PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > Creating a Java Client Application: A Tutorial


Server Distribution Classes

The EOClientJava framework has four public classes.

EODistributionContext. This class encodes data to send to the client and decodes data it receives from the client over the distribution channel. It also keeps track of the state of the server-side object graph so it can communicate any changes to the client and thus synchronize the object graphs. EODistributionContext (or its delegate) also validate remote invocations originating from client objects.

WOJavaClientApplet. The WebObjects component is used to download and create an applet of class

EOClassMapper. Gives the corresponding class names on the client and server. The methods in this class are typically of interest to those who are implementing their own channels.

EOReferenceRecording. Use to encode and decode objects in a pure Java environment. The methods in this class are typically of interest to those who are implementing their own channels.

In addition, EOAccessAdditions.h contains Objective-C categories on EOEntity, EOClassDescriptions, and EOEntityClassDescription. The methods in these categories return client-specific information stored in model files.

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