This Technical Note contains a collection of archived Q&As relating to a specific topic--questions sent the Developer Support Center (DSC) along with
answers from the DSC engineers. Current Q&As can be found on the Macintosh Technical Q&As web site.
[Oct 01 1990]
Back to top Implementing Macintosh System 7 desktop button
Date Written: 6/22/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
We would like to know how to implement a desktop button under System 7 in a
dialog other than the standard system Open dialog. Is there an easy way to find
the mounted volumes and their icons and the files that are located on the desktop?
The items shown at the desktop level by Standard File are the mounted volumes
and all items inside the invisible directory named Desktop Folder at the root
of the volume. You can find out what items are in the desktop folder by using
PBGetCatInfo to enumerate the items in that directory. (For sample code showing
the basic technique of indexing through the entries in a directory, see the
Macintosh Technical Note "Searching All Directories on an HFS Volume.")
To get a list of volumes, you need to index through the list of volumes with
PBHGetVInfo . The snippet code below shows how to do that. To get the icon
associated with a specific volume, you need to make control call #21 to the
volume's disk driver as documented on page V-470 of Inside Macintosh
Volume V. The function GetDiskDriverInfo below shows the proper way to make the
control call and safely return the icon and where string (the string that shows
where a volume is in the Finder's Get Info dialog box).
FUNCTION GetDiskDriverInfo (driveNumber: Integer;
driverRefNum: Integer;
VAR iconHandle: Handle;
VAR whereString: Str255): OSErr;
err: OSerr;
pb: ParamBlockRec;
iconHandle := NewHandle(kLargeIconSize);
IF iconHandle = NIL THEN
BEGIN { bail out if memory couldn't be allocated }
GetDiskDriverInfo := MemError;
{ get the disk driver info }
ioVRefNum := driveNumber;
ioRefNum := driverRefNum;
csCode := 21;
err := PBControlSync(@pb);
IF err = noErr THEN
BEGIN { no error? then return the info }
{ move the icon into it }
BlockMove(pb.ioMisc, iconHandle^, kLargeIconSize);
{ copy where information string into a string variable }
whereString := StringPtr(ORD4(pb.ioMisc) + $100)^;
BEGIN { error? then clean up and return no info }
iconHandle := NIL;
whereString := '';
GetDiskDriverInfo := err;
Here's how you index through the list of volumes to get their names and
how to call the GetDiskDriverInfo function above to get the icon and
"where" string.
hPB: HParamBlockRec;
err: OSerr;
dErr: OSErr;
index: Integer;
gVolName: Str255;
gIconHandle: Handle;
gWhereString: Str255;
index := 1;
ioNamePtr := @gVolName;
ioVolIndex := index;
err := PBHGetVInfoSync(@hPB);
IF err = noErr THEN
dErr := GetDiskDriverInfo(hPB.ioVDrvInfo, hPB.ioVDRefNum,
gIconHandle, gWhereString);
IF dErr = noErr THEN
{ Do something with the volume name, icon, and where string. }
{ Don't forget to dispose the gIconHandle handle when you're }
{ done with the icon. }
index := index + 1;
UNTIL err <> noErr;
If you want to get fancy, you can use the custom icon attacted to some files
(for example, alias files to AppleShare volumes). Chapter 9 of Inside
Macintosh Volume VI talks about custom icons and alias files on pages 9-28
through 9-32. You can tell if a file or directory has a custom icon by looking
at the hasCustomIcon bit in the fdFlags word of the FInfo record returned by
PBGetCatInfo (which you call to build the list of files and folders).
Back to top System 7 and copy-protect bit
Date Written: 4/26/90
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I need to prevent users from copying my application off a volume. Is there a
new equivalent of the old Bozo bit?
The Bozo or NoCopy bit was bit 11 in the fdFlags word of the FInfo record. As
noted in the Macintosh Technical Note "Finder Flags," this bit hasn't been used
for that purpose since System 5. In fact, System 7 reused bit 11 for the
isStationery bit. (See Inside Macintosh Volume VI, pages 9-36 and 9-37,
for the current list of Finder flag bits.)
There isn't an equivalent of the Bozo bit. However, the System 7 Finder won't
copy files that have the copy-protect bit (bit 6) set in the ioFlAttrib field
returned by the PBGetCatInfo function. However, the bits in the ioFlAttrib
field can't be changed with the PBSetCatInfo function. Instead, they're used to
report the state of things set by other parts of the file system.
The copy-protect bit is set by the AppleShare external file system when it
finds that a file's copy-protect bit is returned by an AppleTalk Filing
Protocol file server. The AppleShare external file system is the only file
system we know of that sets the copy-protect bit. There's no way to make the
local file system set the copy-protect bit for volumes it controls.
Back to top How persistent must Macintosh directory IDs be?
Date Date Written: 8/28/92
Last reviewed: 11/1/92
How persistent must directory IDs be? In our external file system, directory
IDs are generated starting from fsRtDirID whenever a volume is mounted. When
one of our volumes is unmounted and then remounted without rebooting the Macintosh
in between, the Finder immediately does a GetCatInfo specifying a directory ID
(5, I think it's looking for the Trash folder). This would imply that directory IDs
need to persist across dismounts. Is this the case? Is there any way to get the Finder
to forget the directory IDs it has stored, besides rebooting?
The Macintosh file system only expects directory ID numbers to be fixed while
the volume is mounted.
However, other parts of the Macintosh operating system (for example, the Alias
Manager and the Finder) and applications expect directory IDs to persist between
volume mounts so that they can find a particular directory when a volume is remounted.
For example, under System 6, the correct way to store the location of a file is by
saving the volume name, the volume's creation date (to help find the volume in the
case where it is renamed), and the parent directory ID number. The Alias Manager
under System 7 (and under System 6 when QuickTime is installed) uses the same
technique when it creates an alias to a file or directory.
The Finder keeps the directory ID numbers of the directories it can find with
the FindFolder function in the volume's FndrInfo record, so that's why you're
seeing the Finder look for a particular directory ID.
Back to top Getting folder directory ID based on path name or parent folder
Date Written: 4/26/90
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Is there any Macintosh routine that gets the directory ID of a folder based on
the path name? How about if I know the parent folder's directory ID?
You can call PBGetCatInfo with ioFDirIndex set to zero to get the directory ID
of a folder based on the path name. Call PBHGetVInfo to find its vRefNum .
You can also call PBGetCatInfo to get a folder's dirID based on its name and
its parent's dirID and vRefNum . Here's an example:
{ given a folder's name, vRefNum, and parent dirID, find its dirID }
FUNCTION GetFolderDirID (parentFolderVRefNum: Integer;
parentFolderDirID: LongInt; folderName: Str63;
VAR folderDirID: LongInt): OSErr;
myCInfoPBRec: CInfoPBRec;
retCode: OSErr;
myCInfoPBRec.ioCompletion := NIL;
myCInfoPBRec.ioNamePtr := @folderName;
myCinfoPBRec.ioVRefNum := parentFolderVRefNum;
myCInfoPBRec.ioFDirIndex := 0; { use name, vRefNum, dirID }
myCInfoPBRec.ioDrDirID := parentFolderDirID; { will be changed }
retCode := PBGetCatInfoSync(@myCInfoPBRec); { IM IV-155 }
IF retCode = noErr THEN folderDirID := myCInfoPBRec.ioDrDirID;
GetFolderDirID := retCode;
Back to top PBHDelete insights and code snippet
Date Written: 11/28/90
Last reviewed: 2/8/91
Using a synchronous call to delete an empty Macintosh directory using PBHDelete
returns a fBsyErr .
I don't know exactly what is causing the fBsyErr on your machine, but here's my
best guess: The reason you are experiencing this problem is that something has
set a working directory to the one you're trying to delete. I was able to get
this to happen by setting the current directory in MPW to "foo:temp:" and then
trying to delete it. The bad news is that you can't close another process's
working directory. There will be cases where your application won't be able to
delete the directory until the user resets the default directory in the offending
application. Such are the perils of working in a multitasking environment....
Also, I would suggest using a routine like the one included below. It ensures
that the specified file is in fact a directory, and supplies a vRefNum and
DirID to PBHDelete , which I feel is safer than just giving a full pathname.
** DirDelete.c
** An MPW tool to delete a directory.
** Gets the target file from the command line.
** Neil Day
** MacDTS
** Apple Computer, Inc.
** 11/29/90
#include <Stdio.h> /* compiler interfaces */
#include <Files.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Strings.h>
#define DIR_BIT 4
OSErr DirDelete (char *dirName); /* function prototypes */
main (argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int argCounter;
OSErr err;
if (argc < 2) {
printf ("Format : DirDelete <file1> [<file2>
... <fileN>]\n");
for (argCounter = 1; argCounter < argc; argCounter++) {
printf ("%s\n",argv[argCounter]);
err = DirDelete (argv[argCounter]);
if (err)
printf ("DirDelete : got error %d while trying to
remove %s\n",
** DirDelete
** Deletes a directory given the full pathname to the directory.
** Uses PBGetCatInfo to retrieve the vRefNum and DirID of the directory
** and its status flags. Checks to see that the specified file is
** in fact a directory, and deletes it if it is...
OSErr DirDelete (dirName)
char *dirName;
OSErr err;
CInfoPBPtr Info;
HParmBlkPtr delete_me;
err = noErr;
Info = (CInfoPBPtr) NewPtrClear (sizeof(CInfoPBRec));
Info->hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = c2pstr(dirName);
delete_me = (HParmBlkPtr) NewPtrClear (sizeof (HParamBlockRec));
err = PBGetCatInfo (Info,false);
if ((!err) && ((Info->hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib>>DIR_BIT)
& 0x01)) {
delete_me->fileParam.ioVRefNum = Info->hFileInfo.ioVRefNum;
delete_me->fileParam.ioDirID = Info->hFileInfo.ioDirID;
err = PBHDelete (delete_me,false);
DisposPtr ((Ptr)Info);
DisposPtr ((Ptr)delete_me);
return err;
Back to top Working directories and WDRefNum
Date Written: 12/13/90
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How do I get the directory ID when using HCreateResFile (as described in the
Macintosh Technical Note "New Resource Manager Calls."
Also, what exactly are working directories, and do I need to be concerned with them, or are they a
thing of the past?
The directory ID comes indirectly from the Standard File dialogue that the user
uses to select an output or input file. Standard File returns a working
directory reference number in the ioVRefNum . Use the PBGetWDInfo call to break
that up into an ioVRefNum and ioDirID pair.
Working directories are a compatibility item to allow programs written for MFS
to run under HFS. Since MFS didn't support directories in any true sense, HFS
needed to be able to encode both volume and directory information in the same
place. The vRefNum was the most logical spot to do that, and hence the WDRefNum
was born. The first and last thing you should do with a WDRefNum is convert it
to a vRefNum and DirID pair. For more information on the PBGetWDInfo call,
please refer to Inside Macintosh Volume IV, page 159.
DTS Macintosh Technote "New Resource Manager Calls"
Inside Macintosh Volume IV, File Manager chapter, page 159
Back to top Getting HFS directories from full pathnames
Date Written: 12/21/90
Last reviewed: 1/16/91
How can I determine Macintosh HFS directories from the full pathnames without
going through SFGetFile or opening files?
Apple recommends not using full pathnames. They're unwieldy, they take up lots
of space, the File Manager doesn't deal with names longer than 255 characters,
and they're unnecessary.
However, if you are working with a piece of software other than your own, it
may be unavoidable. If so, there are two methods depending on the size of the
full pathname:
1. If the full pathname is less than 255 characters, simply get the dirID of
the directory by calling PBGetCatInfo .
pbc: CInfoPBRec;
name := 'Chinese Junk:Test:VMCalls:';
ioCompletion := NIL;
ioNamePtr := @name;
ioVRefNum := 0;
ioFDirIndex := 0;
ioDrDirID := 0;
err := PBGetCatInfo(@pbc, FALSE);
This will return to you the dirID of the folder in ioDrDirID .
2. If the full pathname is longer than 255 characters, you will have to break
up the name into smaller parts and get information incrementally. This is shown
below. Note that this example is not quite realistic since I store the original
full pathname in a Pascal string, which will always be smaller than 255 characters.
pbc: CInfoPBRec;
pbh: HParamBlockRec;
name: Str255;
tempname: Str255;
vRefNum: Integer;
done: Boolean;
lastPos: Integer;
curPos: Integer;
name := 'Chinese Junk:Test:VMCalls:';
tempname := name; {PBHGetVInfo modified ioNamePtr string,
so copy it}
ioCompletion := NIL;
ioNamePtr := @tempname;
ioVRefNum := 0;
ioVolIndex := 0;
err := PBHGetVInfo(@pbh, FALSE);
vRefNum := pbh.ioVRefNum; {get vRefNum for PBGetCatInfo calls}
dirID := 0; {init dirID to zero}
done := FALSE;
lastPos := 1;
curPos := lastPos; {look for the next chunk surrounded
by colons}
curPos := curPos + 1;
done := curPos >= LENGTH(name);
UNTIL (name[curPos] = ':') | (done);
tempname := Copy(name, lastPos, curPos - lastPos + 1);
lastPos := curPos;
ioCompletion := NIL;
ioNamePtr := @tempname;
ioVRefNum := vRefNum;
ioFDirIndex := 0;
ioDirID := dirID;
err := PBGetCatInfo(@pbc, FALSE);
dirID := pbc.ioDrDirID; {get this dirID to use a parent
for next chunk}
Writeln('err = ', err);
Writeln('tempName = ', tempname);
Writeln('ioVRefNum = ', pbc.ioVRefNum);
Writeln('ioDrDirID = ', pbc.ioDrDirID);
Writeln('ioDrParID = ', pbc.ioDrParID);
UNTIL done;
This will give you the following output:
err = 0
tempName = Chinese Junk:
ioVRefNum = -2
ioDrDirID = 2
ioDrParID = 2
err = 0
tempName = :Test:
ioVRefNum = -2
ioDrDirID = 271
ioDrParID = 2
err = 0
tempName = :VMCalls:
ioVRefNum = -2 <--- this is the vRefNum you want
ioDrDirID = 26399 <--- this is the dirID you want
ioDrParID = 271
Back to top How a new Macintosh directory ID is determined
Date Written: 1/24/91
Last reviewed: 2/14/91
Our Macintosh application moves files between directories on a file system; the
directories determine certain actions and are seldom changed; thus, the
application keeps a persistent reference to the directories. The current form
of this reference is <volume name, path from root>. According to a System
7 lecture, the preferred form for a persistent file reference is <volume
name, directory ID, filename>, which reduces to <volume name, directory
ID>, the preferred form for a persistent directory reference. The process of
throwing folders away and creating new ones could result in a directory ID
being reused on an HFS volume. Is this truly a threat, or has the directory
allocation scheme been designed to require many transactions before reusing an ID?
You are correct in your assumption that many transactions need to take place
before a directory ID gets reused. The system does not start with dir ID = 0
and search the hard disk until it finds an ID that's not used. Instead, the ID
of the last created folder is in a "last created ID" field on the disk. When
the system creates a new folder, it searches with that "last value" + 1. Since
these are 32-bit values, you'd have to create over 4 billion folders before you
wrap around again to zero.
Back to top Changing a file's fork without changing last-modified date
Date Written: 7/9/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Inside Macintosh Volume VI, page 2-22, recommends updating the window
positions in a file without changing the last modification date and time on the
file. How do I alter a file without automatically changing the timestamp?
To modify the contents of a file's data or resource fork without changing the
last modified date, get the modified date before performing any save operations
on the file and restore it when you're done. You can use the PBHGetFInfo and
PBHSetFInfo calls to do this. A short Pascal snippet that modifies the contents
of a known file's resource fork without modifying its modification date is
shown below. The code shows how the parameter block is filled in with the
file's information at the start of the routine with a PBHGetFInfo call, and the
same data is then used without modification to set the file information at the
end of the routine with a PBHSetFInfo . Inside Macintosh Volume IV, page
150, tells you which fields can be changed with PBHSetFInfo .
Procedure DummyResource;
var a:stringHandle;
{Set up the parameter block}
{Recover the files info to save the mod date}
{modify the resource fork}
a:=StringHandle(GetResource('STR ',128));
{Now restore the original last mod date in the files directory entry.}
Back to top Code for detecting PBCatSearch support
Date Written: 9/26/91
Last reviewed: 10/15/91
Our code for volume searching using PBCatSearch doesn't work for AppleShare
volumes. Do you know how we can make it work?
PBCatSearch works only on volumes that support it. If you attempt to use
PBCatSearch on a volume that doesn't support it, you'll get a wrgVolTypErr
(-123). (This isn't documented in Inside Macintosh Volume VI.)
AppleShare 2.0 volumes (AppleShare 2.0 is an AFP 2.0 server) and volumes
supported by some other external file systems do not support PBCatSearch , so
you'll have to resort to recursively searching the catalog using a routine
similar to the one shown in the Macintosh Technical Note "Searching
Volumes--Solutions and Problems" on those volumes. PBCatSearch is supported by
AppleShare volumes on System 7 File Sharing servers because File Sharing
supports AFP version 2.1 which includes CatSearch as a supported command.
You can use the File Manager call PBHGetVolParms to check a volume for most
volume-specific features, including support for PBCatSearch . Here's a short
function that shows how to do that:
FUNCTION CatSearchable (vRefNum: Integer): Boolean;
{See if PBCatSearch is supported on the volume specified by vRefNum}
pb: HParamBlockRec;
infoBuffer: GetVolParmsInfoBuffer;
err: OSErr;
ioNamePtr := NIL;
ioVRefNum := vRefNum;
ioBuffer := @infoBuffer;
ioReqCount := SizeOf(infoBuffer);
err := PBHGetVolParms(@pb, FALSE);
IF err = noErr THEN
IF BTst(infoBuffer.vMAttrib, bHasCatSearch) THEN
CatSearchable := TRUE
CatSearchable := FALSE
CatSearchable := FALSE;
Back to top PBHGetDirAccess ioNamePtr (not ioFileName) & ioDirID params
Date Written: 12/20/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Two PBHGetDirAccess parameters listed in Inside Macintosh Volume V, page
V-394, ioFileName and ioDirID , aren't in the MPW C 3.2 header files. Can anyone
show me the correct way to call this function?
The ioFileName parameter is really ioNamePtr (Inside Macintosh Volume V
documentation error) and can be found in the ParamBlockHeader . The ioDirID
parameter is in the FileParam variant of the ParamBlockRec , so if you just
refer to it as myHParamBlockRec.ioDirID , you should be fine. You'll find
similar cases in the C include files where you'll need to use two different
variants to get to all the fields used by a call.
Back to top PBGetCatInfo NIL ioNamePtr bug and workaround
Date Written: 3/6/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I'm using PBGetCatInfo to index through the entries in a directory. Because I'm
not interested in the names of the directory entries, I set ioNamePtr to NIL.
Everything worked great until I tried this on a volume shared with Macintosh
File Sharing. After running my program on a shared volume, the system started
acting unpredictably. What happened?
The problem you reported with PBGetCatInfo is caused by a bug in the Macintosh
File Sharing code. It doesn't check for a NIL value in ioNamePtr correctly and
always copies the file or folder name found at a particular catalog
position to whatever ioNamePtr points to. This means up to 32 bytes starting at
location 0 will be trashed if ioNamePtr = NIL. So until this problem is fixed,
you should avoid using indexed calls to PBGetCatInfo when ioNamePtr = NIL;
ioNamePtr should always point to storage for a Str255.
The AppleShare 3.0 file server does not have this problem, nor does System 7.1
Macintosh File Sharing.
Back to top Forcing the Macintosh system to switch-launch
Date Written: 11/21/89
Last reviewed: 11/21/90
How can I get my Macintosh application to force the system to switch to the
application's disk when the user launches it, like Installer does?
This is called switch-launching. You can do what Installer does, setting a
Finder flag that tells Finder to switch-launch to the new volume. Set this flag
with ResEdit by selecting the application, selecting Get Info from the File menu,
then setting the appropriate checkbox. You can also set this with the MPW command:
Note that forcing a switch-launch in this way never works if any of the
following conditions are true:
* The new volume is not bootable--that is, has no system or Finder or is a
volume like an AppleShare volume;
* MultiFinder is running;
* Either the system or Finder on the new volume is an older version than the
one currently in use.
If any of these conditions are true and you try to force a switch-launch, the
user will get a dialog stating why switch-launching is not possible, and asking
if the user wants to proceed with the launch (without the switch) or cancel it.
Because of these limitations, if you plan for your application to be used by
others and you depend on this capability, you need to think carefully about the
consequences of forcing switch-launching. For example, a user may (and probably
will) choose to run MultiFinder. There is no way for you to know if MultiFinder
is running, and if you are depending on the switch, strange things may happen.
Switch-launching may be even more restricted in the future.
Macintosh Technical Note "Finder Flags"
Back to top How can I tell which directory my Macintosh application is in?
Date Written: 5/3/89
Last reviewed: 11/21/90
How can I tell which directory my Macintosh application is in?
When an application is started, the default volume is set to the directory that
contains the application. GetVol returns the default volume. If the application
calls GetVol before changing the default volume, it will have the directory for
the folder containing the application.
Back to top Assembler code for distinguishing between HFS and MFS calls
Date Written: 3/9/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I'm trying to patch the Macintosh _Create trap and save off the volume and
directory ID of the file that is being created. How do I tell if the caller has
placed a HParamBlkPtr or a ParamBlkPtr in A0 so I'll know whether to treat the
ioDirID element as significant?
When you're called from the trap dispatcher, the trap word you're being called
with is placed in register D1. Since HFS calls can be distinguished from MFS
calls by bit 9 being set in the trap word, you can simply see if this bit is
set in D1 to determine whether the call is using an HParamBlkPtr . Here's an
example in 68000 of how you could check this bit:
createPatch movem.l a0/d0-d1,-(sp) ; save registers
move.l d1,d0
andi.w #$0200,d0
beq.s isCreate
isHCreate ...
bra.s done
isCreate ...
done movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0-d1
move.l createLink,-(sp)
Besides checking HFS vs. MFS, you can also use D1 to determine whether or not
the call was made asynchronously by checking bit 10 of D1.
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