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FSSetCatalogInfo versus UID and GID

Q: How do I use FSSetCatalogInfo to change the UID and GID of a file?

A: Apple specifically chose to ignore the UID and GID values you supply to FSSetCatalogInfo so as to improve compatibility with existing source code. The code in most applications copies a file's metadata by calling FSGetCatalogInfo on the source then calling FSSetCatalogInfo on the destination. However, Mac OS X does not let a non-root program change the UID of a file. Thus, if FSSetCatalogInfo was implemented in the obvious way and you used the standard copy algorithm to copy a file that you did not own, your program would fail with a permissions error.

At this point in time there is no way to set a file's UID or GID using the Carbon File Manager. The recommended workaround is to use the BSD call chown, as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. A version of FSSetCatalogInfo that sets the UID and GID

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static OSStatus FSSetCatalogInfoIDs(const FSRef *ref, 
                                    FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, 
                                    const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo)
    // A version of FSSetCatalogInfo that actually tries 
    // to set the FUID and FGID if you supply the 
    // kFSCatInfoPermissions flag.  This is the current 
    // recommended workaround for <rdar://problem/2631025>. 
    // You can supply a userID or groupID value of -1 
    // to indicate that you don't want to change the value.
    OSStatus                    err;
    const FSPermissionInfo *    permInfo;
    uid_t                       uid;
    gid_t                       gid;
    err = FSSetCatalogInfo(ref, whichInfo, catalogInfo);
    if ( (err == noErr) && (whichInfo & kFSCatInfoPermissions) ) {
        permInfo = (const FSPermissionInfo *) catalogInfo->permissions;
        uid = (uid_t) permInfo->userID;
        gid = (gid_t) permInfo->groupID;
        if (uid != -1 || gid != -1 ) {
            char filePath[MAXPATHLEN];
            err = FSRefMakePath(ref, (UInt8 *) filePath, sizeof(filePath));
            if (err == noErr) {
                err = chown(filePath, uid, gid);
                if (err == -1) {
                    err = errno;
    return err;

The above code does not give you any special privileges. If you attempt to perform some operation that is restricted (enter man 2 chown in Terminal for information about those restrictions), FSSetCatalogInfoIDs will fail with an error. For information about how to get additional privileges, see the Authorization Services documentation.

If you discovered this problem because you're writing your own code to copy file system objects, you might consider using the code from the DTS sample code FSCopyObjects instead.

[Mar 26, 2003]

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