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Documentation > Mac OS 8 and 9 > Human Interface Toolbox > Human Interface Guidelines

Control Manager
Human interface guidelines provide authoritative information on the theory behind the Macintosh “look and feel” and the practice of using individual interface components. Anyone designing or creating a product for Macintosh computers needs to understand this information.

  Related Links

Macintosh Human Interface Discussion List

    Inside Macintosh Documents
Apple Human Interface
This page provides links to "Apple Human Interface Guidelines" (which is available in multiple formats) and to other resources related to the new user interface introduced with Mac OS X.

Mac OS 8 Human Interface Guidelines
This document describes the additions and changes to Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines related to the release of Mac OS 8. Specifically, it presents guidelines for taking advantage of the Mac OS platinum appearance and the Appearance Manager. This document does not replace Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Please consult that document for all user interface issues not specifically covered here.