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Implementing read-modify-write on PCI

Q: We are converting our Nubus card to a PCI card, and we need to know how to implement read-modify-write to lock the PCI target device.

A: Designing PCI Cards and Drivers, which is on the PCI Driver Development Kit (DDK), explains this as follows:

Atomic Memory Operations

The Driver Services Library provides the following 32-, 16-, and 8-bit atomic memory operations for use by device drivers.

Boolean CompareAndSwap(long oldValue, long newValue, long *Value);
SInt32            IncrementAtomic( SInt32 *value );
SInt32            DecrementAtomic( SInt32 *value );
SInt32            AddAtomic( SInt32 amount, SInt32 *value );
UInt32        BitAndAtomic( UInt32 mask, UInt32 *value );
UInt32        BitOrAtomic( UInt32 mask, UInt32 *value );
UInt32        BitXorAtomic( UInt32 mask, UInt32 *value );
SInt8             IncrementAtomic8( SInt8 *value );
SInt8             DecrementAtomic8( SInt8 *value );
SInt8             AddAtomic8( SInt32 amount, SInt8 *value );
UInt8             BitAndAtomic8( UInt32 mask, UInt8 *value );
UInt8             BitOrAtomic8( UInt32 mask, UInt8 *value );
UInt8             BitXorAtomic8( UInt32 mask, UInt8 *value );
SInt16            IncrementAtomic16( SInt16 *value );
SInt16            DecrementAtomic16( SInt16 *value );
SInt16            AddAtomic16( SInt32 amount, SInt16 *value );
UInt16        BitAndAtomic16( UInt32 mask, UInt16 *value );
UInt16        BitOrAtomic16( UInt32 mask, UInt16 *value );
UInt16        BitXorAtomic16( UInt32 mask, UInt16 *value );

The atomic routines perform various operations on the memory address specified by value:

  • IncrementAtomic increments the value by one and DecrementAtomic decrements it by one. These functions return the value as it was before the change.
  • AddAtomic adds the specified amount to the value at the specified address and returns the result.
  • BitAndAtomic performs a logical and operation between the bits of the specified mask and the value at the specified address, returning the result. Similarly, BitOrAtomic performs a logical or operation and BitXorAtomic performs a logical XOR operation.
  • The CompareAndSwap routine compares the value at the specified address with oldValue. The value of newValue is written to the specified address only if oldValue and the value at the specified address are equal. CompareAndSwap returns true if newValue is written to the specified address; otherwise it returns false. A false return value does not imply that oldValue and the value at the specified address are not equal; it only implies that CompareAndSwap did not write newValue to the specified address.

These routines take logical address pointers and ensure that the operations are atomic with respect to all devices (for example, other processors, DMA engines) that participate in the coherency architecture of the Macintosh system.

TestAndSet        (UInt32            theBit
                  UInt8            *theAddress);
TestAndClear    (UInt32            theBit
                  UInt8               *theAddress);
theBit            The bit number in the range 0 through 7.
theAddress        The address of the byte in which the bit is located.

TestAndSet and TestAndClear set and clear a single bit in a byte at a specified address.

[Jul 15 1995]

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