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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 9 - Desktop Manager

Summary of the Desktop Manager

Pascal Summary


      {for mapping icons to ioIconType in the desktop database}
      kLargeIcon                    = 1;        {'ICN#'}
      kLarge4BitIcon                = 2;        {'icl4'}
      kLarge8BitIcon                = 3;        {'icl8'}
      kSmallIcon                    = 4;        {'ics#'}
      kSmall4BitIcon                = 5;        {'ics4'}
      kSmall8BitIcon                = 6;        {'ics8'}
      {for allocating storage for icon data in the desktop database}
      kLargeIconSize                = 256;      {'ICN#'}
      kLarge4BitIconSize            = 512;      {'icl4'}
      kLarge8BitIconSize            = 1024;     {'icl8'}
      kSmallIconSize                = 64;       {'ics#'}
      kSmall4BitIconSize            = 128;      {'ics4'}
      kSmall8BitIconSize            = 256;      {'ics8'}

Data Types

      DTPBRec =                     {parameter block for desktop database}
         qLink:            QElemPtr;      {next queue entry}
         qType:            Integer;       {queue type}
         ioTrap:           Integer;       {routine trap}
         ioCmdAddr:        Ptr;           {routine address}
         ioCompletion:     ProcPtr;       {completion routine}
         ioResult:         OSErr;         {result code}
         ioNamePtr:        StringPtr;     {file, directory, or volume name}
         ioVRefNum:        Integer;       {volume reference number}
         ioDTRefNum:       Integer;       {desktop database reference number}
         ioIndex:          Integer;       {index into icon list}
         ioTagInfo:        LongInt;       {tag information}
         ioDTBuffer:       Ptr;           {data buffer}
         ioDTReqCount:     LongInt;       {requested length of data}
         ioDTActCount:     LongInt;       {actual length of data}
         filler1:          SignedByte;    {unused}
         ioIconType:       SignedByte;    {icon type}
         filler2:          Integer;       {unused}
         ioDirID:          LongInt;       {parent directory ID}
         ioFileCreator:    OSType;        {file creator}
         ioFileType:       OSType;        {file type}
         ioFiller3:        LongInt;       {unused}
         ioDTLgLen:        LongInt;       {logical length of desktop }
                                          { database}
         ioDTPyLen:        LongInt;       {physical length of desktop }
                                          { database}
         ioFiller4:                       {unused}
                           ARRAY[1..14] OF Integer;
         ioAPPLParID:      LongInt        {parent directory ID of }
                                          { application}
      DTPBPtr = ^DTPBRec;                 {pointer to desktop }
                                          { parameter block}


Locating, Opening, and Closing the Desktop Database

FUNCTION PBDTGetPath       (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTOpenInform    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTCloseDown     (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;

Reading the Desktop Database

FUNCTION PBDTGetIcon       (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetIconAsync  (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetIconSync   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetIconInfo   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetAPPL       (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetAPPLAsync  (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetAPPLSync   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetComment    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;

Adding to the Desktop Database

FUNCTION PBDTAddIcon       (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTAddIconAsync  (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTAddIconSync   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTAddAPPL       (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTAddAPPLAsync  (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTAddAPPLSync   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTSetComment    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;

Deleting Entries From the Desktop Database

FUNCTION PBDTRemoveAPPL    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTRemoveComment (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTRemoveCommentAsync
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTRemoveCommentSync
                           (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;

Manipulating the Desktop Database Itself

FUNCTION PBDTFlush         (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTFlushAsync    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTFlushSync     (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetInfo       (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetInfoAsync  (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTGetInfoSync   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTReset         (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTResetAsync    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTResetSync     (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTDelete        (paramBlock: DTPBPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTDeleteAsync   (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION PBDTDeleteSync    (paramBlock: DTPBPtr): OSErr;

C Summary


enum {
      /*for mapping icons to ioIconType in the desktop database*/
      kLargeIcon                    = 1,     /*'ICN#'*/
      kLarge4BitIcon                = 2,     /*'icl4'*/
      kLarge8BitIcon                = 3,     /*'icl8'*/
      kSmallIcon                    = 4,     /*'ics#'*/
      kSmall4BitIcon                = 5,     /*'ics4'*/
      kSmall8BitIcon                = 6,     /*'ics8'*/
      /*for allocating storage for icon data in the desktop database*/
      kLargeIconSize                = 256,   /*'ICN#'*/
      kLarge4BitIconSize            = 512,   /*'icl4'*/
      kLarge8BitIconSize            = 1024,  /*'icl8'*/
      kSmallIconSize                = 64,    /*'ics#'*/
      kSmall4BitIconSize            = 128,   /*'ics4'*/
      kSmall8BitIconSize            = 256    /*'ics8'*/

Data Types

struct DTPBRec {           /*parameter block for desktop database*/ 
   short    ioDTRefNum;                      /*desktop refnum*/
   short    ioIndex;                         /*index into icon list*/
   long     ioTagInfo;                       /*tag information*/
   Ptr      ioDTBuffer;                      /*data buffer*/
   long     ioDTReqCount;                    /*requested length of data*/
   long     ioDTActCount;                    /*actual length of data*/
   char     ioFiller1;                       /*unused*/
   char     ioIconType;                      /*icon type*/
   short    ioFiller2;                       /*unused*/
   long     ioDirID;                         /*parent directory ID*/
   OSType   ioFileCreator;                   /*file creator*/
   OSType   ioFileType;                      /*file type*/
   long     ioFiller3;                       /*unused*/
   long     ioDTLgLen;                       /*logical length of */
                                             /* desktop database*/
   long     ioDTPyLen;                       /*physical length of desktop */
                                             /* database*/
   short    ioFiller4[14];                   /*unused*/
   long     ioAPPLParID;                     /*parent directory ID of */
                                             /* application*/
typedef struct DTPBRec DTPBRec;
typedef DTPBRec *DTPBPtr;


Locating, Opening, and Closing the Desktop Database

pascal OSErr PBDTGetPath     (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTOpenInform
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTCloseDown   (DTPBPtr paramBlock);

Reading the Desktop Database

pascal OSErr PBDTGetIcon     (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconAsync 
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconSync 
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconInfo
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconInfoAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconInfoSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetAPPL     (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetAPPLAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetAPPLSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetComment
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async); 
pascal OSErr PBDTGetCommentAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetCommentSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);

Adding to the Desktop Database

pascal OSErr PBDTAddIcon     (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async); 
pascal OSErr PBDTAddIconAsync 
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTAddIconSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTAddAPPL     (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async); 
pascal OSErr PBDTAddAPPLAsync 
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTAddAPPLSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTSetComment
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTSetCommentAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTSetCommentSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);

Deleting Entries From the Desktop Database

pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveAPPL
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveAPPLSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveComment
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveCommentAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveCommentSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);

Manipulating the Desktop Database Itself

pascal OSErr PBDTFlush       (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTFlushAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTFlushSync   (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetInfo     (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetInfoAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTGetInfoSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTReset       (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTResetAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTResetSync   (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTDelete      (DTPBPtr paramBlock, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr PBDTDeleteAsync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);
pascal OSErr PBDTDeleteSync
                             (DTPBPtr paramBlock);

Assembly-Language Summary

Data Structures

Desktop Parameter Block
-->12ioCompletionlongcompletion routine
\xAE16ioResultwordresult code
-->18ioNamePtrlongpointer to file, directory, or volume name
-->22ioVRefNumwordvolume reference number
\xA524ioDTRefNumworddesktop database reference number
-->26ioIndexwordindex into icon list; or number of files in database
\xA528ioTagInfolongtag information
-->32ioDTBufferlongpointer to icon data
-->36ioDTReqCountlongrequested size of icon data buffer
\xAE40ioDTActCountlongactual size of icon definition
\xA544ioIconTypebyteicon's type
\xA548ioDirIDlongparent directory
-->52ioFileCreatorlongfile creator
\xA556ioFileTypelongfile type
\xAE64ioDTLgLenlonglogical length of database files
\xAE68ioDTPyLenlongphysical length of database files
\xAE100ioAPPLParIDlongapplication's parent directory

Trap Macros

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors


Result Codes

noErr0No error
nsvErr-35No such volume
ioErr-36I/O error
fnfErr-43File or directory doesn't exist
wPrErr-44Volume is locked through hardware
vLckdErr-46Volume is locked through software
paramErr-50Parameter error; use PBDTGetPath
rfNumErr-51Reference number invalid
extFSErr-58External file system--file system identifier is nonzero
desktopDamagedErr-1305The desktop database has become corrupted--the Finder will fix this, but if your application is not running with the Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
afpItemNotFound-5012Information not found
afpIconTypeError-5030Sizes of new icon and one it replaces don't match

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996