PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOInterface Reference

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Inherits from:
EOAssociation : EODelayedObserver (EOControl) : Object
EOObserving (EODelayedObserver)
NSDisposable (EOAssociation)

Class Description

An EOTableColumnAssociation associates a single attribute of all enterprise objects in its ValueAspect's EODisplayGroup with a Swing JTable TableColumn. The value of each object's attribute is displayed in its corresponding row.

Note: This class doesn't exist in the package.

By far the easiest way to configure EOTableColumnAssociations is in Interface Builder, but they may also be instantiated programmatically. Because Swing's TableColumn maintains no reference to its containing JTable, this relationship must be explicitly specified via setTable before establishConnection is invoked.

Usable With

EnabledAspect A boolean attribute of the objects, which determines whether each object's value cell is editable. Note that because EOTableViewAssociation also uses this aspect, you can use it with different keys to limit editability to the whole row or to an individual cell (column) in that row.
ValueAspect An attribute of the objects, displayed in each row of the TableColumn.



public EOTableColumnAssociation(Object aDisplayObject)

Creates a new EOTableAssociation to monitor and update the value in aDisplayObject, a javax.swing.table.TableColumn.

You normally set up associations in Interface Builder, in which case you don't need to create them programmatically. However, if you do create them up programmatically, setting them up is a multi-step process. After creating an association, you must bind its aspects and establish its connections. Because Swing's TableColumn maintains no reference to its containing JTable, this relationship must be explicitly specified via setTable before establishConnection is invoked

See Also: bindAspect (EOAssociation)

Static Methods


public static void setTableColumnCustomizer(TableColumnCustomizer tableColumnCustomizer)

Sets tableColumnCustomizer as the object that determines associations' editors and renderers. By default, an EOTableColumnAssociation's editor is the corresponding TableColumn's editor; or, if the TableColumn doesn't have an editor, an EOTextColumnEditor is used. Similarly, an EOTableColumnAssociation's renderer is the corresponding TableColumn's renderer; or, if the TableColumn doesn't have an editor, a javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer is used.


public static TableColumnCustomizer tableColumnCustomizer()

Returns the object that specifies editors and renderers for associations.

Instance Methods


public java.text.Format format()

Returns the java.lang.text.Format used to format values bound to the receiver's ValueAspect for display and editing.


public boolean isEditableAtRow(int row)

Returns whether or not the property bound to the receiver's ValueAspect is editable at row, as determined by the EnabledAspect. If this aspect is bound, a non-zero value at row indicates that the property may be edited. If the EnabledAspect is unbound all rows are considered editable.


public String primaryAspect()

Returns ValueAspect.


public void setFormat(java.text.Format aFormat)

Sets the java.lang.text.Format object to use in formatting values bound to the receiver's ValueAspect for display and editing.


public void breakConnection()

Because TableColumn maintains no reference to its containing JTable, the consumer must explicitly specify this relationship by invoking setTable before establishConnection. This method also assures that an instance of EOTableAssociation exists for table.

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