This note contains information regarding the version of the Component Manager
that shipped with QuickTime 1.6 and the changes necessary to support native
PowerPC components.
[Mar 01 1994]
The Component Manager in QuickTime 1.6.x and for the Power Macintosh
(PowerPC) release has some new features. It has added the ability to automatically
resolve conflicts between different versions of the same component. It will ensure
that only the most recent version of a given component is actually registered.
The Component Manager now supports Icon Suites for a component, so a component's
icon no longer has to be just black and white. In addition, the Component Manager
can support code written in the native format of the PowerPC.
The result returned for the Gestalt selector gestaltComponentMgr will be 3,
indicating version number 3 of the Component Manager. This is the version being
discussed in this note. To insure that you have the features discussed here,
check that version 3 is installed.
For support of the Power Macintosh, the Component Manager has been extended to
allow use of native PowerPC components. When the Component Manager loads a
native component on the Power Macintosh, it calls uses the Code Fragment
Manager and calls GetMemFragment and then later CloseConnection when it unloads
your code resource (specified in a ComponentPlatformInfo ). This is how the
Component Manager supports a native code fragment.
A component can support multiple platforms such as the 68K and PowerPC.
Existing 68K code is always supported on the Power Macintosh through emulation.
But you can also have native PowerPC code for your component to support better
performance. The Component Manager will allow you to create a component that
contains both code formats, so that you can support all platforms with a single
component. The Component Manager also was extended in a way that allows for
native PowerPC only components (without any 68K code support).
Extended ComponentResource
The ComponentResource data structure (the 'thng' resource) has been extended.
These extensions define additional information about the component. The
complete data structure is shown below. The first portion is the same as the
existing ComponentResource , with the new fields added at the end. The Component
Manager determines if it is present by examining the size of the 'thng' resource.
struct ExtComponentResource {
ComponentDescription cd; /* Registration parameters */
ResourceSpec component;
/* resource where Component code is found */
ResourceSpec componentName; /* name string resource */
ResourceSpec componentInfo; /* info string resource */
ResourceSpec componentIcon; /* icon resource */
// new data for Component Manager version 3
long componentVersion; /* version of Component */
long componentRegisterFlags; /* flags for registration */
short componentIconFamily; /* resource id of Icon Family */
long count; /* elements in platformArray */
ComponentPlatformInfo platformArray[1];
The componentVersion field contains the version number of the component. This
should be identical to the value returned by GetComponentVersion . For convenience,
if this value is set to 0, the component is called to get the version. This is useful
during development. The version number stored in the ComponentResourceExtension is
used by the Component Manager to avoid having to load and call the component to
retrieve the component's version during startup.
The componentRegisterFlags allow you to define additional register information.
These flags are discussed below.
/* Component Resource Extension flags */
componentDoAutoVersion = (1<<0)
componentWantsUnregister = (1<<1)
componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags = (1<<2)
componentHasMultiplePlatforms = (1<<3)
The componentDoAutoVersion flag tells the Component Manager that you want your
component registered only if there is no later version available. If there is
an older version of the component installed, it will be unregistered. If an
older version of the same component attempts to register after you, it will be
immediately unregistered. Further, if a newer version of the same component
registers after you, you will automatically be unregistered. Using the
automatic version control feature of the Component Manager allows you to make
sure that only the most recent version of your software is running on a given
machine, regardless of how many versions may be installed.
The componentWantsUnregister flag indicates that your component wants to be
called when it is unregistered. This is useful if your component allocates
global memory at register time, for example. The prototype of the unregister
message is identical to the register message. If your component has never been
opened, its unregister message is not be called. The routine selector for
unregister is given below.
The componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags flag tells the Component Manager to use
the component flags as criteria for its component search. If a component wants
automatic version control, the Component Manager has to search for similar
components. Normally, the Component Manager searches only for another component
using the type, subType, and manufacturer fields of a ComponentDescription
record. This flag tells the Component Manager to include the componentFlags in
its search.
The componentHasMultiplePlatforms flag indicates that your component contains
multiple versions of the code for different platforms. If you plan on
supporting the PowerPC native code format, then you need to use the
ComponentPlatformInfo within the component resource structure. Then set this
bit in the componentRegisterFlags field. If this bit is not set then the code
is assumed to be 68K format. Without this flag being set, the Component Manager
will ignore any ComponentPlatformInfo .
Finally, the componentIconFamily field allows you to provide the resource ID of
a System 7 Icon Suite. If this field is 0, it indicates that there is no icon suite.
This is the number of elements contained in the ComponentPlatformInfo array.
This is an array of elements that describe the code to be used for different
platforms. If the platform is for 68K, then the information within this element
is a copy from the componentFlags of the ComponentDescription and ResourceSpec
of the original ComponentResource structure. This insures backwards
compatibility with older Component Managers. If the component contains native
code support for the PowerPC, then an element of the array will contain the
information about its componentFlags , resource type, and resource ID.
The platformType field is a value that represents which platform the component
code is to support. The Gestalt result for selector gestaltSysArchitecture will
be matched with the value in platformType of the ComponentResource . If a match
is found, then that code is used to support the given platform.
gestalt68k = 1, /* Motorola MC68K architecture */
gestaltPowerPC = 2, /* IBM PowerPC architecture */
struct ComponentPlatformInfo
long componentFlags; /* flags of Component */
ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
short platformType; /* gestaltSysArchitecture result */
Back to top Component Manager version 3 routines
GetComponentIconSuite returns an Icon Suite for the given component. This call
works only under System 7 or later. If called on System 6, it returns an error.
If the component doesn't have an Icon Suite but does have a Component Icon (as
returned by GetComponentInfo ), GetComponentIconSuite creates an Icon Suite
containing just the black-and-white Component Icon. In this way, you can use
GetComponentIconSuite whether or not a component has an Icon Suite.
pascal OSErr GetComponentIconSuite(Component aComponent, Handle *iconSuite)
aComponent Component ID, retrieved with FindNextComponent.
iconSuite Pointer to the Icon Suite you will receive.
The only change made to these routines was to modify the use of the global
parameter. The upper byte now contains the platform ID to be used by the
component being registered. This change is necessary because these calls do not
have access to the ComponentResource which contains the ComponentPlatformInfo .
If the upper byte of the global parameter is zero, then the platform is assumed
to be the platform68k.
Back to top How to create a PowerPC ComponentResource
The basics step for running on a Power Macintosh with a native component are:
- Create component code fragment with native PowerPC code
- Main entry point to code is a mixed mode routine descriptor
- Package component code fragment as a resource
- If you supply an interface for the component to be called directly, then for PowerPC code to call your component you must provide custom glue to make the call.
- Create the extended
'thng' resource using the ComponentPlatformInfo
Each of these steps are discussed in more detail below:
Creating the component code fragment
The first step in creating a native PowerPC component is to port your code.
For complete details on porting to PowerPC, see Inside Macintosh: PowerPC
System Software. Especially important for the following discussion is an
understanding of the Mixed Mode and Code Fragment Managers.
Like other code ported for PowerPC, anytime your code uses a callback function
(ProcPtr ), it must be converted to a UniversalProcPtr . But unlike callbacks
defined by the system, callbacks to your component have their own function
prototypes. With the exception of some callbacks defined for QuickTime
components, there are no system supplied function prototypes or
UniversalProcPtrs, so you must create these yourself.
If, in response to a request code, your component dispatches to internal
functions using CallComponentFunction or CallComponentFunctionWithStorage , then
this is a place where you must use a UniversalProcPtr .
Suppose your component currently responds to an open request as follows:
switch (params->what)
case kComponentOpenSelect: /* Open request */
result = CallComponentFunctionWithStorage (storage, params, MyOpen);
MyOpen is an internal function callback, so you must create a
RoutineDescriptor/UniversalProcPtr for it. MyOpen is declared as follows:
The first step is to create a ProcInfo value for this function:
enum {
uppMyOpenProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ComponentResult)))
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(2, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ComponentInstance)))
Next you must update your source to build a UniversalProcPtr and use it. You
could use NewRoutineDescriptor for this purpose, but the disadvantage is that
creates a heap object which your component must dispose of properly.
An alternate approach is to declare a global RoutineDescriptor (global
variables are not a problem for a native PowerPC component, since a code
fragment automatically has global variables):
#ifdef powerc
RoutineDescriptor MyOpenRD = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR (uppMyOpenProcInfo, MyOpen);
If you want your code to be compilable for both 68K and PowerPC, using the
Universal Interfaces, then to avoid a lot of conditional compilation, the
following macros may be useful:
#ifdef powerc
#define CallComponentFunctionWithStorageUniv(storage, params, funcName) \
CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(storage, params, &funcName##RD)
#define CallComponentFunctionUniv(params, funcName) \
CallComponentFunction(params, &funcName##RD)
#define INSTANTIATE_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(funcName) RoutineDescriptor funcName##RD = \
BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR (upp##funcName##ProcInfo, funcName)
#define CallComponentFunctionWithStorageUniv(storage, params, funcName) \
CallComponentFunctionWithStorage(storage, params, (ComponentFunctionUPP)funcName)
#define CallComponentFunctionUniv(params, funcName) \
CallComponentFunction(params, (ComponentFunctionUPP)funcName)
These macros, exactly analogous to CallComponentFunction and CallComponentFunctionWithStorage ,
generate the appropriate code when compiled for 68K and PowerPC. Note that the PowerPC macro
expansion depends on the global RoutineDescriptor name being FuncNameRD , i.e. the name of the
function with RD appended. The INSTANTIATE_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR macro can be used for
that purpose:
#ifdef powerc
This is identical to the declaration of MyOpenRD earlier, but simplifies the editing.
With all the conditional stuff out of the way, then the original code can
simply be updated by replacing CallComponentFunctionWithStorage with
CallComponentFunctionWithStorageUniv :
switch (params->what)
case kComponentOpenSelect: // Open request
result = CallComponentFunctionWithStorageUniv(storage, params, MyOpen);
Repeat the above steps for all internal component dispatches you make.
Setting the main entry point
Lastly, you must set up the entry point into your component correctly. Unlike
a 68K code resource, a PowerPC code fragment (which your component will be) has
a well defined entry point. The Component Manager, rather than just jumping to
the start of the code resource, will call the main entry point, as defined when
linking, instead.
But the Component Manager is 68K code, which means your main entry point must
be a RoutineDescriptor . You can set that up as follows:
pascal ComponentResult main (ComponentParameters *params,
Handle storage);
#ifdef powerc
enum {
uppMainProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ComponentResult)))
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(1, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(ComponentParameters *)))
RoutineDescriptor MainRD = BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppMainProcInfo, main);
When you link the component, you must then specify MainRD as the entry point.
Your development environment may issue a warning because your main
entry point is in a data section, not a code section. You may ignore the warning.
If your code is dependent on C or C++ runtime initializations, then
your main entry point would be __start or __cplusstart , respectively, rather
than main. Modify the previous example accordingly.
Some components rely on a "fast dispatching" mechanism for calling
component functions. This mechanism is dependent on the 68K architecture and
is unsupported for native components, although it will work for emulated
components running on the Power Macintosh.
Last Note:
In all these modifications for PowerPC, the most difficult thing
to get right is the ProcInfo value. It's very easy to make a "cut and paste"
error, or get a type wrong (short instead of short *). If your component is
crashing the first thing to check (and check and check and check!) are the
ProcInfo values.
Packaging the PowerPC component into a resource
PowerPC development tools create your PowerPC code in a code fragment in the
data fork of the file. Your component code must be a resource (the resource type
and id are specified in the 'thng' resource described below). You can use the MPW Rez
"read" command to read from the data fork into a resource. For example:
reads the code fragment from the file mycomponent.pef and creates the resource 'mycp'(130).
Providing an interface to the component
If you wish your component to be called directly, you must also supply an
interface so callers know how to call it. For standard functions, such as
Open, Close, Version, etc., this is not a problem as the Component Manager
supplies functions to do this for you. Nor is this a problem if you are
writing QuickTime components, as QuickTime supplies standard interfaces and
libraries for calling components.
But one of the advantages of the Component Manager is it lets you define your
own routines with their own parameter lists, and for these routines you must
supply an interface. Typically, for 68K this involved providing callers an
interface file with function prototypes for your calls and inline 68K assembly
to actually make the call.
Obviously, the inline 68K code is a problem for a native PowerPC caller, so you
must provide glue to accomplish the same thing. The following discussion also
applies to calling a 68K component from PowerPC code. The interface is the
same, either way.
To take the example for Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox, page 6-30,
you might have a call like:
pascal ComponentResult DrawerSetup (ComponentInstance myInstance, Rect *r) =
ComponentCallNow (kDrawerSetUpSelect, 4);
ComponentCallNow is a macro that expands to inline 68K code that pushes
additional parameters and then executes an A-trap to call the Component Manager.
The first thing when using the new Universal Headers, is that the definition of
ComponentCallNow has changed slightly. The above declaration would change to:
pascal ComponentResult DrawerSetup (ComponentInstance myInstance, Rect *r)
The only difference in this declaration is that the '=' character is missing.
This is necessary to allow the code to compile for both 68K and PowerPC.
For 68K code, ComponentCallNow continues to expand to inline 68K code, but for
PowerPC, the ComponentCallNow macro expands to nothing, which means the above
declaration reduces to:
You must now supply glue for DrawerSetup that does the same thing on PowerPC as
the 68K inlines would do.
The strategy here is to mimic what 68K code calling your component would do.
Namely, push a bunch of parameters on the stack, then call the component. You
do that by building a struct that looks like the parameters as they would
appear on the 68K stack. Each call will require a different struct because
each call can have different parameters.
Use the struct below (DrawerSetupGluePB ) as a template. The first three
fields, componentFlags , componentParamSize , and componentWhat are required, as
is the last field, which is the component instance.
componentFlags is unused and should be zero.
componentParamSize is the size, in bytes, of the parameters to the call, not
counting the component instance. This is the same number that is passed as the
second parameter in a ComponentCallNow macro call, and should be the same as
the size of the params struct, discussed below.
componentWhat is the selector for your component call. Its the same as the
first parameter to a ComponentCallNow macro call.
The params field is a separate struct that exactly mirrors your parameters.
This must be customized for your call. A separate struct is used here because
it simplifies the sizeof calculation for the componentParamSize field. Parameters in
this struct are specified in reverse order from the parameter list.
Remember that the struct mirrors 68K stack alignment, not 68K
struct alignment. This means that byte parameters, e.g., char or Boolean, get
passed as two bytes, not one. The struct must mirror that fact, so you must
declare byte fields to be a byte field followed by a pad byte field and take it
into account in your parameter size calculations.
Once you have the struct, initialize it as shown in the example, and call the
component via CallUniversalProc with the CallComponentUPP . CallComponentUPP is
declared for you and is part of the InterfaceLib. You don't need to do
anything special to use it.
uppCallComponentProcInfo should have been in the interfaces, because the call
is always the same, but it's not, so it's defined below.
enum {
uppCallComponentProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(kFourByteCode)
Here's the code for the glue function. Once you have the structure defined,
create an instantiation of it, and initialize it. Finally, call the component using
CallUniversalProc as shown in the example.
pascal ComponentResult DrawerSetup (ComponentInstance myInstance, Rect *r)
#define kDrawerSetupParamSize (sizeof (DrawerSetupParams))
#ifdef powerc
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct DrawerSetupParams {
Rect *theRect; /* Your parameters go here!!
In reverse order from parameter list. */
typedef struct DrawerSetupParams DrawerSetupParams;
struct DrawerSetupGluePB {
unsigned char componentFlags; /* Flags - set to zero */
unsigned char componentParamSize; /* Size of the params struct */
short componentWhat; /* The component request selector */
DrawerSetupParams params; /* The parameters, see above */
ComponentInstance instance; /* This component instance */
typedef struct DrawerSetupGluePB DrawerSetupGluePB;
#ifdef powerc
#pragma options align=reset
DrawerSetupGluePB myDrawerSetupGluePB;
myDrawerSetupGluePB.componentFlags = 0;
myDrawerSetupGluePB.componentParamSize = kDrawerSetupParamSize;
myDrawerSetupGluePB.componentWhat = kDrawerSetUpSelect;
myDrawerSetupGluePB.params.theRect = r;
myDrawerSetupGluePB.instance = myInstance;
return CallUniversalProc(CallComponentUPP,
uppCallComponentProcInfo, &myDrawerSetupGluePB);
Repeat the above steps for all the public functions for your component.
To allow for future updating, the best way to make this glue available to your
clients is to build the glue into a Code Fragment Manager shared library that
is built into your component. Provide your client with an XCOFF file to link
against. That way, if the glue changes, the client applications will not have
to be relinked. Be sure you choose a unique name for the glue library to avoid
possible name conflicts.
Creating the extended thng' ComponentResource
Here is how to create the 'thng' ComponentResource for a component that
supports both platform68k and platformPowerPC . This is the source for MPW Rez
using the latest version of Types.r that supports the UseExtendedThingResource
template. Before using the new Types.r you need to define the UseExtendedThingResource
conditional with the value 1. A component defined with this resource will work for
all previous versions of the Component Manager. By keeping the original portions of the
ComponentResource setup for the platform68k information, it allows your component to work
on all 68K Macintosh computers. Adding the new information about your code fragment for
the Power Macintosh allows the Component Manager for that machine to use your native code.
resource 'thng' (128, purgeable) {
k68KCodeType, k68KCodeID,
'STR ', kComponentNameStringID,
'STR ', kComponentInfoStringID,
'ICON', kComponentIconID,
#if UseExtendedThingResource
0x00010001, /* version 1.1 */
cmpWantsRegisterMessage, k68KCodeType, k68KCodeID, platform68k,
cmpWantsRegisterMessage, kPowerPCCodeType, kPowerPCCodeID, platformPowerPC
If you have a component that only supports the 68K Macintosh, then you do not
need to use the extended ComponentResource structure. However, if you wish to
utilize Icon Families and automatic version registration, then use the extended
ComponentResource without the ComponentPlatformInfo and do not set the
componentHasMultiplePlatforms flag of the componentRegisterFlags . You may also
include the ComponentPlatformInfo if you wish to and just have a single element
that describes your 68K component code.
If you have a "fat" component, with both 68K and PowerPC code, set the
component flags as you would for the 68K only case and duplicate that
information in the ComponentPlatformInfo portion of the extended resource.
That will allow your component to work correctly for versions of the Component
Manager that are not aware of the extended 'thng' resource.
If you have a component that only supports the PowerPC in native mode, then you
must use the extended ComponentResource . In this case, some care must be taken
so that the component will not be registered on 68K machines. Set the
ResourceSpec field in the non-extended part of the 'thng' resource to zero. In
addition, set the component flags in the non-extended part of the resource to
cmpWantsRegisterMessage , regardless of whether or not you handle the
register message. This will cause the 68K Component Manager to attempt to
register your component, it will fail, because there is no 68K code resource
and your component will not be registered.
For the PowerPC case, you need to include a single ComponentPlatformInfo
element that describes your PowerPC native component code for PowerPC
implementations of your component to be registered. Set the component flags in
the extended portion of the resource as you would normally.
Back to top Component Manager interfaces
/* MPW Rez interfaces */
#define cmpWantsRegisterMessage (1<<31) /* bits for component flags */
#define componentDoAutoVersion (1<<0) /* bits for registration flags */
#define componentWantsUnregister (1<<1)
#define componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags (1<<2)
#define componentHasMultiplePlatforms (1<<3)
type 'thng' {
literal longint; /* Type */
literal longint; /* Subtype */
literal longint; /* Manufacturer */
unsigned hex longint; /* component flags */
unsigned hex longint kAnyComponentFlagsMask = 0;
/* component flags Mask */
literal longint; /* Code Type */
integer; /* Code ID */
literal longint; /* Name Type */
integer; /* Name ID */
literal longint; /* Info Type */
integer; /* Info ID */
literal longint; /* Icon Type */
integer; /* Icon ID */
#if UseExtendedThingResource
unsigned hex longint; /* version of Component */
longint; /* flags for registration */
integer; /* resource id of Icon Family */
longint = $$CountOf(ComponentPlatformInfo);
wide array ComponentPlatformInfo {
unsigned hex longint; /* component flags */
literal longint; /* Code Type */
integer; /* Code ID */
integer platform68k = 1, platformPowerPC = 2;
/* platform type */
/* MPW C interfaces */
enum {
#define gestaltComponentMgr 'cpnt' /* Component Mgr version */
#define gestaltQuickTimeFeatures 'qtrs' /* QuickTime features */
gestaltPPCQuickTimeLibPresent = 0,
/* PowerPC QuickTime glue library is present */
#define gestaltSysArchitecture 'sysa' /* Native System Architecture */
gestalt68k = 1, /* Motorola MC68K architecture */
gestaltPowerPC = 2, /* IBM PowerPC architecture */
/* componentRegisterFlags flags for ComponentResourceExtension */
componentDoAutoVersion = (1<<0),
componentWantsUnregister = (1<<1),
componentAutoVersionIncludeFlags = (1<<2),
componentHasMultiplePlatforms = (1<<3)
struct ComponentPlatformInfo
long componentFlags; /* flags of Component */
ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
short platformType; /* gestaltSysArchitecture result */
typedef struct ComponentPlatformInfo ComponentPlatformInfo;
struct ExtComponentResource {
ComponentDescription cd; /* Registration parameters */
ResourceSpec component; /* resource where Component code is found */
ResourceSpec componentName; /* name string resource */
ResourceSpec componentInfo; /* info string resource */
ResourceSpec componentIcon; /* icon resource */
// new data for Component Manager version 3
long componentVersion; /* version of Component */
long componentRegisterFlags; /* flags for registration */
short componentIconFamily; /* resource id of Icon Family */
long count; /* elements in platformArray */
ComponentPlatformInfo platformArray[1];
typedef struct ExtComponentResource ExtComponentResource;
Back to top References
Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox (Component Manager)
Inside Macintosh: PowerPC System Software (Mixed Mode Manager and Code Fragment Manager)
Macintosh Technical Note, Drawing Icons the System 7 Way (M.IM.IconDrawing).
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