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TCP Application Acquires Different Port Address After Relaunch

Q: In my Open Transport TCP based server application, I use a specific socket for receiving incoming connection requests.

If I relaunch the server immediately after quitting, the initialization calls complete without error, but the server never receives any incoming connection requests. If I wait several minutes before restarting the server, this problem doesn't occur. It appears that there is some internal timeout for disconnected connections. Is there a solution to this problem so that the server can be launched without waiting for the timeout?

A: TCP has a 2-minute timeout on a binding after a connection has closed before the same port can be bound to again. This prevents stale data from corrupting a new connection. For this reason, you see a delay before you can successfully bind to the port again.

There is a way around this, using the IP_REUSEADDR option and the OTOptionManagement call. Set this option on all of your listening endpoints before you bind, and the problem should disappear.

Important - even after using the IP_REUSEADDR option, at most one endpoint that is in a state less than connected (listening; unbound doesn't count) may be bound to a given port. Any number of connected or closing endpoints may be so bound to other unique ports, however.

The following sample will help to show how to set this option. The function takes 2 input parameters, the EndpointRef that you want to set the option for, and the state of the option that you want, typically, true. The function returns a result of OSStatus. If the result is less than zero, then it it the result of making the OTOptionManagement call. If the result is positive, then the call completed successfully, but the status field had a value other than T_SUCCESS.

#include <OpenTransport.h>            // open transport files
#include <OpenTptInternet.h>

/* input: noDelayState - true - nodelay
//                         false - normal delay state
// output:    if result less that kOTNoError, then the result of
//        OTOptionManagement call is returned
//        otherwise, the status value is returned as defined in
//        OpenTransport.h
        T_SUCCESS    = 0x020,        return kOTNoError if SUCCESS
        T_FAILURE    = 0x040,
        T_PARTSUCCESS    = 0x100,
        T_READONLY    = 0x200,
        T_NOTSUPPORT    = 0x400

OSStatus DoNegotiateIPReuseAddrOption(EndpointRef ep, Boolean reuseState)
    UInt8        buf[kOTFourByteOptionSize];    // define buffer for fourByte
                            // Option size
    TOption*    opt;                // option ptr to make items
                            // easier to access
    TOptMgmt    req;
    OSStatus    err;
    Boolean        isAsync = false;

    opt = (TOption*)buf;                // set option ptr to buffer
    req.opt.buf    = buf;
    req.opt.len    = sizeof(buf);
    req.opt.maxlen = sizeof(buf);            // were using ret for the
                            // return result also.
    req.flags    = T_NEGOTIATE;            // negotiate for option

    opt->level    = INET_IP;            // dealing with an IP Level
                            // function
    opt->name    = IP_REUSEADDR;
    opt->len    = kOTFourByteOptionSize;
    *(UInt32*)opt->value = reuseState;        // set the desired option
                            // level, true or false
    if (OTIsSynchronous(ep) == false)        // check whether ep sync or
                            // not
        isAsync = true;            // set flag if async
        OTSetSynchronous(ep);            // set endpoint to sync

    err = OTOptionManagement(ep, &req, &req);

    if (isAsync == true)                // restore ep state if
                            // necessary

        // if no error then check the option status value
    if (err == kOTNoError)
        if (opt->status != T_SUCCESS)     // if not T_SUCCESS, return
                            // the status
            err = opt->status;
    }    // otherwise return kOTNOError
    return err;

[May 01 1996]

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