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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.

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Q3Exit Causes Application Crashes and Error Messages

Q: I'm trying to use the kQ3RendererTypeInteractive renderer, but it crashes frequently. If I run the program until just before the call to Q3View_StartRendering, and then click the close box of one of my MetroWerks debugger windows, there is an unrecoverable system crash. Q3Exit always causes the application to crash, sometimes with a message that a Draw context object still has one reference.

A: It is normal for the debugger to display debug strings in QuickDraw 3D when you call Q3Exit. These messages indicate memory leaks and such. The messages, which are only displayed with the debug version of the library, are there to let you know when your code may be causing a memory leak. There is a sample error and warning handler on AppleLink that you could modify to direct the message output to a file, thus avoiding the drops to MacsBug.

One way to avoid these messages is to call Q3Object_Dispose on any object that was created with a Q3xxxx_Getxxxx or Q3xxx_Newxxx call.

[Jun 01 1995]

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