# $processPath defines the application's process path
# $processName defines the application's name
# logLocation defines the absolute path to the log file
# logDirectory defines the path to the log file(s)
#smtpHost is the value of the WOSMTPHost startup variable
$smtpHost = "foo.bar.net";
# basePortNum is the first port number your instances will live under
$basePortNum = 4321;
#maxinstances is the maximum number of instances your application will have
# Open the LogFile
printlog("Killing all the $processName processes");
# Finds all #processName jobs & kills them
@prreturn=`ps -aef | grep $processName`;
foreach $i (0 .. $#prreturn){
@value=split(" ",$prreturn[$i]);
if ($value[$#value-1] ne "grep"
&& $value[$value-1] ne $0 && $value[$value-1]){
system "kill -9 $value[1] >> $logloc 2>&1";
printlog("Killed process $value[1]");
# a script to preserve the old log instead of overwriting with a new one would be
# appropriate here
# Start the Application
printlog("Starting $processName");
foreach $instance (0 .. $maxinstances-1)
$portnum = $basePortNum + $instance;
system "$processPath $processName -WOPort $portnum -WOSMTPHost $smtpHost \
-WOCachingEnabled YES -WOListeningQueueSize 10 \
-NSJavaMinHeapSize 33554432 -NSJavaMaxHeapSize 67108864 $processName \
>>$logDirectory/$processName.$portnum 2>&1 &";
# Subroutine to write to log file
sub printlog {
print logfile "@_\n";
close (logfile);
sub date_print
$currtime = time();
@mytime = localtime($currtime);
$yyyy = $mytime[5];
if ($yyyy > 70)
{ $yyyy += 1900 ;}
{$yyyy +=2000; }
printf(logfile "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ",
$mytime[1],$mytime[0]) ;