Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
Format of a Typical Chapter
Almost all chapters in this book follow a standard structure. For example, the chapter "Standard File Package" contains these sections:
Some chapters contain additional main sections that provide more detailed discussions of certain topics. For example, the chapter "File Manager"
- "About the Standard File Package." This section provides an overview of the features provided by the Standard File Package.
- "Using the Standard File Package." This section describes the tasks you can accomplish using the Standard File Package. It describes how to use the most common routines, gives related user interface information, provides code samples, and supplies additional information.
- "Standard File Package Reference." This section provides a complete reference to the Standard File Package by describing the data structures and routines that it uses. Each routine description also follows a standard format, which gives the routine declaration and a description of every parameter of the routine. Some routine descriptions also give additional descriptive information, such as assembly-language information or result codes.
- "Summary of the Standard File Package." This section provides the Standard File Package's Pascal interface, as well as the C interface, for the constants, data structures, routines, and result codes associated with the Standard File Package. It also includes relevant assembly-language
interface information.
contains the section "Identifying Files, Directories, and Volumes," which describes the many ways to identify objects in the file system. That chapter
also contains the two advanced sections "Data Organization on Volumes"
and "Data Organization in Memory."
© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996