBASE_HOME. For Informix set INFORMIX_HOME.

Known Problems in This Release

Enterprise Objects Framework

Problem The EOF documentation implies that only a single SELECT statement is needed to perform a deep fetch when all the subentities of the fetch specification's entity map to the same table. However, only one specific case is handled with a single SELECT. In the general case, one SELECT is issued for each subentity.
Description EOF 4.5 performs one SELECT for an inheritance hierarchy if each subentity is mapped to the same table and if each subentity either has a restricting qualifier of the form "attr = val", where "attr" is the same for all subentities and "val" is unique to each subentity, or the subentity is abstract and has no restricting qualifier. If some subentity doesn't qualify for the optimization, then its parent also doesn't qualify. However, if some subtree of an inheritance hierarchy qualifies for the single table fetch, then that subtree is fetched in one SELECT even though other subentities of the parent entity have to be fetched individually.
Workaround     Arrange your single table inheritance heirarchy so that it meets the optimization criteria.
Problem Concurrent multithreaded saves may bypass optimistic locking check
Description Although it has not yet been verified, EOF may have a brief window where two sessions modifying the same object will get last-one-wins behavior, instead of a merge (which is still last-one-wins at the attribute level). For example:
Editing context 1 locks, modifies object 1
Editing context 2 locks, modifies object 1
Editing context 1 saves changes, unlocks, change notification enqueued on editing context 1
Editing context 2 saves its modifications to object 1 without merging in editing context 1's modifications
Workaround     None.
Problem An NSNumber primary key with a value of 0 is assumed to mean NULL, invoking EOF's primary key generation (perhaps erroneously).
Description Starting in EOF 2.2, EODatabaseContext assumes that an object with a single attribute primary key with a value of zero indicates a newly created instance. And as such, EOF attempts to get a new primary key for the object using the delegate hook or the adaptor-specific primary key generation mechanism. This change allows you to use scalar data types in your EO's (like "int") for primary keys, and still rely on EOF's automatic primary key generation. Unfortunately, if you have an existing database rows with primary keys of 0, attempts to update corresponding enterprise objects cause the EODatabaseContext to incorrectly attempt to get a new primary key. This can leave invalid foreign key refernces in other tables.
Workaround     Implement the EODatabaseContext delegate method databaseContext:newPrimaryKeyForObject:entity: and catch the case where the framework will mistakenly get a new key.

From EODatabaseContext.h
- (NSDictionary *)databaseContext:(EODatabaseContext *)context
entity:(EOEntity *)entity;
// If a newly inserted EO doesn't already have have a primary key set,
// this delegate is called to generate a key. If the delegate is not implemented,
// or returns nil, then the DatabaseContext will call
// [EOAdaptorChannel primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity:(EOEntity *)entity]
// to attempt to generate the key.

Example delegate implementation:
model = [[EOModelGroup defaultGroup] modelNamed:@"myModel"];
dbContext = [EODatabaseContext registeredDatabaseContextForModel:model editingContext:editingContext];
[dbContext setDelegate:self];

- (NSDictionary *)databaseContext:(EODatabaseContext *)context
entity:(EOEntity *)entity
if (entity == entityThatIKnowHasAValidRowWithAKeyOfZero)
æif ([[object valueForKey:primaryKeyThatCanBeZero] isEqual:[NSNumber zero]])
return [NSNumber zero];
return nil;
Problem Seemingly innocuous qualified fetch always causes exception.
Description Some qualified fetches raise exceptions because values in the SQL have been formatted as strings when they should have been formatted as some other type. This can happen when you enter an invalid external type or when a Sybase model doesn't contain information about user-defined types that are used in the model.
Workaround     In the case of an invalid external type, simply correct it. In the case of a user defined type, create a new model by reverse engineering the database. The new model's connection dictionary contains information about user-defined types. Copy the connection dictionary from the new model to the original one.
Problem Enterprise Objects Framework can't update attributes whose internal types are custom (such as NSImages).
Description A custom value class must implement isEqual: to be used for attributes marked as used for locking.
Workaround     Implement isEqual: in the custom value class or don't mark the attribute as used for locking.
Problem The set of valid values for the databaseEncoding entry of a connection dictionary are not documented, and the set can vary in different locales.
Description A connection dictionary's databaseEncoding entry contains the localized name for the string encoding. The localized names are not documented. Furthermore, the localized names for string encodings can vary with the user's locale. Consequently, the specified encoding for an application might not work for users in different locales.
Workaround     You can find the localized name for string encodings in /Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Resources/<language>.lproj/EncodingNames.strings.
Problem Schema generation may produce identifiers that are too long.
Description If your database table names are long, the names generated for constraints may be too long.
Workaround     Shorten your table names, or edit the SQL EOModeler generates to shorten the constraint names.
Problem There are problems saving changes to attributes with mutable custom value objects.
Description Suppose you have a mutable custom value type, PhoneNumber, that implements mutator methods like setAreaCode:, setPrefix:, and so on. If you modify one of these values and save changes, the enterprise object is not saved to the database.
Workaround     To use mutable value classes you must do three things:

1) In the PhoneNumber value class object, implement isEqual: to appropriately compare two instances.

2) If the PhoneNumber value is modified, it's owning enterprise object must (first) invoke [self willChange];

3) The enterprise object must provide a set method that copies rather than retains the object passed to it:

- (void)setDayTimePhone:(PhoneNumber *)number {
[dayTimePhone autorelease];
dayTimePhone = [number copy];

#1 would be required, even in a perfect world. #2 is a requirement of the basic EOF architecture. #3 is required because of a bug -- EOF should pass enterprise objects a copy of their values (currently we are passing the the same instance that's shared in the snapshot).

In general, your simplest workaround is to use immutable custom value objects.
Problem Applying a qualifier with key path to top of horizontally mapped inheritance hierarchy generates invalid SQL.
Description Enterprise Objects Framework's query building mechanism doesn't handle relationships to inheritance hierarchies. For example, suppose that you are are attempting to qualify a fetch through a to-many relationship (planes) that points to the top of a horizontally mapped inheritance hierarchy (for the entities Plane, FighterPlane, and TrainerPlane). If you want the query to test against all tables, you'd expect Enterprise Objects Framework to generate SQL similar to the following:


Instead, Enterprise Objects Framework generates the following SQL:

(t1.LENGTH <= 1000) AND

In other words, only the table for the root of the hierarchy is queried.
Workaround     You can create a qualifier that generates the correct SQL by:

1. Adding relationships in the source entity to all the tables in the inheritance hierarchy. For example, to the Airport entity, you'd add the relationships toFighters and toTrainers to the destination entities FighterPlane and TrainerPlane, respectively. Mark the relationships so they aren't class properties.

2. When building your query, explicitly list these extra relationships. In the Planes example, you'd fetch from Airport where "planes.length < 1000 OR toFigtherPlanes.length < 1000 OR toTrainerPlanes.length < 1000"

Alternatively, you might be able to solve this problem more generally by writing a post processor for EOQualifiers that splits up clauses that perform inheritance tests. The post processor could even programmatically generate the additional relationships on demand and register them with the model using names like "plane_Subclass_Fighter".

A generic EOQualifier post processor could be wired into Enterprise Objects Framework so that application writers don't have to know it exists. The right place for such a mechanism is probably in EOKeyValueQualifier's schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity: method (see EOSQLQualifier.h). You could put the post processor code in a subclass of EOKeyValueQualifier (with an appropriate call to super after the transformation, if any, is performed) and have your subclass pose as EOKeyValueQualifier.
Problem EODatabaseContext can't be the direct parentObjectStore of an EOEditingContext.
Description The EODatabaseContext requires that an EOObjectStoreCoordinator sit between it and any EOEditingContexts that it serves. This is the default configuration set up by the framework, so you shouldn't normally run into this problem. Just a reminder, you can set up an editingContext and be ready to go with this one line:

EOEditingContext *editingContext = [EOEditingContext new];
// automatically uses [EOObjectStoreCoordinator defaultCoordinator]
// as parentObjectStore

Any necessary EODatabaseContexts are created and registered automatically.
Workaround     Don't assign an EODatabaseContext as the parentObjectStore of an EOEditingContext. There's no benefit to doing so anyway.
Problem You can't update to-many relationship if the foreign key isn't marked as a class property or as used for locking.
Description Suppose that an entity's foreign key attribute isn't marked as a class property or as used for locking. If you designate the foreign key attribute as a to-many relationship's destination key, the foreign key value isn't always updated. This occurs because the destination entity doesn't know that the attribute participates in a relationship. Therefore, the destination entity doesn't fetch the foreign key from the database or update it.
Workaround     Mark attributes that are destination keys of a to-many relationship so they are fetched. For example, you could:
- Mark them as class properties.
- Mark them as used for locking.
- Use them in inverse relationships to the problematic to-many's source entity.
Problem After calling myEODatabaseContext.invalidateAllObjects(), subsequent saves either fail to save changes or just raise.
Description If an application has any EOEditingContexts that contain unsaved inserted objects, any call to myEODatabaseContext.invalidateAllObjects() will leave those EOEditingContexts in an inconsistent state. If you try to save the changes in any such EOEditingContext, the inserted objects will not be saved, or you might get an exception because these objects are mistakenly treated as updated objects.
Workaround     Replace all invocations of
Problem Changes made during saveChanges are silently lost.
Description If you change an enterprise object while its editing context is in it's saveChanges method (for example, if you change an enterprise object in an EODatabaseContext delegate method), the changes may be silently lost.
Workaround     Don't make changes to objects during the save process. Instead, make the changes from the EOEditingContext delegate method editingContextWillSaveChanges:.
Problem Multiple fetch-on-load display groups associated with an invalid connection dictionary can cause an exception.
Description When loading a nib file that has more than one display group set to fetch on load, an application can crash if the display groups' model has an invalid connection dictionary. A crash occurs because the second display group tries to run the adaptor's login panel while the first one already has the panel open. This confuses the Application Kit.
Workaround     Validate the connection dictionaries for all models in the [EOModelGroup defaultGroup] before opening the nib.
Problem After calling myEODatabaseContext.invalidateAllObjects(), subsequent saves either fail to save changes or just raise.
Description If an application has any EOEditingContexts that contain unsaved inserted objects, any call to myEODatabaseContext.invalidateAllObjects() will leave those EOEditingContexts in an inconsistent state. If you try to save the changes in any such EOEditingContext, the inserted objects will not be saved, or you might get an exception because these objects are mistakenly treated as updated objects.
Workaround     Replace all invocations of
Problem EOModeler doesn't generate a no-arg constructor for EO classes.
Description When you generate Java class files for an entity using EOModeler,
the no-argument constructor is not generated. Rather, a three-argument constructor
is generated. When you attempt to use a no-argument constructor to instantiate a
new object of your custom class, the compilation fails with "No constructor matching
MyClass() found in class MyClass".
1) Always instantiate a new object with the three-argument constructor.
MyObject = new MyClass(null,null,null);

2) Add the no-argument constructor by hand to the <class>.java file:
public MyClass() {
this (null,null,null);

3) Modify the EOJavaClass.template file to add the no-argument constructor in a similar
Problem On MacOS X Server, resource loading (of models, for instance) can fail mysteriously.
Description There is a bug in the MacOS X Server implementation of Foundation such that NSBundle can return duplicates. If you launch an EOF application with a relative path such as ./MyApp, some EOF applications (including some of the WebObjects examples) trip over this behavior. Since EOF doesn't allow duplicate models to be loaded, you are presented with a fatal exception as EOF tries to load the same model multiple times.
Workaround     Launch the application from within PB, gdb, or with an absolute path.
Problem Java beans embedded in a Java Client application in 4.5 don't run out of a jar/zip file.
Description The Java Client framework cannot directly reference individual resources within a jar/zip file. Therefore Java Client cannot act as a container for a Java Beans inside jar/zip files.
Workaround     Unarchive Java beans into .class files (and other resources) and put them in the CLASSPATH.
Problem The OracleChannel class specification specifies an incorrect default name.
Description The OracleChannel method description for setOracleTableNamesSQL: method states that "OracleTableNamesSQL" is the name of the default that sets SQL for getting Oracle table names. The correct default name is "EOOracleTableNamesSQL". Note that this and the other defaults for Enterprise Objects Framework are now described in the "Enterprise Objects FrameworkÍs User Defaults" document, which is available through Info Center.
Workaround     Refer to the "Enterprise Objects Framework's User Defaults" document.
Problem The EODisableClassParser user default isn't documented
Description In EOF 3.0, InterfaceBuilder is integrated with a class parser that will automatically read keys from your source code. Because this may negatively affect performance when you are editing a nib file, there is a user default to turn off the class parsing. In order to turn off the class parsing, type the following on the command line:

"defaults write InterfaceBuilder EODisableClassParser YES"
Workaround     See the description, above.
Problem The EOProjectSourceSearchPaths user default is now NSProjectSearchPath
Description EOProjectSourceSearchPaths is deprecated. Use NSProjectSearchPath instead. However, for backwards compatibility, EOProjectSourceSearchPaths will be used if there is no default value for NSProjectSearchPath.

NSProjectSearchPath is an optional array of paths which should contain project source directories. At development time (in InterfaceBuilder and EOModeler) EOF searches this patch for models in frameworks used by the application being edited.
Workaround     Use NSProjectSearchPath.
Problem The OpenBase Lite LIKE operator is always case-insensitive.
Description There is no way to perform a case sensitive LIKE comparison with the OpenBase Lite database.
Workaround     There is no convenient workaround. Depending on the application, = may be sufficient, or the programmer may have to do a case-sensitive comparison in memory using a custom comparison method.
Problem The UsingStoredProcedures example does not work correctly with Informix.
Description The example in Examples/EnterpriseObjects/UsingStoredProcedures does not work correctly with Informix and the stored procedure INSERT_MOVIE.
Workaround     Do not use the INSERT_MOVIE stored procedure.
Problem The MoviesAppKit model used in the Enterprise Objects examples generates a consistency check warning
Description A consistency check warning is generated for /System/Developer/Examples/EnterpriseObjects/AppKit/Movie/MoviesAppKit.eomodeld. The warning says: "Attribute photo in Entity TalentPhoto has a valueClassName of NSImage, but it doesn't have a adaptorValueConversionMethodName".
Workaround     Ignore the warning. The examples should work fine, except that talent photos cannot be written to the database.
Problem SetupWizard: primary key generation may not work when installing into a Sybase database
Description If you run the SetupWizard and install both the Movies and Rentals databases into the same Sybase database, the automatic primary key generation will not work for the Movies schema.
Workaround     Open the Movies eomodel in EOModeler and use Generate SQL to generate primary key support ONLY. Ignore any warnings you may get from the database.
Problem EOAttribute has "Value Class" and "Value Class Obj-C" columns; these are really the same thing.
Description The "Value Class" column is old. It is included only to prevent problems for users with defaults information from a previous version of EOModeler.
Workaround     Only use one of the columns.
Problem Cannot delete an EOFetchSpecification in EOModeler: the "Cut" and "Delete" menu items are not enabled
Description It is possible to get a fetch specification that incorrectly disables the "Cut" and "Delete" menu items. This usually happens when you have a new fetch specification without a name.
Workaround     Use the "Cut" icon on the toolbar, or give the EOFetchSpecification a new or different name.
Problem Existing EOF projects don't see the new EOF 3.0 source-code generation templates
Description Enterprise Objects Framework 3.0 includes fixes and additions to EOInterfaceFile.template and EOImplementationFile.template. If you have an EOF 2.x project that contains the old versions of these files, the old versions will continue to be used when you generate source files in EOModeler.
Workaround     If you haven't customized the templates, just remove EOInterfaceFile.template and EOImplementationFile.template from your project. EOModeler will then use the most up-to-date versions of these files.

If you want to build a customized template based on the newest versions, copy /Developer/Applications/ and /Developer/Apps/ into your project directory.
Problem An EORelationship can return nil for its inverseRelationship after the inverse is added
Description The first time you ask the EORelationship for its inverseRelationship it searches all relationships in its destinationEntity looking for an inverse, it caches the result of this search. This cache does not always get invalidated when the relationships of the destinationEntity change, so after editing a model and adding an inverse relationship to an EORelationship (either in code or with EOModeler), an inverseRelationship message sent to the EORelationship can return nil.
Workaround     See the category on EORelationship in the ModelerBundle/RelationshipExtras.m example.
Problem Derived attributes are limited and don't offer full SQL as advertised.
Description Placing a string or a numeric constant in the definition field of a derived attribute generates invalid SQL. Definitions such as "title" and "0.0" don't work correctly. However, definitions such as "att1 + 5" should work correctly when "att1" specifies another attribute.
Workaround     None.
Problem Additions or changes to a relationship in a parent entity aren't pushed down the children
Description AnyAny additions or changes you make using EOModeler to a relationship in a parent entity won't get pushed down to the parent's children. Changes to attributes are propagated correctly, but relationship information is lost. This can make editing parent EO's rather tedious and error prone
Workaround     Use at least two windows onto the same model, allowing you to see the parent and its children at the same time. This should make it easier to catch changes that don't get progagated.
Problem Interface Builder crashes after adding a symbolic link for a model to a project
Description On MacOS X Server, if you drag a symbolic link for a model into Interface Builder and answer YES to the "add Model to project" panel, Interface Builder crashes.
Workaround     Drag the actual model file instead of the symbolic link.
Problem EOF can generate incorrect SQL for disjunctions of qualifiers where one of the qualifiers involves an optional relationship.
Description The form of the SQL generated for an EOOrQualifier is similar to the SQL generated for an EOAndQualifier, but with "OR" substituted for "AND". For example, the qualifier "attr1 = v1 OR rel.attr2 = v2" would generate a SQL WHERE clause something like...


For a mandatory relationship 'rel', there will always be a match in the REL table and the above SQL WHERE clause will end up giving the correct result. However, for an optional relationship with a NULL value, the WHERE clause fails to return any rows even if there were rows in the ENTITY table that matched the value v1.

The appropriate SQL would be


which would give the correct results for all cases.
Workaround     Separate your original fetch specification into independent fetch specifications that do not have disjunctions involving optional relationships, and concatenate the multiple results. Naturally, the same EO might be returned by multiple fetch specifications so you may need to filter out duplicates from the concatenated results. For complicated fetch specifications, it may be more effecient to use a custom SQL query (see documentation on EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey in EODatabaseContext.h). If you choose to use custom SQL and you have multiple qualifiers across relationships, you should consider using DISTINCT since there may be multiple ways for one EO to satisfy the qualifier.
Problem It isn't documented that locking operations aren't supported in the client side of a Java Client application are no-ops.
Description Locking is not implemented in and EODistributedObjectStore, but there is public API in those classes that makes it appear otherwise. The EODistributedObjectStore method isObjectLockedWithGlobalID always returns false because locking isn't supported in the client. Similarly, the EODistributedObjectStore method lockObjectWithGlobalID raises an exception. The client-side EOEditingContext locking methods (lockObjectWithGlobalID, lockObject, locksObjectBeforeFirstModification, setLocksObjectBeforeFirstModification, and isObjectLockedWithGlobalID) are also affected: lockObjectWithGlobalID and lockObject raise on first use; locksObjectBeforeFirstModification and setLocksObjectBeforeFirstModification trigger a raise if set to true and you modify an object; and isObjectLockedWithGlobalID always returns false.
Workaround     None.
Problem Java Client's EODisplayGroup ( doesn't use defaultStringMatchFormat like the Objective-C and counterparts do.
Description Java Client's use of defaultStringMatchFormat in EODisplayGroup is inconsistent with the Objective-C behavior. Because format string parsing isn't currently available in pure java, EODisplayGroup merely appends the characters in the range [2, n] of the stringMatchFormat (which behaves correctly with the default value of this variable being "%@*" i.e. append the '*' character). If developers supply their own defaultStringMatchFormats, the first two characters will be ignored and the rest merely appended.
Workaround     For simple appending, change the defaultStringMatchFormat with setDefaultStringMatchFormat() or setGlobalDefaultStringMatchFormat(). For more complex alterations, you can modify the query value strings yourself and set them within the appropriate query dictionary using EODisplayGroup's setEqualToQueryValues(), setGreaterThanQueryValues() or setLessThanQueryValues().
ProblemJava Client doesn't support inheritance.
DescriptionInheritance, which is supported on server-side EOF applications, isn't supported in client-side Java Client applications.
Workaround     None.

OpenBase Lite

Problem Database path handling is now more flexible in OpenBase Lite
Description In previous releases, the OpenBase Lite adaptor's path handling was poor:
- the file was hard coded by default (when reverse engineering) and it wasn't obvious how to erase it. This path could result in unexpected failures when copying projects between machines (especially between different file systems).
- the search path (when the PATH is not set) was unknown to the user and couldn't be changed.
- databases couldn't be packaged easily in the application resources directory.

As part of the reorganization of the OpenBase Lite login panel, this was fixed. Instead of encoding a separate database name and path, we just encode the path. The preferred connection dictionary entry key is DBPATH, whose value is a full path to the *.db wrapper. Optionally, it can be a simple name in which case the full path is found by searching the app's Resources and then the {~, /Local, /Network, /System}/Library/Databases/ directories at runtime for the *.db wrapper. For backwards compatibility, the old connection keys are considered if there is no value for DBPATH.

If the user default EOAdaptorDebubEnabled is YES, the full path to the database will be logged when a connection is made. This can be helpful if there are multiple databases with the same name at different points in the OpenBase Lite search path.
Workaround     None necessary.
Problem OpenBaseLite can corrupt data in /tmp/work.
Description OpenBaseLite writes temporary files in /tmp/work. These files are used when restarting a database in order to improve performance. However, if an application crashes, OpenBaseLite can leave corrupt data in /tmp/work which might cause any application that uses that database to crash. The actual database tables are probably still valid, but the corrupt scratch files in /tmp/work cause the crash.
Workaround     Delete the directory /tmp/work (or C:/TEMP/WORK on Windows NT). OpenBaseLite will recreate the files as necessary the next time it starts up the database.
Problem OpenBaseLite doesn't reliably compare DATETIME values and can result in optimistic locking failures.
Description OpenBaseLite does not correctly compare DATETIME values that have non-zero millisecond values. User-entered datetimes will typically be in integral values for seconds, but generated values such as [NSCalendarDate date] are precise to the millisecond. The incorrect comparison can lead to optimistic locking failures during UPDATEs and DELETEs.
Workaround     Do not use DATETIME columns for optimistic locking with OpenBaseLite.
Problem OpenBaseLite cannot use "ID" as a column name.
Description "ID" is a reserved word in OpenBaseLite and cannot be used as a column name. (This includes any variation of "ID" with upper or lowercase letters.) There is no error message when a table is created using "ID" as a column name, but that column will not be accessible and the table is practically unusable.
Workaround     Use another name for the column.
Problem In an OpenBase Lite model, an attribute with Value Class of NSDecimalNumber or BigDecimal can overflow the indicated precision
Description If the actual value in an enterprise object exceeds the precision of the attribute that maps to an NSDecimalNumber (Objective-C) or BigDecimal (Java), memory can become corrupted when the value is written to the OpenBase Lite database.
Workaround     Make sure that your EOModel has the correct precision set for the attribute, and do not try to use values that are beyond that precision.
Problem OpenBase Lite changes the current working directory
Description When OpenBase Lite connects to a database, it changes the current working directory to the database directory. If your code expects the current working directory to remain the same as it was when the application was launched, it may not work correctly.
Workaround     Your code should use absolute pathnames, and should not depend on the current working directory. Command-line arguments for filenames should also be absolute pathnames.
Problem OpenBase Lite logs a spurious error message if EO_PK_TABLE doesn't exist
Description The obliteadaptor generates primary keys from an EO_PK_TABLE. The adaptor knows how to create the table if it doesn't exist. However, the OpenBaseLiteAPI.framework still writes a log message: "SQL ERROR - [position 26, near 'WHERE'] (1) table 'EO_PK_TABLE' does not exist." This can safely be ignored.
Workaround     None necessary, just ignore the spurious error message.

Oracle Adaptor

Problem Reverse engineering an Oracle 8.1.5 database causes a strange Oracle exception to be raised.
Description During the process of reverse engineering the database, EOModeler (or ProjectBuilder) attempts to analyze all of the existing stored procedures. Some of the new stored procedures in Oracle 8.1.5 contain data types that cause the Oracle adaptor to raise an exception. The EOEntities, EOAttributes, and EORelationships are fine, but you aren't likely to see any stored procedures.

This problem is slightly worse if you are reverse engineering a model as part of the process for creating a new "WebObjects Application" from within ProjectBuilder. In that case the project creation fails part way through the task, leaving you with a non-functional project.
Workaround     The easiest workaround is to skip the stored-procedure reverse-engineering step. If you need any stored procedures in your model, you'll need to explictly remove the stored procedures in the CTXSYS and SYS schemas from the list of those selected or select only the stored procedures you need.
Problem The primary-key-support creation code can die, causing subsequent database installation procedures to fail.
Description Sometimes when you run the install_database script or use the schema object creation window in EOModeler, one of the following errors may occur:

Mar 27 10:19:34 eoutil[1577] Exception running dump: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
create table !!! eo_temp_table as select max(MOVIE_ID) counter from MOVIE


Mar 27 10:27:54 eoutil[1591] Exception running dump: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
create procedure !!! eo_set_sequence is
xxx number;
yyy number;
select max(counter) into xxx from eo_temp_table;
if xxx is not NULL then
yyy := 0;
while (yyy < xxx) loop
select MOVIE_SEQ.nextval into yyy from dual;
end loop;
end if;

The reason for these errors is as follows. If the primary-key-support code dies unexpectedly, it can leave the eo_set_sequence stored procedure and the eo_temp_table table in the user's schema. This isn't a problem right away, but any subsequent attempt to run the install_database script will fail because the statements that attempt to create these schema objects will fail, and the data loading will stop before it is finished.
Workaround     Use the following commands from SQLPlus to remove these objects before you attempt to create the schema objects with the install_database script:

SQL> drop table eo_temp_table;
SQL> drop procedure eo_set_sequence;
Problem Updating LONG RAW columns in Oracle with lockingOnDemand causes an exception.
Description Using lockingOnDemand on Oracle, when you try to update an enterprise object with an attribute that maps to a LONG RAW columm, the following exception is raised:

"fetchObject -- EODatabaseChannel 0x12345678: attempt to lock object that has out of date snapshot".

This is because the Oracle Database sometimes returns incorrect BLOB values when the Framework sends "SELECT ... <long-raw-column,... FOR UPDATE". So when the EODatabaseChannel attempts to acquire a lock on the row, the results of the SELECT don't match the results we got on the last SELECT (without the FOR UPDATE clause).
Workaround     You cannot use the lockingOnDemand mode of locking if you are going to be updating tables with LONG RAW columns that are marked used for locking in the model. Mark the long columns as not used for locking.
Problem I'm getting the "ORA-01786: FOR UPDATE of this query expression is not allowed" error when I run my app.
Description If you are using the Pessimistic Locking mode, and you are using batch fauling or prefetching of relationships, EOF can generate a SQL statement like the following:

This statement with fail with the ORA-01786 error. The Oracle RDBMS doesn't support the use of DISTINCT with the FOR UPDATE clause.
Workaround     If you must use the Pessimistic locking mode against an Oracle database, you will not be able to use the batch faulting or prefetching features.
Problem Oracle Adaptor doesn't read stored procedures inside of packages.
Description There is no way to get the database to tell you the components (procedures and functions) that are inside a package definition. Clients can still create stored procedures in the model that will call into packages, it's just that model description using EOModeler won't create these at connect time.
Workaround     You can use EOModeler to create the stored procedure definitions in the model. Just set the external name of the stored procedure to package-name.procedure-name.
Problem WOInfoCenter displays Objective-C reference documentation for the Java-wrapped database adaptors (Informix, ODBC, Oracle, and Sybase).
Description WOInfoCenter is configured incorrectly.
Workaround     Access the documentation through the WebObjects Documentation Page. This file is called WOHomePage.html and is located in /System/Documentation/Developer/WebObjects/ on MacOS X Server and $(NEXT_ROOT)\Documentation\Developer\WebObjects on Windows NT.

The Java adaptor documentation is available in the Reference section of this page.

Informix Adaptor

Problem The Informix client library cannot be called from multiple threads
Description On Windows NT, a multi-threaded application that uses the Informix client library produces an error of the form "Informix Error -180 no connection". On Solaris, a different error is produced. The Informix client library cannot be called from multiple threads.
Workaround     Run you application with WOWorkerThreadCount set to 0 or 1 on NT, and 0 on Solaris.
Problem Can't create an Informix database from within EOModeler
Description Creation of a new Informix database from within EOModeler generates a "Not able to create a database during an explicit database connection" error. This is due to the fact that the Informix API won't let you create a new database once you've specified that you're using an existing one; the EOInformixAdaptor as currently implemented always specifies a database when it connects.
Workaround     Copy the database creation statements out of the SQL text area and paste them into a tool like dbaccess.
Problem Informix adaptor raises an exception when you try to sort on attributes that are not in the select list
Description Due to a restriction in the Informix adaptor, it's not possible to sort on attributes that aren't included in the select list. This means that it isn't possible to sort the results using an attribute that's not marked on the entity as either a primary key, used for locking, or a class property.
Workaround     If possible, add the attribute to the entity and mark it as used for locking. Otherwise, there is no workaround.

ODBC Adaptor

Problem Using Wildcard Operator '%' with LIKE May Produce Inconsistent Row Patterns with SQL Server 7.0.
Description The Microsoft Knowledge Base has the following article: ID Q237793, last revised 8/27/99, "BUG: Using Wildcard Operator '%' with LIKE May Produce Inconsistent Row Patterns", Bug # 55911 (SQLBUG_70). For instance, specifying a search for "title LIKE 'Star%'" finds 'Star Wars', but specifying "title LIKE 'S%'" finds nothing.
Workaround     Contact Microsoft for a patch.
Problem Some bugs in old versions of the ODBCJT32.DLL (used to access Microsoft Access) can cause problems with primary key generation in the ODBC Adaptor.
Description The ODBC manager reports an invalid SQL statement when updating the EO_PK_TABLE. ODBCJT32.DLL version 3.40.2728 causes this problem, but the more recent ODBCJT32.DLL version 3.51.1029 works correctly. The ODBC Control Panel can be used to check the version of the ODBC drivers installed on a Windows NT machine. Open the ODBC Control Panel and click on the tab labeled "ODBC Drivers".
Workaround     The latest ODBC manager and drivers for Windows NT are available from Microsoft. See <>.