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Inside Macintosh: Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS /
Appendix A - ColorSync Manager Backward Compatibility

ColorSync 1.0 Functions With Parallel ColorSync Manager Counterparts

The ColorSync Manager implements new versions of four of the functions supported by ColorSync 1.0. In the new version of these functions, for example, a parameter used to specify a profile takes a profile reference.

It is easy to spot a ColorSync Manager function that is a new version of a ColorSync 1.0 function, because the function name begins with an uppercase letter N, signifying that it is new. The four ColorSync 1.0 functions and their new counterparts are listed in Table A-1.

Table A-1 Table A-1 ColorSync 1.0 functions and their ColorSync Manager counterparts
ColorSync 1.0 functionColorSync Manager function
pascal CWNewColorWorld
(CMWorldRef *cw, CMProfileHandle src, CMProfileHandle dst);
pascal CMError NCWNewColorWorld
(CMWorldRef *cw, CMProfileRef src, CMProfileRef dst);
pascal CMError CMBeginMatching
(CMProfileHandle src, CMProfileHandle dst, CMMatchRef *myRef);
pascal CMError NCMBeginMatching
(CMProfileRef src, CMProfileRef dst, CMMatchRef *myRef);
pascal void CMDrawMatchedPicture
(PicHandle myPicture, CMProfileHandle dst, Rect *myRect);
pascal void NCMDrawMatchedPicture
(PicHandle myPicture, CMProfileRef dst, Rect *myRect);
pascal CMError CMUseProfileComment
(CMProfileHandle profile);
pascal CMError NCMUseProfileComment
(CMProfileRef prof, unsigned long flags);

If you are writing a new ColorSync-supportive program, you should always use the new ColorSync Manager functions. The ColorSync 1.0 version of these functions will not be supported indefinitely in new releases of the ColorSync Manager.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 NOV 1996