This Technical Note describes some HyperCard anomalies with which developers
should be familiar when developing stackware, and it documents differences
between HyperCard versions where appropriate.
[Nov 01 1987]
The 15 Billion Horsemen of the Apocalypse
With the introduction of HyperCard 2.0, many of the old bugs were quashed, and
absolutely no new bugs were created. In fact, the software was so bug-free
that it immediately attained Nirvana and Apple has had problems getting it to
do anything since. Just kidding.
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HyperCard File Format
The HyperCard file format is available for licensing on a case-by-case basis.
Since HyperCard has moved to Claris, developers should contact Claris for more
information if you feel that your product is a substantial and important
addition to HyperCard and the Macintosh.
Since HyperCard allows developers to control data input and output to files
using HyperTalk, most "needs" for file formats may be easily met by using
HyperTalk and writing scripts. In particular, the following HyperTalk commands
are useful:
open file fileName
close file fileName
Versions of HyperCard after 1.0.1 come with examples of how to use these
commands. For those with HyperCard 2.0 release stacks, look in the Power Tools
stack for the "Export Stack Scripts" card, which provides frameworks for
building custom file I/O routines.
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Import(ant) Tip
Scripts which create many new cards, e.g., scripts which import data, should be
sure to keep a counter of the number of cards created and call doMenu
"Compact Stack" every 200 or so cards. Scripts which lack this feature
may cause a variety of strange results, including stack corruption, which are
revealed when Compact Stack is eventually selected.
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Playing Sounds
In versions prior to 2.0, HyperCard could only play format 2 'snd '
resources. In version 2.0 and later, HyperCard supports both format 1 and
format 2 'snd ' resources, which are documented in Inside
Macintosh, Volume V, The Sound Manager (earlier versions did not include
the format 2 description).
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Visual Effects On Monitors With Multiple Bit Depths
With HyperCard 2.0, visual effects work with all monitor depths up to eight
bits, although these effects are faster on a one-bit depth screen. In previous
versions of HyperCard, the monitor had to be set to a one-bit depth for visual
effects to be visible.
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High Disk Space Requirement For BackGround Printing
Running HyperCard under MultiFinder with Background Printing enabled requires
extensive disk space for printing large jobs, such as printing a stack (with
Print Stack... in the File menu) of 100 cards. For example, a ten card stack
may only be 20K in size, but the spool file might be greater than 1MB. This
requirement is due to Print Monitor's spooling the job to disk. Note that this
requirement does not hold true for report printing, where no graphics need to
be spooled.
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Possible Printing Problems
LaserWriter Timeout Errors
The LaserWriter IINT and LaserWriter drivers prior to 6.0.1 had a bug which
resulted in long jobs failing to print due to a timeout error after
approximately one hour. Version 6.0.1 of the LaserWriter driver addressed this
problem; however, you may still want to print large jobs in batches using a
HyperTalk script.
Printing To Non-PostScript Printers
HyperCard 2.0 would not print to non-PostScript
printers. HyperCard 2.0v2 fixes this bug.
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Word Wrap
HyperCard 2.0 uses TextEdit's word break routine with some optimizations.
While it fixes bugs in the old HyperCard word break routine, it does things
somewhat differently. Therefore, there may be significant changes in the way
text fields are wrapped, and this may adversely affect the visual design of
stacks intended for use with earlier versions of HyperCard. One of these
changes is that HyperCard no longer considers quotation marks to be separate
from their attached words.
Note that stacks designed under versions of HyperCard prior to 2.0 continue to
use the old word break routine until converted to 2.0 format.
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Beware The on idle Handler
An on idle handler in a HyperCard script executes while the user types
into a field. A nasty side-effect is that the insertion point may disappear
while the user types into a field, resulting in the Macintosh beeping since it
cannot interpret the characters entered, or in the characters being displayed
in the Message Box if it is open. A particularly insidious example is the
following handler in a background script:
on idle
put the time into bkgnd field "Time"
If the user types into a field with the example handler in a background script,
the insertion point disappears from the field whenever the time changes, for
example from "6:42 PM" to "6:43 PM," requiring HyperCard to change the contents
of background field "Time."
A solution to work around this problem involves checking the selection within
the on idle handler, and reselecting the selection after the on
idle handler has done its dirty work. The following handler fixes the
problem with the preceding one:
on idle
put the selectedChunk into oldSelectedChunk
put the time into bkgnd field "Time"
select oldSelectedChunk
Note that if the on idle handler changes field contents frequently,
this technique produces unsightly blinking of the selection or of the insertion
point. However, if the on idle handler is well-behaved, it avoids
such behavior and uses this technique only as insurance.
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find Command
Previous versions of HyperCard had various bugs with the find command.
HyperCard 2.0 fixes these bugs, and find now works with all fields,
except those for which the dontSearch property is set to
true . If dontSearch has been set to true for a card
or a background none of the fields within the card or background are
Note that when dontSearch is set to true for a background,
none of the fields on the background or on cards which belong to that
background are searched.
Optimizing find
HyperTalk's find command works best when at least three characters per
find criteria are specified, and the stack has recently been compacted with the
Compact Stack item in the File menu. Please note that specifying less than
three characters or using word break characters, such as the dash (--) or space
( ), for any of these three characters results in a slower find.
The more trigrams that are specified for the find (strings with at
least three characters), the faster the find; thus, the following find
in a company phone list:
would find "Thanasis Kehagias" in "Metagreek Appraisal Department" faster than
find "Th"
find "Thanasis"
find "Thanasis K"
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Paint Tools and HyperTalk
HyperTalk can control all painting tools and commands except the polygon tool
and the special effects tools (Rotate, Distort, Slant, and Perspective).
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Selecting Contents Of A Field With HyperTalk
There are several ways of selecting text in a field with HyperTalk: by
simulating a double click, a Shift-click, or a drag. The three button scripts
presented here show how to do this.
The first shows a method of simulating a double click. This script performs a
double click at the loc of a card field (approximately the center of
the field's rectangle) then puts the selection into another card field:

Figure 1. Simulating A Double Click
on mouseUp -- card button "Double Click"
click at the loc of field "myField1"
click at the loc of field "myField1"
if the selection is empty
then put "No selection" into card field "DoubleClickSelection"
else put the selection into card field "DoubleClickSelection"
This second script demonstrates a method of selecting text in a card field with
the shift-click and puts the selection in another card field:

Figure 2. Simulating A Shift-Click
on mouseUp -- card button "Shift Click"
get the rect of bkgnd field "myField2"
click at item 3 to 4 of it
click at item 1 to 2 of it with ShiftKey
if the selection is empty
then put "No selection" into card field "ShiftClickSelection"
else put the selection into card field "ShiftClickSelection"
The third script presents a method of selecting text by dragging over it. This
method, however, requires with shiftKey as a parameter to
drag in order to work correctly:

Figure 3. Simulating A Drag
on mouseUp -- card button "Drag Shift"
get the rect of bkgnd field "myField3"
drag from item 1 to 2 of it to item 3 to 4 of it with shiftKey
if the selection is empty
then put "No selection" into card field "DragShiftSelection"
else put the selection into card field "DragShiftSelection"
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Dialing The Telephone
dial Command
System Software 6.0.7 has a bug on the Macintosh IIsi which causes HyperCard
2.0 to run the tones together when executing a dial command. Version
2.0v2 fixes this bug; however, it contains another bug in which a comma (,) in
the dial command is ignored if it is preceded by more than three
characters which produce tones.
HyperCard 2.0v2 fixes all known bugs with the dial command other than the one
just documented. In addition, the dial command now supports the A, B, C, and D
buttons found on military telephones.
.TouchTone 'DRVR'
Note that the .TouchTone 'DRVR' was removed in HyperCard 1.1.
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Launching Applications Under MultiFinder With open
HyperCard 2.0 returns a value in the result if an application launch
with the open command fails; this message is either "out of memory" or
"couldn't open that application," depending upon the reason it could not launch
the given application.
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mouseDown and mouseUp Messages in Scrolling Fields
HyperCard does not send the mouseDown and mouseUp messages to
scrolling fields when it detects a mouse click in the field's scroll bar.
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Passing it As A Parameter To Handlers
Passing it as a parameter to a handler is no different than passing
any other parameter to a handler. This means that: it is always a local
variable to the handler in which it is used, and it is passed to a handler by
value, not by reference.
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Disappearing Resource Forks
If an 'XCMD' adds a resource fork to a currently open stack, HyperCard
does not know about it. When a stack is compacted, and HyperCard does not
think that the stack has a resource fork, then the resource fork is not
preserved after the compaction. The solution to work around this is to go
home before compacting the stack. Then, when the stack is opened again,
HyperCard recognizes that the stack contains a resource fork and behaves
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Using Globals From 'XCMD' Resources
It used to be the case that one could not create a global from an
'XCMD' . HyperCard 2.0 fixed this bug; however, there is an issue in
that messages an 'XCMD' passes back to HyperTalk are executed in the
scope of the handler which called the 'XCMD' . This situation means
that the calling handler must declare global someGlobal for the
following to work:
Some people may notice that there is still the problem of how to make sure the
handler declares the global if you do not want the 'XCMD' to be
dependent upon its calling script. Simply replace the example with the
following code:
Note the return character (\n) in the second example above--the message passed
to HyperCard becomes a two-line message (yes, it is possible). The first line
makes the handler's scope aware of the global someGlobal , while the
second line does what you want with the global. It is now safe to pass a
global variable back to HyperTalk since the 'XCMD' has added it to the
local scope of the handler.
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La Bomba (Ya No Soy Marinero)
It is imperative that scripts test the global property the heapspace
in a variety of scripting situations which reduce the amount of available
heap space. HyperTalk needs to have about 32K of heap space available at all
times when a script is running. If the heapspace drops below this
value, HyperCard aborts the script with an "out of memory" error. Furthermore,
in its attempts to clean up, HyperCard may empty those global variables upon
which it was working when the error occurred.
Unfortunately, there is no way for a script to trap for out of memory errors
when they occur, although it is sometimes possible to enter the debugger to
determine exactly what was happening when memory ran out like so many gamma
particles from Einsteinium. However, scripts can check the heapspace
whenever they are about to do something which might require much memory,
then either fall back to a less memory-intensive way of performing the same
operation or simply report the error and abort safely.
For example, in scripts which import large amounts of data into a variable,
test the heapspace frequently, and when it gets small, dump the
contents of the variable into a field.
Another good use for the heapspace is in testing whether or not
'XCMD' or 'XFCN' resources are properly disposing of memory.
A test script can call the external command repeatedly, displaying the
heapspace in the Message Box each time. For example, the following script
repeatedly calls the 'XCMD' flash, putting the heapspace into
the Message Box after each call, until the Shift key is pressed. If the value
displayed in the Message Box decreases consistently, it should be clear that
the 'XCMD' is eating memory, perhaps by allocating blocks with calls
to _NewHandle which are not disposed of with a corresponding call to
_DisposHandle .
on mouseUp
repeat while the shiftKey is up -- depress the Shift Key to stop
flash 2 -- call your XCMD or XFCN
put the heapspace -- monitor this value to see if it's decreasing
end repeat
HyperCard Script Language Guide
Getting Started With HyperCard 2.0
HyperCard 2.0 Release Notes
The Age of Reason
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
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