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Getting Records From the OCE Catalog Manager

Q: When we use the DirFindRecordGet function, we get the message kOCEInvalidCommand (-1501). Is there another way to get all records from a given catalog?

A: The catalog you are attempting to get record information about does not support the DirFindRecordGet function (few out there actually do). To check whether or not a particular catalog supports this function, you need to first call DirGetDirectoryInfo() and check the features flags that are returned. Check the kSupportsFindRecordBit (see Inside Macintosh: AOCE Application Interface, p. 8-31) to see if this call is supported. If it is not supported, you'll have to use DirEnumerateGet instead to get all the records from a catalog. You also might want to look at the "DTS Catalog Peek" sample code on the Mac OS SDK.

[Sep 01 1995]

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