PATH Documentation > WebObjects

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Element Description

WORadioButtonList displays a list of radio buttons. The user may select one of the objects in the list, and this object is returned as selection.


WORadioButtonList { list=anObjectList; item=anIteratedObject; displayString=displayedValue; [value=aValue;] [index=aNumber;] [prefix=prefixString;] [suffix=suffixString;] [selection=selectedValue;] [name=fieldName;] [disabled=aBoolean;] [escapeHTML=aBoolean;]... };


Array of objects that the WORadioButtonList will iterate through.
Current item in the list array. (This attribute's value is updated with each iteration.)
String to display beside the radio button for the current item.
Value for the INPUT tag of the current item (INPUT type="RadioButton" value="someValue">.
Index of the current iteration of the WORadioButtonList.
An arbitrary HTML string inserted before each value.
An arbitrary HTML string inserted after each value.
An object that the user chose from the list.
Name that uniquely identifies this element within the form. You may specify a name or let WebObjects automatically assign one at runtime.
If disabled evaluates to true (or YES), this element appears in the page but is not active.
If escapeHTML evaluates to true (or YES), the string rendered by displayString is converted so that characters which would be interpreted as HTML control characters become their escaped equivalent (this is the default). Thus, if a your displayString is "a <b>bold</b> idea", the string passed to the client browser would be "a <B>bold</B> idea", but it would display in the browser as "a <b>bold</b> idea". If escapeHTML evaluates to false (or NO), WebObjects simply passes your data to the client browser "as is." In this case, the above example would display in the client browser as "a bold idea". If you are certain that your strings have no characters in them which might be interpreted as HTML control characters, you get better performance if you set escapeHTML to false (or NO).

Table of Contents
You should provide the title of a radio button in displayString rather than in value. If there is no binding for displayString, the string assigned to value is used as the label of the button.