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'LDEF' Madness


This Technical Note uncovers a problem with writing Pascal list definition procedures and two (yes, count 'em, two) different methods to work around it.

[Jun 01 1990]

The Hook

List definition procedures ('LDEF' resources) are pieces of stand-alone code that specify the behavior of a list (i.e., how items are drawn and highlighted, etc.) You can write these procedures in a high-level language or in assembly-language, and they have an entry point with the following calling convention:

PROCEDURE MyList(lMessage: INTEGER; lSelect: BOOLEAN; lRect: Rect;
     lCell: Cell; lDataOffset, lDataLen: INTEGER; lHandle: ListHandle);

Note that the lRect parameter is a structure greater than four bytes in length, so you must pass a pointer to it. If you write the list definition procedure in a language like Pascal, the rectangle pointed to by lRect is copied into a safe, locally modifiable place.

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The Line

When an application calls LNew, the List Manager performs its own initialization prior to calling the list definition procedure with the lInitMsg message. Note that since the initialization of the list does not deal with any cells directly, the lSelect, lRect, lCell, lDataOffset, and lDataLen parameters are supposed to be ignored by the list definition procedure when dealing with the lInitMsg message.

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The Sinker

The problem is that the List Manager stuffs garbage into these parameters. Therefore, when the list definition procedure tries to copy the cell rectangle into a local copy, the pointer to the cell rectangle has a chance of being odd, which causes an address error on 68000-based machines, and it is likely to generate a bus error on all other machines.

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Solution A

A simple assembly-language header for the list definition procedure to even out the cell rectangle pointer for the lInitMsg message can fix the problem:

MainLDEF            MAIN    EXPORT
                    IMPORT  MyLDEF
; Stack Frame definition
LHandle             EQU     8                ; Handle to list data record
LDataLen            EQU     LHandle+4        ; length of data
LDataOffset         EQU     LDataLen+2       ; offset to data
LCell               EQU     LDataOffset+2    ; cell that was hit
LRect               EQU     LCell+4          ; rect to draw in
LSelect             EQU     LRect+4          ; 1=selected, 0=not selected
LMessage            EQU     LSelect+2        ; 0=Init, 1=Draw, 2=Hilite, 3=Close
LParamSize          EQU     LMessage+2-8     ; # of bytes of parameters
                    BRA.S   @0               ; enter here
; standard header
                    DC.W    0                ; flags word
                    DC.B    'LDEF'           ; type
                    DC.W    0                ; LDEF resource ID
                    DC.W    0                ; version
@0                  LINK    A6,#0
                    MOVE.W  LMessage(A6),D0  ; get the message
                    CMP.W   #lInitMsg,D0
                    BNE.S   @1               ; not initialization message
                    MOVE.L  #0,LRect(A6);    ; guarantee that this is even
@1                  UNLK    A6
                    JMP     MyLDEF

The code fragment guarantees that when the list definition procedure tries to copy the lRect parameter to a safe place, a bus error does not occur.

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Solution B

A simpler solution is to declare the entry point to your Pascal 'LDEF' to be the following:

PROCEDURE MyList(lMessage: INTEGER; lSelect: BOOLEAN; VAR lRect: Rect;
     lCell: Cell; lDataOffset, lDataLen: INTEGER; lHandle: ListHandle);

This revised declaration disables the Pascal compiler's automatic copying of the rectangle data; you need to take care not to modify the cell rectangle passed in lRect.

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Inside Macintosh, Volume IV, The List Manager Package

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Acrobat version of this Note (44K).


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