This technical note discusses the Pascal {$LOAD} directive as well as
how to unload the _DataInit and %_MethTables segments.
[Nov 01 1986]
MPW Pascal has a {$LOAD} directive that can dramatically speed up
will combine symbol tables of all units following this directive (until another
{$LOAD} directive is encountered), and dump them out to
HD:MPW:PLibraries:PasSymDump . In order to avoid using fully specified
pathnames, you can use {$LOAD} in conjunction with the -k
option for Pascal:
combined with the following lines in myfile :
{$LOAD PasSymDump}
MemTypes,QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf,
{$LOAD} {This "turns off" $LOAD for the next unit}
{$LOAD MyLibDump}
will do the following: the first time a program containing these lines is
compiled, two symbol table dump files (in this case PasSymDump and
MyLibDump) will be created in the directory specified by the
-k option (in this case {PLibraries}) . No dump file will be
generated for the unit NonOptimized . The compiler will compile
MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf,
PackIntf (quite time consuming) and dump those units' symbols to
PasSymDump and it will compile the interface to MyLib and
dump its symbols to MyLib . For subsequent compiles of this program (or
any program that uses the same dump file(s)), the interface files won't be
recompiled, the compiler will simply read in the symbol table.
Compiling a sample five line program on a Macintosh Plus/HD20SC takes 62
seconds without using the {$LOAD} directive. The same program takes 10
seconds to compile using the {$LOAD} directive (once the dump file
exists). For further details about this topic, please see the MPW Pascal
Reference Manual .
If any of the units that are dumped into a dump file change, you
need to make sure that the dump file is deleted, so that it can be regenerated
by the Pascal compiler with the correct information. The best way to do this is
to use a makefile to check the dump file against the files it depends on, and
delete the dump file if it is out of date with respect to any of the units that
it contains. An excellent (and well commented) example of doing this is in the
MPW Workshop Manual.
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The _DataInit Segment
The Linker will generate a segment whose resource name is %A5Init for
any program compiled by the C or Pascal compilers. This segment is called by a
program's main segment. This segment is loaded into the application heap and
locked in place. It is up to your program to unload this segment (otherwise, it
will remain locked in memory, possibly causing heap fragmentation). To do this
from Pascal, use the following lines:
{remove data initialization code before any allocations}
From C, use the following lines:
extern _DataInit();
{ /* main */
/*remove data initialization code before any allocations*/
For further details about Data Initialization, see the MPW Reference
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%_MethTables and %_SelProcs
Object use in Pascal produces two segments which can cause heap problems. These
are %_MethTables and %_SelProcs which are used when method
calls are made. MacApp deals with them correctly, so this only applies to
Object Pascal programs that don't use MacApp. You can make the segments locked
and preloaded (probably the easiest route), so they will be loaded low in the
heap, or you can unload them temporarily while you are doing heap
initialization. In the latter case, make sure there are no method calls while
they are unloaded. To reload %_MethTables and %_SelProcs ,
call the dummy procedure %_InitObj . %_InitObj loads
%MethTables --calling any method will then load %_SelProcs .
The linker is case sensitive when dealing with module names. Pascal
converts all module names to upper-case (unless a routine is declared to be a C
routine). The Assembler default is the same as the Pascal default, though it
can be changed with the CASE directive. C preserves the case of module names
(unless a routine is declared to be pascal , in which case the module
name is converted to upper- case letters).
Make sure that any external routines that you reference are capitalized the
same in both the external routine and the external declaration (especially in
C). If the capitalization differs, you will get the following link error
(library routine = findme , program declaration = extern
FindMe(); ):
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