This Technical Note discusses Macintosh Toolbox compatibility and what you can
do to help the Macintosh continue evolving in the future.
[Feb 01 1989]
It is getting increasingly difficult to make additions to the Macintosh
Toolbox. The single greatest obstacle today is compatibility. Often,
engineering is prevented from doing something in an elegant manner because it
would break some applications. This usually leaves three choices:
- Break the application. Engineering does not normally choose this course of action.
- Don't support the feature. This is rarely a good choice. It is bad for the user, and it limits developers.
- Implement the feature in a less-than-optimal way. This is the choice most often taken. Examples are the auxiliary window list, faking desk accessories in MultiFinder to force clipboard conversion, and the ever unpopular menu bar definition procedure (MBDF).
Engineering doesn't like making additions in this way, since it clutters the
architecture and makes Macintosh programming even more difficult.
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Rules, Rules, Rules
You're probably thinking, "But I followed the rules." You're right. You've
followed the stated guidelines in Inside Macintosh and the Macintosh
Technical Notes. You've done nothing explicitly wrong.
However, you can do more than just follow the rules. Consider what
effect your design decisions have on the Macintosh community. Understand that
by taking advantage of a documented feature, you may be preventing the
Macintosh from growing in the future. If you follow some of the following
guidelines, you can give Apple some flexibility in changing rules that are no
longer appropriate. These guidelines are just a sample, and hopefully you can
extrapolate more from this list.
Traps Are Here to Stay
The trap interface is the ultimate Macintosh standard. Even when data
structures change, the traps always work. Use them to their fullest. Don't
directly manipulate data structures when a trap call will do, don't use
_HandToHand to duplicate a handle if there is an explicit trap call
available (e.g., _TENew ), and don't patch traps. If a trap does not
work the way you want, implement your own code instead of trying to patch the
required functionality into the trap. If you absolutely must patch a trap,
don't make assumptions about registers (e.g., A5 ) or modify the stack.
See TM.OV.32BitClean for more information on the evils of patching traps.
Data Structures Are Subject to Change
Engineering won't haphazardly change them, but by using the traps, you give
them the flexibility to make these changes. If everyone had been using
_SetWRefCon and _GetWRefCon , the auxiliary window list might
not have been necessary. Of course, if everyone agrees to use these traps
and leave the auxiliary window list alone, maybe they can fix this one
in the future.
Write Robust Definition Procedures
All of the definition functions, WDEF, CDEF, MDEF, etc. have room for growth.
Do not stunt this growth by making unnecessary assumptions. If you do not
understand the message, don't do anything. If a parameter is documented as
unused, don't use it; it may be used in the future. These same rules apply to
anything which might be called from ROM, such as drivers, user procedures, and
filter procedures. Treat the MBDF as undocumented. It has changed
considerably in the past and will continue to do so.
Use Globals With Caution
Globals often have their meaning changed or their format altered. Use the trap
interfaces when available (e.g., _TickCount instead of
Ticks ). Try to avoid using them at all if possible.
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Your Future is Apple's Future
As a developer you play a key role in shaping the future of the Macintosh. By
going beyond the guidelines in Inside Macintosh and the Macintosh
Technical Notes and considering the effects of your design decisions on the
whole Macintosh community, you allow the Macintosh to grow and change while
still maintaining compatibility. We won't break your applications, we can
fully support features you desire, and we can implement these features in the
best possible way for us, for you, and for the users. By going that extra
step, you help us make programming the Macintosh simpler and ensure the best
possible future for your products as well as ours.
Back to top References
Inside Macintosh, Volume V, Compatibility Guidelines
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