- Inherits from:
- (com.apple.client.eocontrol) Object
(com.apple.yellow.eocontrol) NSObject
- Implements:
- EOEnterpriseObject
- EODeferredFaulting (EOEnterpriseObject)
- EOKeyValueCodingAdditions (EOEnterpriseObject)
- EOKeyValueCoding.KeyBindingCreation (EOEnterpriseObject)
- EORelationshipManipulation (EOEnterpriseObject)
- EOValidation (EOEnterpriseObject)
- EOFaulting (EODeferredFaulting)
- EOKeyValueCoding (EOKeyValueCodingAdditions)
- (com.apple.client.eocontrol only) NSKeyValueCoding (EOKeyValueCoding)
- (com.apple.client.eocontrol only) NSInlineObservable
- Package:
- com.apple.client.eocontrol
- com.apple.yellow.eocontrol
The EOCustomObject class provides a default implementation of the EOEnterpriseObject interface. If you need to create a custom enterprise object class, you can subclass EOCustomObject and inherit the Framework's default implementations. Some of the methods are for subclasses to implement or override, but most are meant to be used as defined by EOCustomObject. For information on which methods you should implement in your subclass, see the EOEnterpriseObject interface specification.
EOCustomObject's method implementations are described in the specification for the interface that declares them. For example, you can find a description of how EOCustomObject implements valueForKey (introduced in the EOKeyValueCoding interface) in the specification for EOKeyValueCoding, and you can find a description of how EOCustomObject implements classDescription (introduced in the EOEnterpriseObject interface) in the specification for EOEnterpriseObject.
The only methods provided in EOCustomObject that aren't defined in the EOEnterpriseObject interface are the following three static methods:
You would never invoke these methods, rather, they are provided in EOCustomObject to demonstrate the additional API your custom enterprise objects can implement. Similarly, EOCustomObject's constructors are not meant to be invoked; you would never create an instance of EOCustomObject. Rather, EOCustomObject provides the constructors to demonstrate the constructors your custom enterprise objects should implement.
- handleQueryWithUnboundKey
- handleTakeValueForUnboundKey
- storedValueForKey
- takeStoredValueForKey
- takeValueForKey
- unableToSetNullForKey
- valueForKey
- takeValueForKeyPath
- takeValuesFromDictionary
- valueForKeyPath
- valuesForKeys
- addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey
- addObjectToPropertyWithKey
- removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey
- removeObjectFromPropertyWithKey
- validateForDelete
- validateForInsert
- validateForSave
- validateForUpdate
- validateValueForKey
- allPropertyKeys
- attributeKeys
- awakeFromFetch
- awakeFromInsertion
- changesFromSnapshot (com.apple.yellow.eocontrol only)
- classDescription
- classDescriptionForDestinationKey
- clearProperties
- deleteRuleForRelationshipKey
- editingContext
- entityName
- eoDescription
- eoShallowDescription
- inverseForRelationshipKey
- invokeRemoteMethod (com.apple.client.eocontrol only)
- isToManyKey
- ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey
- propagateDeleteWithEditingContext
- reapplyChangesFromDictionary
- snapshot
- toManyRelationshipKeys
- toOneRelationshipKeys
- updateFromSnapshot
- userPresentableDescription (com.apple.yellow.eocontrol only)
- willChange
- clearFault
- faultHandler
- isFault
- turnIntoFault
- willRead
NSInlineObservable (com.apple.client.eocontrol only)
EOEditingContext anEOEditingContext,
EOClassDescription anEOClassDescription,
EOGlobalID anEOGlobalID)
See Also: createInstanceWithEditingContext (EOClassDescription)
public static boolean
the key-value coding methods should never access the corresponding
instance variable directly on finding no accessor method for a property.
You don't have to implement this method if the default behavior
of accessing instance variables directly is correct for your objects.See Also: valueForKey, takeValueForKey
public static void
See Also:
public static boolean
the stored value methods ( storedValueForKey and takeStoredValueForKey) should not
use private accessor methods in preference to public accessors. Returning false
the stored value methods to use the same accessor method-instance
variable search order as the corresponding basic key-value coding
methods ( valueForKey and takeValueForKey). You don't have
to implement this method if the default stored value search order
is correct for your objects.