PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > Direct to Web

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Direct to Web Reusable Component Specifications


The Direct to Web reusable components perform the basic tasks provided by the Direct to Web framework: editing objects, inspecting objects, listing objects, querying for objects, and selecting objects from a list. You can embed a Direct to Web reusable component within your WebObjects component to perform these tasks. The "Customizing a Direct to Web Application" chapter of Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web shows you how.

The Direct to Web framework defines five Direct to Web reusable components:


How to Use These Specifications

Each component specification that follows is divided into three sections: a synopsis, a description, and a set of bindings. The synopsis is designed to give you ready reference to the element's attributes, showing which ones are mandatory and which ones optional. The description explains the purpose of the element. Finally, the bindings describe in detail each of the component's attributes.

The synopses use several conventions that you should be aware of. For example:

WOSubmitButton { action=submitForm; value=aString; [disabled=YES|NO;] [name=aName;] };

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