Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
Chapter 1 -
This chapter introduces the MacApp class library and provides a high-level overview of a MacApp application. It also provides a brief summary of the programming features MacApp supports, as well as a description of the sample applications distributed with MacApp.
MacApp OverviewMacApp is an object-oriented application framework designed to help create robust Macintosh applications. MacApp provides basic components every Macintosh program needs, while it shields the developer from some of the complexity of the Macintosh Operating System.
Because MacApp makes it easier to build an application, you can rapidly create complex prototypes, greatly enhancing your ability to develop new algorithms and test their performance. You can concentrate on your areas of expertise while still creating applications that follow the Macintosh human interface guidelines.
MacApp is a mature product, created through the efforts of many skilled Apple engineers. Developers have used MacApp to create hundreds of commercial applications. Tools from multiple vendors ensure that MacApp applications can be built with a variety of compilers and development systems. The result is a powerful class library that is thoroughly tested, widely used, and well documented.
- Note
- For brevity, the terms MacApp and MacApp class library are used interchangeably.
Chapter Contents
- MacApp's Features
- User Interface
- Storing and Printing Data
- Macintosh Operating System Support
- Programming Tasks
- MacApp Sample Applications
- Types of Macintosh Computers
- The Simplest MacApp Application
- Other Sample Applications
- The Structure of a MacApp Application
- Creating a MacApp Application
- Defining Subclasses of Key MacApp Classes
- Defining Resources to Specify Application Menus
- Defining a View Hierarchy to Display the Application's Data
- Writing a Main Routine
- Processing Events
- Direct Dispatching
- View Hierarchy Dispatching
- Target Chain Dispatching
- Apple Event Dispatching
- Handling Events
- Handling an Event With a Command Object
- The Command Queue
- Event and Command Classes
- Event-Handling and Command-Handling Classes
- The Division of Labor Between Your Code and MacApp
- Managing Menus
- Processing Menu Commands
- Processing Mouse Clicks
- Processing Keystrokes
- Managing Windows
- Reading and Writing Documents
- Supporting PowerTalk Mailers
- Supporting Scripting
- Printing
- Supporting Clipboard Operations
- Supporting Drag and Drop
- Managing Idling