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Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw /
Chapter 8 - Cursor Utilities / Cursor Utilities Reference
Routines / Hiding and Showing Cursors


You use the Show_Cursor procedure to display the cursor on the screen if you have used the Hide_Cursor procedure (described on page 8-26) to remove the cursor from the screen.

PROCEDURE Show_Cursor (cursorKind: Cursors);

The kind of cursor to show. To specify one of the standard cursors, you can use one of these values defined by the Cursors data type.
          TYPE Cursors =      {values to pass Show_Cursor}
            (HIDDEN_CURSOR,   {the current cursor}
             I_BEAM_CURSOR,   {the I-beam cursor; to select text}
             CROSS_CURSOR,    {the crosshairs cursor; to draw }
                              { graphics}
             PLUS_CURSOR,     {the plus sign cursor; to select }
                              { cells}
             WATCH_CURSOR,    {the wristwatch cursor; to } 
                              { indicate a short operation in }
                              { progress}
             ARROW_CURSOR);   {the standard cursor}
The Show_Cursor procedure increments the cursor level, which may have been decremented by the Hide_Cursor procedure, and displays the specified cursor on the screen only if the level becomes 0 (it is never incremented beyond 0). You can specify one of the standard cursors or the current cursor by passing one of the previously listed values in the cursorKind parameter. If you specify one of the standard cursors, the Show_Cursor procedure calls the SetCursor procedure for the specified cursor prior to calling ShowCursor. If you specify HIDDEN_CURSOR, this procedure just calls ShowCursor. Before using Show_Cursor, you must use the InitCursorCtl procedure, which is described on page 8-20.

The value ARROW_CURSOR works correctly only if the basic QuickDraw global variables have been set up by using the InitGraf procedure, which is described in the chapter "Basic QuickDraw" in this book.

Figure 8-3 on page 8-8 illustrates the cursors represented by the Cursors data type.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996