This Technical Note contains a collection of archived Q&As relating to a specific
topic--questions sent the Developer Support Center (DSC) along with
answers from the DSC engineers. Current Q&A's can be found on the Macintosh Technical Q&A's web site.
[Oct 01 1990]
Solutions for aborted network install
My installation process works great from a floppy disk; however, when I try to
create a network install from these disks, the Installer reports that one of
the file can't be found and aborts the installation. What's up?
The following conditions probably are true for your installation:
- The AppleShare volume being used for the network install is a Novell server.
- Within the Installer script source file for some
'infs' source file specification resource, the creation date/time stamp field has been set to 1 or some other nonzero odd value (1 tells ScriptCheck to fill in the field for you).
- The creation date/time stamp for a file specified in condition 2 above falls on an odd second.
So what do these three conditions have to do with each other? Condition 2, the
nonzero value for the date/time stamp field, tells the Installer to verify the
files actual date/time with that stored in the 'infs' resource. If the values
don't match, the Installer reports that the file couldn't be found. On Novell
servers, the time stamp granularity is two seconds. When you copy a Macintosh
file whose time stamp ends in an odd second to a Novell server, the external
file system for the Novell server adjusts the time stamp to an even second.
This one second difference is enough to tell the Installer that the found file
doesn't match. This assumes that the server and the workstation have their
system clocks set to within 15 minutes of each other. The 'incd' resource
Q&A in the Installer Appendix describes how the time difference is handled
when the two clocks differ by more than 15 seconds.
There are a couple of solutions to this problem. The first is to set the value
of the date/time stamp fields for all 'infs' resources to 0. This means that
the Installer will not verify that the right file is being used, except by the
name and location of a source file. Another solution is to use the MPW tools or
ResEdit to make sure that the date/time stamp for all source files is even. The
Installer Q&A Appendix discusses another special case to consider.
Why Finder requests program disks after installation
Date Written: 2/5/93
Last reviewed: 7/2/93
I just wrote an installer script for the Apple Installer version 3.4. After the
installation is complete and I click the Quit button, the Finder insists on
mounting both of the disks that were used in the installation. It gives me the
annoying dialog "Please insert the disk Install 1" and "Please insert the disk
Program 1." Before I did the installation, only the Install 1 disk was mounted
by the Finder. Why is this happening?
This situation typically occurs when the installer disk sets were created under
System 7 and the installation is happening under system software version 6.0.x.
Its cause is that the system is trying to update the second disk's desktop. The
solution in this case is to insert the disk into a system running version 6.0.x
before performing the installation.
Another possible cause for this problem is that the second disk opens to
display a window by default. When the Installer quits, there's still "residue"
Finder information to be written to the second disk, which has since been
ejected. The solution in this case is to insert the second disk with the write
tab lock disabled, and close any open window associated with that disk.
Order of actAfter and Installer 'inaa' and 'inat' atoms
Date Written: 1/5/93
Last reviewed: 4/1/93
When an installation package contains
'inaa', 205,/*Restore 'eadr' resource*/
is the order of occurrence of these two atoms important? Will the 'inaa' always
happen after or before the 'inat' ? The documentation isn't clear
whether the actAfter is really after everything; my experience shows it
You're right, the 'inat' resources are installed following the call to the last
postinstallation action atom.
No difference between addAuditRec and installing an 'inat' resource
Date Written: 1/5/93
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
What's the difference between an addAuditRec and installing an 'inat' ? The
documentation doesn't mention the two in the same sentence.
There is no difference. The AddAuditRec clause and the 'inat' resource do
exactly the same thing.
Installer sample shows how to install fonts by strikes
Date Written: 11/17/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Is there an Installer sample demonstrating how to install fonts by strikes?
Yes, check the Installer samples folder on the latest Developer CD
Series disc. By the way, if you ever get the error "There's a problem with
the Installer Document <document name>" and you're installing fonts, one
possible reason for the error is that the script doesn't have the sizes of the
split resource size matching those of the actual resource exactly.
Installing to the startup System Folder
Date Written: 8/17/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
When installing on a system that has multiple volumes and a user selects a
nonboot volume on which to perform the installation, is there a way to specify
that specific files or resources get installed to the boot blessed folder and
Unfortunately, no. The Installer is designed to install all components of the
installation to the target volume specified by the user. The Installer script
writer can specify that a blessed system folder exist on the target volume, or
that specific files exist before installing a resource; however, these actions
work only for a single volume. This suggestion has been passed to the Installer
engineering team for their consideration for a future version of the
A sample action atom code resource is included with the Installer kit on the
latest Developer CD to demonstrate a method for installing files to the boot
blessed system folder. The code resource takes as an argument, the resource ID
of an 'infa' file atom to access the source and target 'infs' file
specification resources. There are several caveats associated with using this
sample; however, it may provide a starting sample for implementing such
Implementing Installer file compression
Date Written: 8/17/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Does the Installer provide any utility routines for compressing files, and
decompressing them on installation?
The Installer does not provide any built-in capabilities for compressing files
nor for decompressing files on installation. The Installer does implement an
action atom mechanism, by which the developer can write custom code resources
to run before or after an installation process. Based on this mechanism,
several developers have implemented custom code resources to handle the
decompression of compressed files. A typical process is to compress the file
using a compression application. The Installer script is written to install the
compressed files to the target disk. The decompression code resource is run
after the installation process is complete to decompress the files. A list of
developers who license such decompression code resources is available on
request from Developer Support. Please note that the list does not constitute
any endorsement by Apple of these products.
If you've already implemented a file decompression action atom code resource,
you'll find the new MPW ScriptCheck tool version 3.4b2 includes some important
feature enhancements. The most significant feature is that ScriptCheck version
3.4 can set to leave the size field of the 'infa', file atom resource alone, if
the size is nonzero. The Installer uses the size field to determine the disk
space required for the installation. An important problem experienced by script
writers concerned the fact that ScriptCheck overrode the size field setting of
the 'infa' resource to that of the size of the compressed file. If left alone,
the Installer would preflight the target disk for simply the amount of disk
space to copy the compressed file only. This forced script writers to edit the
script afterwards to replace the size field with the actual value of the
uncompressed file.
Another important enhancement of ScriptCheck 3.4b2 is that it now recognizes
the 'inff' font family atom, and the version 1 action atom resource. More
information about ScriptCheck 3.4b2 is in the ScriptCheck Guide for 3.4b2 now
available on the latest Developer CD. Note that ScriptCheck 3.4b2 is compatible
with Installer 3.3 and 3.4 scripts--that is, scripts whose file types and
creators are 'bbkr'.
Opening a Macintosh Finder window from an Installer action atom
Date Written: 8/14/92
Last reviewed: 11/30/92
My installer creates a folder on a user's hard disk and copies the necessary
files into it. My final action atom moves the folder onto the desktop and sets
its size and location. I'd also like to be able to open the folder. I call
PBGetCatInfoSync to get the data into a PBGetCatInfoSync record. Where is the state
of a folder (open/closed) stored, and can I set one of the parameters in the
PBGetCatInfoSync and then call PBSetCatInfoSync to solidify the change? Using the
installer to copy an open folder to the user's drive is unacceptable because of
the size and nature of the program I'm installing.
There's no solution for System 6; the Finder data structures are private, and
there's no call to open a folder. In System 7, you can send the Finder an Open
Selection Apple event. This is described in a HyperCard stack called
FinderEvents on the Developer CD Series disc. The stack also contains
the source code for the XCMD used to demonstrate the Finder events. There's
another sample that you should see as well: SendFinderOpen in the Snippets
Installer cleanUpCancel mechanism
Date Written: 7/20/92
Last reviewed: 11/1/92
The document for Installer 3.2 describes the use of the whichStage field (of
the action atom parameter block) to determine what stage the Installer is in
(before, after, or cleanUpCancel ). I want to use the cleanUpCancel stage to do
some cleaning up of a preinstallation action atom should the installation be
cancelled. If I cancel (at any point during) the installation, my action atom
is not run, however, only the cleanUpCancel code executed. Determining what
stage your action atom is running in seems straightforward, but how does the
Installer differentiate between "running" and "sending a cancel message" to an
action atom? Are there 'inaa' resource flags that need to be set to enable an
action atom to run during cleanup?
It turns out that this feature was broken under Installer 3.2. Under Installer
3.3, the mechanism works; however, the way it works is not clearly documented.
One might think that the cleanUpCancel mechanism applies only to the code
resource in which it's implemented, that you would need to install a procedure
to act on cleanUpCancel in each action atom that gets installed. In fact, the
mechanism is independent of whether an action atom is successful or not under
Installer 3.3
If, for whatever reason, an installation is aborted, the Installer does its own
cleanup, then searches for all action atoms marked by the flag actAfter. These
action atoms are then sent the cleanUpCancel message. In fact, there need only
be one action atom to respond in such a manner. However, to be called, the
'inaa' resource that calls the code resource must have the "actAfter"
flag set.
To resolve your situation, there are two things to be done: Use Installer 3.3,
and include a second 'inaa' resource marked as "actAfter" and have it
reference the same code resource as the original 'inaa' . Modify the code
resource so that it checks the whichStage field and executes the cleanup code
only if the whichStage field is set to cleanUpCancel . In fact a symptom that is
reported on occasion is the fact that postinstallation action atom code
resource sometimes gets executed twice. This symptom occurs because an error
was detected sometime during or after the execution of the postinstallation
action atom and the code resource does not distinguish between stages. If, for
instance, the postinstall code resource reported an error, the Installer would
then find that the action atom is set for actAfter and call the code resource a
second time with the whichStage field set to cleanUpCancel .
Use preinstallation action atom to protect user prefs file
Date Written: 2/25/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How can I keep the Macintosh Installer script from replacing a newer file? The
various flag settings that I've tried always result in the target file being
replaced by the source file.
The Installer uses the creation date/time stamp (as opposed to the modification
date/time stamp) to determine whether the target file is newer than the source
file. If the target file has the same or earlier date/time stamp as does the
source file on the installation disk, the file is replaced.
To control the installation of a file based on modification date requires an
action atom. The function of the action atom code resource could range from
halting the installation if the target file is greater than the source file, to
performing the actual file copy. Unfortunately, there isn't a method for simply
bypassing the installation of a single file or package. The Installer
engineering group is looking into ways of handling this feature for a future
release of the Installer.
Macintosh Installer 3.2 & 3.3 live installation handling
Date Written: 3/2/92
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
I'm writing a preinstallation action atom to save some information from an
existing Macintosh file that my script will later replace. When I do a live
install, the file appears to have already been deleted. What's happening?
Installers 3.2 and 3.3 treat live installations differently from installations
to nonboot volumes. To be able to restore the boot volume, should the
installation be canceled or be unsuccessful, the Installer moves all files
designated for replacement, deletion, or modification into the Installer Temp
folder in the System Folder. The preinstallation action atom can make use of
two parameters passed in the parameter block to access files in the temporary
folder. The didLiveUpdate flag indicates whether a live installation has been
selected. The installerTempDirID is the DirID of the temporary folder. Your
action atom code resource should check the didLiveUpdate flag. If true, then
search for the desired file in the desired folder specified by
installerTempDirID .
Bypassing Macintosh Installer's creation date check
Date Written: 1/23/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How can I get the Macintosh Installer to bypass checking the creation date of
source files when preflighting an installation?
Normally, the Installer checks that the source files exist by the name
specified in the 'infs' resource and that the creation date/time stamp matches
that specified in the resource as well. To bypass the second check, set the
creation date field to zero. In addition, do not use the -d switch with
ScriptCheck , which forces updating of the date field.
Macintosh resources: Dynamic installation and deletion
Date Written: 1/23/92
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
I've written an Installer script that has an 'infa' file atom to copy a new
file, and then uses 'inra' resource atoms to delete resources from that file.
When I finish the installation process and open the file with ResEdit, the file
still contains the resources designated for deletion. Why?
When performing an installation, the Installer performs these general steps:
- The Installer identifies all the resource and file atoms to be installed and determines whether there is sufficient target disk space. The Installer also takes into consideration that files designated for deletion will be copied into the temporary folder (for live installations only), so that the installation can be undone.
- Preinstallation action atoms are run.
- The Installer deletes all specified resources and files, (or moves them into the temporary folder for live installs), plus asks the user whether newer files will be replaced. After performing this function, the Installer assumes all deletions are finished.
- The Installer performs the installation of all designated files and resources.
The Installer handles the resource deletions first. Since the file doesn't
exist or is already deleted, the deletion resource atoms are considered
successful. The Installer assumes the installed files are already set as
needed; that there's no need to delete resources from the file. As a result,
resources, specified for deletion on a newly installed file, aren't deleted.
How Installer computes target volume storage size requirement
Date Written: 12/19/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
How does the Macintosh Installer compute the storage size requirement for a
target volume?
The Installer creates a list of all files and resources that are to be
installed. It then goes to each corresponding 'inra' and 'infa' resource (and
'inff' resource for version 3.3), and sums up the size fields. If a live
install is being performed, a check is also made to determine the size of
active files, such as the System file, that need to be duplicated. The sizes of
such files are added to the installation size requirement. For this reason,
it's difficult to perform a live install onto a floppy startup disk, even if
for a small resource. There is generally insufficient floppy disk space to make
a copy of the active System file.
Macintosh Installer and Apple event support
Date Written: 12/10/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Does the Macintosh Installer support Apple events? We would like to launch
Installer and have it install automatically when we send it the appropriate
Apple event.
Installer Version 3.4 and earlier does not support Apple events; however,
support for Apple events is being considered for a future version of the
Files for Installer postinstallation action atom
Date Written: 12/10/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
When a postinstallation action atom gets control, can we assume that all of the
files the atom will work with are on the hard disk?
You may assume that all of the file and resource atoms included in the package
resources have been fired and all files and resources designated for
installation by these atoms have been copied to the target disk.
Installer and finding a source file by type and creator
Date Written: 11/27/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Can a Macintosh Installer script be written so a source file is found by its
file and creator type rather than by name?
No. The Installer is not designed to find a source file by type and creator.
However, we've passed your suggestion along to the the Installer engineering
checkFileVersion clause and 'inrl' resource
Date Written: 9/30/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How can I check for the existence of a minimum Macintosh file version?
Use the checkFileVersion clause as part of the 'inrl' Rules Framework resource.
The format of the minimal-version parameter is shown in the InstallerTypes.r
file as "#define Version." The most common difficulties are in remembering that
BCD values are required, and how to deal with two-digit version numbers. Some
samples follow.
Assuming that the 'infs' target-filespec resource for the System file is 1000,
then use the following clause to check for System 6.0.5:
Assuming that the 'infs' target-filespec resource for the Finder file is 1001,
then use the following clause to check for Finder 6.1.5:
Assuming that the 'infs' target-filespec resource for the AppleTalk resource
file is 1002, then use the following clause to check for AppleTalk version
Why multiple 'DRVR' resources for DA installation
Date Written: 9/30/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
My Macintosh Installer script installs a desk accessory. Under System 6, each
time I run the script, a new copy of the DA appears as a 'DRVR' resource in the
System file. Why?
This happens when the dontDeleteWhenInstalling flag is used in conjunction with
the updateExisting flag. The Installer 3.1 and 3.2 Scripting Guide indicates
that resources marked with the dontDeleteWhenInstalling flag can be replaced
with a new resource. The guide also indicates that the Installer will overwrite
a preexisting resource in the target file if the updateExisting flag is set.
Given these two flag settings, and the use of the replace byName (noByID ) flag,
the Installer does not delete the DA. Instead a new 'DRVR' resource is created
with the same name but a new resource ID.
The correct Installer action is accomplished by setting the
deleteWhenInstalling flag in conjunction with the updateExisting flag. On the
other hand, use the dontDeleteWhenInstalling flag with the keepExisting flag.
Including current Mac volume name with reportVolError alert
Date Written: 9/30/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
In my Installer script, how can I include the current volume name in a
reportVolError alert, as many of the installation scripts from Apple do?
The volume name can be included by inserting "^0" as part of the Pascal string
passed to the reportVolError error-reporting clause.
Macintosh 'incd' resource
Date Written: 9/30/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
What is the 'incd' resource about?
When the MPW ScriptCheck tool is used, it reads the script's file creation
date/time stamp converting it into a long word with the Date2Secs procedure.
ScriptCheck stores this long word in the 'incd' resource for use with verifying
files when a network installation is performed.
Macintosh Installer preflight checks
Date Written: 9/30/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
What checks are made by the Installer when preflighting an installation?
Occasionally the alert "Could not find a required file..." occurs and the
installation is aborted.
The Installer compiles a list of the source file specifications from each of
the resource 'inra' and file 'infa' atoms specified among the package 'inpk'
atoms included for installation. Each source file specification includes a
complete path name. As each source file is accessed, a check is made of the
file's creation date/time stamp with the date/time stamp recorded in the
corresponding 'infs' resource. If the date/time stamps do not match, the alert
results and the installation is aborted.
Network installation setup considerations
Date Written: 9/30/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
What are some of the considerations when configuring a network installation
Under Installer 3.1 or 3.2, network software installations are made possible by
setting up an installation folder on the server volume. This folder will
contain the Installer application, the Script file, and a folder(s) matching
the names of the required disk(s). Within the disk folder(s) are the
corresponding contents of the disk(s).
One of the engineering problems that needed to be dealt with can occur when a
workstation is used to create the server installation folder. The problem
occurs when the system date and time differ significantly between the
workstation and the server. Under such a condition, files copied from the
workstation to the server may have their creation and modification date time
stamps altered. If a modification is made, the "delta" is constant for both the
creation and modification date/time stamp and for all files copied at that
The Installer preflights a file by comparing its creation date/time stamp with
the value stored in the corresponding 'infs' resource in the script file. To
compensate for the fact that a server may alter a file's creation date/time
stamp, the Installer implements the 'incd' resource. After the user selects the
Install button, the Installer reads the 'incd' resource and compares it with
the script file's creation date/time stamp. The difference is stored as the
delta. On a normal disk installation, the delta is always zero. As the
Installer finds each required source file, the file's creation date/time stamp
is converted to a long word and adjusted by the delta. The modified date/time
stamp is then compared with that stored in the script file. If the values
match, the file is considered found and the installation proceeds. On network
installations, the delta may be nonzero. If so, it indicates that the file's
creation date/time stamps were modified when copied to the server. Thus the
'incd' resource gives the Installer a way to maintain file verification even
though the date/time stamp may be altered.
A specific problem can occur when an installation is set up on some systems
running older versions of Novell server software. Under specific conditions,
files copied to some Novell servers have their creation time stamp altered to
12:00 AM regardless of the original time stamp. This includes the creation time
stamp of the script file. This condition wreaks havoc with the Installer's
preflight mechanism. The delta determined between the 'incd' resource and the
Script file's creation date/time stamp may not be consistent with the creation
date/time stamp stored in the 'infs' resource and the corresponding file's time
stamp now at 12:00 AM.
A workaround solution for this problem is to set the creation date/time stamp
for all files on the installation disk to 12:00 AM, BEFORE running the
ScriptCheck tool. Use the MPW tool SetFile to perform this function. Here's a
sample MPW script for performing this function:
This script assumes that the current directory is set to the root of the
Installation disk. For multiple disks, run this script on each disk.
Installer 3.2 and preserving a file's locked bit
Date Written: 8/28/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
When using the Apple Installer 3.2, source files that are locked become
unlocked when the Installer copies them to their destination. The installer
preserves some of the other file attribute bits but not the locked bit. How can
I preserve the locked bit? Will I have to write an action atom?
The problem here is that the locked bit is a Finder information setting. Were
you to have your own Finder comments associated with a file source, you would
find that these comments would not be "installed" along with the file.
A solution to the problem is to implement an action atom code resource.
Specifically, a sample code resource is now available in the Installer kit
available on the latest Developer CD. The code resource takes the target 'infs'
resource as an argument to specify the file on which to set the lock bit. Note
that the Installer will abort an installation if an existing file to be
replaced is locked. Locking a file means that for a future installation, you
will need to tell the user to unlock the file manually before running the
How Macintosh Installer locates source files
Date Written: 8/28/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
I notice that if I change the name of the installation disk, the Installer is
still able to find the source files. How does this work? I'm writing an action
atom code resource and I want to duplicate the source file-finding scheme
implemented by the Installer, as described on page 30 of the Installer
3.1/3.2 Scripting Guide.
The Installer takes the source file specification and parses off the volume
name, leaving the filepath from the root of the source volume. It then searches
for the filespec using this parsed file name from the root of the source
volume. If the file is not found, the search order continues with the following
- Search for a folder with the disk's name at the same HFS level as the Installer.
- Search for a folder with the disk's name at the root level of the Installer's volume.
- Ask for the floppy disk.
In this manner, the Installer is able to install from disk copies of Installer
disks when the disk name has been changed. Note that the documentation mentions
a fourth guideline, that the Installer searches for a folder with the disk's
name at the same HFS level as the script file. This information is incorrect.
Neither version 3.2 nor 3.3 implements this guideline.
Macintosh Installer 3.2 makes backup copies of active files
Date Written: 7/10/91
Last reviewed: 8/19/92
If I start up from an 800K floppy disk with only the Macintosh System and
Finder files living on it (leaving some 350K of space free), and then try to
use Installer 3.2 to move a 130K cdev and an 8K 'adbs' resource, I get a
message that not enough disk space is available on the startup floppy disk.
Installer says I need some 505K of space available, yet I am copying less than
150K. Why is this happening?
This results from the "live install" feature of the Installer. Because the
floppy disk System file will be written to in this scenario, the Installer
first attempts to make a backup copy of the system. This means that there needs
to be additional disk space on the startup disk for a copy of all files to be
revised--in this case, the System file on the floppy drive. The floppy disk,
most likely, does not contain sufficient room to hold a copy of the System
file. If the system is started up from a different disk, the Installer installs
the new resources into the inactive System file on a floppy disk without
creating a backup.
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