Inherits from: Object
Package: com.webobjects.appserver
WOMailDelivery uses a tool compiled on all platforms: /System/Library/WebObjects/Executables/WOSendMail[.exe]. This tool constructs an Email message from a file and uses SMTP to send it. It requires an SMTP server to be set. There is a default value for this SMTP hostname: "smtp". To change this value, use the following command:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain WOSMTPHost "aHostName"Note that this default can be handled by WOApplication as a command-line argument.
There is only one instance of WOMailDelivery, which you access with the sharedInstance static. You cannot create one of your own.
Obtaining an instance sharedInstance Composing mail composeComponentEmail composePlainTextEmail Sending mail sendEmail
protected WOMailDelivery()
public static WOMailDelivery sharedInstance()
public String composeComponentEmail( String sender, NSArray destination, NSArray ccAddresses, String subject, WOComponent aComponent, boolean flag)
If flag is true, the message is sent immediately.
public String composePlainTextEmail( String sender, NSArray destination, NSArray ccAddresses, String subject, String message, boolean flag)
public void sendEmail(String mailString)
public String toString()
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 15, 2001)