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Documentation > Mac OS 8 and 9 > Interappplication Communication > Edition Manager

Edition Manager

The Edition Manager supports the automation of copy and paste operations between applications so that data can be shared dynamically.

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    Inside Macintosh Documents
Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication
(Chapter 2 -Edition Manager)
This document explains how your application can share data with other applications. Chapter 2 includes a detailed description of how to use the Edition Manager to share and automatically update data, as well as a complete reference guide for the Edition Manager API.

Programmer's Guide to MacApp
(Chapter 31 - Edition Manager)
The Programmer’s Guide to MacApp provides a detailed discussion of how to use the Edition Manager in your MacApp-based application.

Chapter 7 describes Edition Manager terminology and the MacApp classes you use with the Edition Manager. Chapter 31 provides programming examples for working with the Edition Manager.

These chapters contain information that can be useful in understanding how to use the Edition Manager, even if you are not programming with MacApp.