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Checking for Specific Functionality


This technical note explains how to check at run time to see if specific functionality, such as the "new" TextEdit, is present.

[Sep 01 1997]


Applications should strive to be compatible across all Macintoshes, but there are times when an application must have knowledge about the machine that it is running on. The new trap, SysEnvirons, will give an application most of the information that it requires (what hardware, what version of system software...).

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Using SysEnvirons

In most cases, if you examine why you want to test for the existence of a specific trap, you will find that there is an alternative method, for example:

I need to see if the "new" TextEdit calls are available.

Call SysEnvirons and check to see that SysEnvRec.machineType >= 0 (128K ROMs or newer) and that we are running System 4.1 or later (System 4.1 and later support the new TextEdit on 128K and greater ROM machines - we can check this by just seeing if the SysEnvirons trap exists, if we get an envNotPresent error, we know it doesn't). In Pascal:

    CurrentVersion = 1;  {Current version of SysEnvirons}
    newTextAvail    : BOOLEAN;
    theWorld    : SysEnvRec;
This code checks to see if System 4.1 or later is running by calling
SysEnvirons. If SysEnvirons returns an envNotPresent error, we know that
we are running a system prior to 4.1, so we know we don't have the new
TextEdit. If SysEnvirons doesn't return envNotPresent, we check machine
type to make sure we aren't running on 64K ROMs (note: we assume that envMachUnknown
doesn't have 64K ROMs when we check machineType >= 0)
    IF SysEnvirons(CurrentVersion,theWorld) = envNotPresent THEN
        newTextAvail:= FALSE
        newTextAvail:= (theWorld.machineType >= 0);

In C:

/* Current version of SysEnvirons */
#define     CurrentVersion    1
    Boolean     newTextAvail;
    SysEnvRec     theWorld;

    see comment in the above Pascal
if (SysEnvirons(CurrentVersion,&theWorld) == envNotPresent) newTextAvail = false;
        newTextAvail = (theWorld.machineType >= 0);

I need to see if PopUpMenuSelect is implemented.

The same answer as above applies here, since the "new" Menu Manager calls are only implemented in System 4.1 on 128K or larger ROM machines (and, as we found above, PopUpMenuSelect has the same trap number as Rename, so calling NGetTrapAddress won't work on 64K ROMs).

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Checking for Specific Functionality

There are rare times when you may feel that it is necessary to test for specific functionality. In order to allow for testing of specific trap functionality, there is an official unimplemented trap. This trap ($A89F) is unimplemented on all Macintoshes. To test to see if a particular trap that you wish to use is implemented, you can compare its address with the address of the unimplemented trap. Here are two fragments that show how to check to see if Shutdown is implemented. First, Pascal:

  ShutDownTrapNum    = $95;{trap number of Shutdown}
  UnImplTrapNum    = $9F;{trap number of "unimplemented trap"}

  ShutdownIsImplemented   : BOOLEAN;  {is Shutdown implemented}

{Is Shutdown implemented?}
       ShutdownIsImplemented := NGetTrapAddress(ShutDownTrapNum,ToolTrap) <>

Here's a C fragment:

/*trap number of Shutdown*/
#define     ShutDownTrapNum    0x95
/*trap number of "unimplemented trap"*/
#define     UnImplTrapNum     0x9F

    Boolean ShutdownIsImplemented;

      /*Is Shutdown implemented?*/
       ShutdownIsImplemented =    NGetTrapAddress(ShutDownTrapNum,ToolTrap) !=

NGetTrapAddress is used because it ensures that you will get the correct trap in case there is a ToolTrap and an OSTrap with the same number. Please note that calling NGetTrapAddress does not cause compatibility problems with 64K ROMS. When run on those ROMs, it just becomes a GetTrapAddress call. You have to be careful on 64K ROMs--you can't test for PopUpMenuSelect ($A80B), for example, because it has the same trap number as Rename($A00B). The 64K ROM didn't really differentiate between ToolTraps and OSTraps (there was no overlap in trap numbers). So, if you wanted to test for PopUpMenuSelect, you would need to first check to make sure you weren't running on 64K ROMs (see below).

You can get the trap number of the trap you wish to test for from Inside Macintosh (Appendix C of Volumes I-III and Appendix B of Volume IV). You can tell if the trap is an OSTrap or a ToolTrap by checking to see if bit 11 in the trap word is set, that is, traps like $A8xx (or $A9xx or $AAxx) that have the "8" component set, are ToolTraps and traps that don't ($A0xx) are OSTraps. The trap number that you pass to NGetTrapAddress for ToolTraps is the low 10 bits of the trap word (the trap number for PopUpMenuSelect[$A80B] is $00B). The trap number that you pass to NGetTrapAddress for OSTraps is the low 8 bits of the trap word (the trap number for MoveHHi[$A064] is $064).

Shutdown ($A895) is just an example of a trap that we might need to check before calling. Most applications won't call ShutDown, so this is just an example of how to do the testing.

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Operating System Utilities

Assembly Language


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Acrobat version of this Note (52K).


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