PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOControl Reference

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Inherits from:
( EODataSource : Object
( EODataSource : NSObject

Class Description

EOArrayDataSource is a concrete subclass of EODataSource that can be used to provide enterprise objects to a display group (EODisplayGroup from EOInterface or WODisplayGroup from WebObjects) without having to fetch them from the database. In an EOArrayDataSource, objects are maintained in an in-memory NSArray.

EOArrayDataSource can fetch, insert, and delete objects-operations it performs directly with its array. It can also provide a detail data source.



public EOArrayDataSource( EOClassDescription classDescription, EOEditingContext editingContext)

Creates and returns an EOArrayDataSource object where classDescription contains information about the objects provided by the EOArrayDataSource and editingContext is the EOArrayDataSource's editing context. Either argument may be null

Instance Methods


public void setArray(foundation.NSArray array)

Sets the receiver's array of objects to array.

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