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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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EndFormsPrinting and FormsPrinting PicComments

Q: I notice that the EndFormsPrinting and FormsPrinting PicComments don't work under PostScript Level 3. Why not?

A: As of PostScript Level 3, Adobe has redefined copypage to behave like showpage (without an implicit initgraphics). This change breaks Apple's handling of the EndFormsPrinting and FormsPrinting PicComments. As stated in Technote QD10 " Picture Comments--The Real Deal", Apple does not recommend or support the use of these PicComments. With the release of PostScript Level 3, these PicComments are now obsolete and will no longer be supported. For more information on Adobe's changes to copypage and other Level 3 operators, please see their web site at

[Jan 16 1998]

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