EOEditingContexts can be viewed as working areas into which objects are fetched and modified. By default, every session is given its own defaultEditingContext as a means of separating different user's objects.
When changes are made to objects within an editing context, the editing context tracks the changes for future saving. When the editing context sends the message saveChanges , it hands off the changes to its parent EOObjectStore. Normally, the parent is the EOObjectStoreCoordinator which in turn hands off the changes to the appropriate EODatabaseContext for each entity. The EODatabaseContext then saves the changes to the database.
Since an EOEditingContext is itself an EOObjectStore, you can nest EOEditingContexts, thereby making different levels of working areas that can saveChanges to its parent level. With a little bit of effort, this feature of EOF can be used within WebObjects applications to provide scratch areas where users can make changes, submit forms, update enterprise objects, submit more forms, and then decide if all the changes should be saved to the session's defaultEditingContext or completely forgotten.
This more complicated approach to editing is necessary because the Web permits users to edit on a special edit page and, without saving or canceling, hyperlink directly to another page, leaving the defaultEditingContext with incomplete or inconsistent enterprise objects. This action can be disastrous unless care is taken to prevent the partial or undesired changes from being saved by accident.
To better illustrate this issue, assume you create a special object edit page that uses multiple Submit buttons to switch between sections of data to be edited. Also, assume that the WOTextfields, WOPopuplists, and so on, are bound directly to the object via key paths. As soon as you edit the data on the first section, and switch to see the data on a different section, the object will be changed to reflect any changes you made in the first section. Assume further that the user clicks a hyperlink in a different frame and jumps to a completely different screen. The user subsequently edits another object and finishes by selecting the Save button. The changes from the first edit screen will also be applied to the database! This is undesirable because the user never acknowledged a save for those changes.
There are two possible ways to work around this problem.
We discuss the second approach. The techniques presented here can be used to build a reusable framework that manages the nested editing contexts without doubly-nesting them.
Using the new convenience API from EOUtilities
EOEnterpriseObject editingObject=(EOEnterpriseObject) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject (nestedEditingContext, objectToEdit);
EOGlobalID gid=objectToEdit.editingContext().globalIDForObject(objectToEdit); EOEnterpriseObject editingObject=nestedEditingContext.faultForGlobalID(gid, nestedEditingContext);
The following code saves the changes to a nested editing context.
try { nestedEditingContext.saveChanges(); session().defaultEditingContext().saveChanges(); } catch (EOValidationException e) { // handle save error
You should consider the following issues:
24 July, 1998. David Scheck. First Draft.
18 November, 1998. Clif Liu. Second Draft.