Inherits from: EOQualifier
Implements: NSCoding, EOKeyValueArchiving
Package: com.webobjects.eocontrol
EOAndQualifier is a subclass of EOQualifier that contains multiple qualifiers. EOAndQualifier implements the EOQualifierEvaluation interface, which defines the method evaluateWithObject for in-memory evaluation. When an EOAndQualifier object receives an evaluateWithObject message, it evaluates each of its qualifiers until one of them returns false
. If one of its qualifiers returns false
, the EOAndQualifier object returns false
immediately. If all of its qualifiers return true
, the EOAndQualifier object returns true
EOQualifierEvaluation evaluateWithObject NSCoding classForCoder decodeObject encodeWithCoder EOKeyValueArchiving decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver encodeWithKeyValueArchiver
public EOAndQualifier(NSArray qualifiers)
public static Object decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
public static Object decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver(EOKeyValueUnarchiver unarchiver)
public void addQualifierKeysToSet(NSMutableSet aSet)
public Class classForCoder()
public void encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
public void encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(EOKeyValueArchiver archiver)
public boolean evaluateWithObject(NSKeyValueCodingAdditions anObject)
if anObject satisfies the qualifier, false
otherwise. When an EOAndQualifier object receives an evaluateWithObject message, it evaluates each of its qualifiers until one of them returns false
. If any of its qualifiers returns false
, the EOAndQualifier object returns false
immediately. If all of its qualifiers return true
, the object returns true
. This method can throw one of several possible exceptions if an error occurs. If your application allows users to construct arbitrary qualifiers (such as through a user interface), you may want to write code to catch any exceptions and properly respond to errors (for example, by displaying a panel saying that the user typed a poorly formed qualifier).
public NSArray qualifiers()
public EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings( NSDictionary, boolean)
public String toString()
public void validateKeysWithRootClassDescription( EOClassDescription classDesc)
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 19, 2001)