PATH Documentation > WebObjects

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Element Description

WOActionURL enables the creation of URLs to invoke methods or specify pages to return. You can use this element for a variety of purposes, but it is primarily intended to support JavaScript within a WebObjects application.


WOActionURL { action=aMethod | pageName=aString; | directActionName=anActionName; actionClass=className; [fragmentIdentifier=anchorFragment;] [queryDictionary=aDict; ?key=value;]... };


Action method to invoke when the URL is accessed. This method must return a an object that conforms to the WOActionResults protocol such as WOComponent or WOResponse.
The name of a WebObjects page to display when the URL is accessed.
The direct action method to invoke when the URL is accessed (minus the "Action" suffix).
The name of the class in which the directActionName can be found. Defaults to "DirectAction".
Named location to display in the destination page (that is, an anchor in the destination page).
NSDictionary with keys/value pairs to be placed into the URL's query string.

Adds a key/value pair to the specified queryDictionary (or replaces an existing key) by prefixing the key with a "?". For example:

   ?x = y;

puts the key "x" into the query dictionary with the value of the keypath y.

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