This Technical Note contains a collection of archived Q&As relating to a specific
topic--questions sent the Developer Support Center (DSC) along with
answers from the DSC engineers. Current Q&A's can be found on the
Macintosh Technical Q&A's web site.
[Oct 01 1990]
Changing help balloon text when dialog check box changes
How can I make a help balloon's text change when the state of a check box or
radio button in my dialog box changes? I can't get them to change until I move
the cursor away from the dialog item to dismiss the balloon, and then move the
cursor back, when the correct balloon is drawn for the new control state.
You can force the balloon to be updated by calling HMRemoveBalloon ; this will
remove the balloon, and the Help Manager will immediately put up a new balloon
reflecting the new state of the check box. Of course, before you do this,
you'll want to call HMIsBalloon to make sure a balloon is up. Essentially,
while changing the state of the check box (calling SetCtlValue ), just insert a
check of HMIsBalloon and if it returns true, call HMRemoveBalloon . This could
plausibly cause a flash of the balloon if the user has already moved the mouse
over another item before you process their click, though it would be rare and
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No pre-System 7 Help Manager
Date Written: 7/12/90
Last reviewed: 8/30/91
Contrary to rumors you might have heard, the Help Manager (including balloon
help package) will not be available for pre-7.0 systems.
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Help Manager menu command-key bug and workaround
Date Written: 6/4/91
Last reviewed: 8/13/91
I cannot get command-key equivalents to work on the System 7 Help menu. Under
System 6 the first item's command-? equivalent in my Help menu works, but under
System 7 the MenuKey seems to return 0.
What you are experiencing is a bug in System 7. The bug only effects menu keys
and the Help menu, so the workaround to it is really quite simple. Before you
call menu key, test the key to see if it is a question mark (in other words,
perform the menu key function yourself in this instance). Some Pascal code that
might do this (modified from the MPW sample.p application) follows. Inside your
case statement in your event loop, the keystroke event case would look
something like this:
keyDown, autoKey: BEGIN {check for menukey equivalents}
key := CHR(BAnd(event.message, charCodeMask));
IF BAnd(event.modifiers, cmdKey) <> 0 THEN {Command key down}
IF event.what = keyDown THEN BEGIN
AdjustMenus; {enable/disable/check menu items properly}
If key<>'?' then { test for our special help menu keystroke }
DoMenuCommand(MenuKey(key)) {if not,
just handle normally}
Else begin
The workaround will not cause any problems if the bug's fixed in the future, so
it is safe to include in your software.
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Menu help balloons with application extensions
Date Written: 6/19/91
Last reviewed: 10/15/91
How can my Macintosh application extension change the help balloons for menus
it has modified in the application?
You can head patch (DON'T tail patch) HMShowMenuBalloon to call the Help
Manager's HMSetMenuResID routine, which maps in an alternate menu help resource
('hmnu' ). You create a copy of the application's 'hmnu' resource, modify the
copy and map it in using HMSetMenuResID --something like this:
When you remove your changes to the menu, unmap your 'hmnu' help menu resource
with another call to HMSetMenuResID , as follows:
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BalloonWriter 1.0f3 rez input file bug & workaround
Date Written: 7/5/91
Last reviewed: 8/30/91
A rez input file generated by BalloonWriter 1.0f3 is not the same as the MPW
3.2 definitions in BalloonTypes.r. Until this is fixed, the only solution is to
go in by hand and fix the resources yourself.
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Balloon Help and modeless dialogs
Date Written: 8/9/91
Last reviewed: 9/16/91
I have a problem with Balloon Help for modeless dialogs. The balloons don't
show up most of the time unless the user clicks the mouse over the dialog item
of interest.
The problem you're having is that you're not calling isDialogEvent with null
events. The most likely cause for this is that you're not getting null events,
or you have your sleep time way too high in WaitNextEvent . If you're not
getting null events, it's probably due to unserviced update events in the event
queue. If you can't ensure that you'll get null events back from WaitNextEvent ,
you must fudge them instead. This way the TextEdit insertion point will blink
properly as well.
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Balloon help for menus with submenus
Date Written: 8/19/91
Last reviewed: 10/8/91
We defined balloon help for our menus and submenus, but if we click on the main
menu item, the balloon for this item only appears in a flash and then
disappears. The help for the hierarchical items work, but if we drag on the
main item again, no help appears.
When submenus are present, the help item for the parent menu item is not
supposed to show for three reasons: First, the menu item is the title of the
submenu and you do not see the help for a menu title when the menu is pulled
down. (This is what actually causes the help balloon not to show. The system is
treating the menu item as a menu title, with the side effect that you can never
position the cursor over the item without popping down the submenu, so the
item's associated help will never show.) Second, Apple's human interface group
felt that there would be little need for menu help once the submenu has
appeared (envisioning a balloon that says something like "The submenu attached
to this menu contains items that..." which would be redundant). The final
reason is that if the balloon came up it would obscure the submenu that just
popped up, forcing users to move the cursor to the submenu before they could
see what choices are available. This looks bad and works bad.
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Help for nested dialogs
Date Written: 8/19/91
Last reviewed: 10/15/91
We define our helps through 'hdlg' and the call HMSetDialogResID Does this call
support nested dialogs?
The HMSetDialogResID is a global function. It acts on all dialogs that are
currently up in addition to dialogs that are to come up (contrary to what the
manual implies). So, to handle help for nested dialogs you should do the
Always associate an 'hdlg' with a dialog via the 'DITL' help item whenever
possible, thus eliminating the need to use HMSetDialogResID .
Before bringing up any dialog that you must use HMSetDialogResID with, you
should first call hmGetDialogResID to preserve the current state. When the
dialog in question goes away or is de-activated (in the case of a modeless
dialog), you should reset the ID to what it was before the dialog was put up.
Also, if you are using this with modeless dialogs, be sure to again call
hmSetDialogResID at activation.
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Help menus with two menu bars
Date Written: 9/11/91
Last reviewed: 10/15/91
I'm appending items to the system help menu but my program uses two menu bars
and when I call SetMenuBar the items that were added to the help menu are lost.
What can I do to keep from having to rebuild the help menu each time I do a
SetMenuBar? I don't fully understand the ownership of the help menu (each
application gets its own?).
Well, if you must use two menu bars, then you will always have to re-add your
help menu items after a call to setMenuBar . Of course, the reason for this is
that the help menu, process menu, and keyboard menu are not considered part of
your menu list. The system thinks it is doing you a favor by isolating these
menus from you (which in the case of the process menu makes quite a good bit of
sense). Unfortunatly, you have found the one big flaw in the whole plan. The
solution for you is to write a routine that calls setMenuBar and re-adds the
help menu items all at the same time.
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Balloon help for application windows
Date Written: 9/11/92
Last reviewed: 10/15/91
If I program the balloon help myself for my windows, does this mean I must
program for the menus also, or can I use the resource method?
Each different type of balloon help--dialog, menu, and application--is
independent of the others. Before the Menu Manager puts up any balloons it will
remove the current balloon. You should do the same (see information and warning
on page 11-71 of Inside Macintosh Volume VI). Bottom line, you can use
the resource method for menu and dialog help (dialogs that use the Dialog
Manager), and still manually provide help for your application windows.
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Displaying button help strings for Chooser device package
Date Written: 10/28/91
Last reviewed: 2/17/92
How do I put up balloons for buttons in the Chooser's window? The Chooser
automatically inserts the buttons for me and gives me no method of appending
anything to its dialog before it is displayed.
To get your own help strings displayed for any buttons or radio buttons
displayed for your Chooser device package, simply add a 'STR#' resource with ID
-5694 to your device resource file. The format of the resource is described
#define ChooserResID -15904
#define PackResID -5694 // this is in the _Pack14 range
/* Any Chooser package can get balloons on all items that are normally
added to the Chooser dialog by containing a STR# resource of
resource ID = PackResID (-5694) and following the convention below: */
resource 'STR#' (PackResID, purgeable) {
{ "kEnabledLeftButton", // message for button (or control) that is
// Enabled but not checked
"kDisabledLeftButton", // message for the control that is Disabled
"kCheckedLeftButton", // message for the control that is Checked
// (i.e., CtrlValue>0)
"kOtherLeftButton", // message for the control that is Other
// (i.e., CtrlValue>1)
You were also asking about overriding the default help when the cursor is over
your device list in the Chooser. To do this would require a lot of effort on
your part. It would involve getting the 'hdlg' help resource used by the
Chooser (probably with HMGetDialogResID ), stuffing your help string in place of
the existing string for the device list (the device list is item 6 in the
dialog list), and then putting back the original string once another device is
selected. DTS doesn't recommend doing this since it might break in future
releases of system software. The current Chooser mechanism simply wasn't set up
for it. Back to top
How to tell if a window is a help balloon window
Date Written: 11/7/91
Last reviewed: 12/11/91
How can I tell whether a window is a Balloon Help window?
First, call the Help Manager procedure HMIsBalloon to determine whether a
balloon is being displayed at all. Then call HMGetBalloonWindow to get the help
window's window pointer, and compare that to the window pointer of the window
you've got.
Note that if HMIsBalloon returns TRUE and HMGetBalloonWindow returns a window
pointer of NIL, it means that the balloon "window" that's displayed really
isn't a window at all; this will happen, for instance, if the balloon is being
displayed on top of a pulled-down menu (we call this "to boldly go where no
window has gone before").
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HMShowBalloon styled TEHandle limit and workaround
Date Written: 12/9/91
Last reviewed: 2/17/92
Sometimes balloons won't show up when I call HMShowBalloon ; I get a paramErr
(-50) instead. The hmHelpType is khmmTEHandle . The HMShowBalloon function calls
TextWidth on the hText of my TEHandle (the result of which is 1511 (338
chars)), then multiplies that by the lineHeight (12), yielding 18132. It then
compares this to 17000, doesn't like the result, puts -50 into a register and
backs out of everything it has done previously. What is the Help Manager
The Help Manager checks against 17000 to ensure that the help balloon window is
always smaller than the Macintosh system screen. However, the value used
(17000) should be a much larger value. As it is right now in System 7, you're
limited to about the same number of characters with a styled TEHandle as you
are with a Pascal string: 255 characters.
To avoid this limitation, use clear concise phrases to make your help message
as short as possible. If you've already done that and your help message still
isn't short enough, you can use khmmPict or khmmPictHandle and use a picture
for your help message. Using a picture has the disadvantages that pictures use
a little more memory for the same help message and you'll have to add carriage
returns for line breaks yourself where you need them. You can use MacDraw or
something similar to create the pictures.
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Balloon help equivalent for System 6 users
Date Written: 12/9/91
Last reviewed: 2/6/92
We are currently adding balloon help to our application, but have run into a
problem with adding help to a custom Standard File routine. Our application
needs to run under both System 6 and System 7, so we're using the older
SFPGetFile() call instead of System 7's CustomGetFile . Since we're not using
the new Standard File calls, we can't take advantage of the sfItemBalloonHelp
item provided with the new interface. How can we add help for our custom file
To add help balloons for additional dialog items in a SFPGetFile or SFPPutFile
dialog, add an 'hdlg' resource with resource -4000 for SFPGet calls or -3999
for SFPPut calls. This resource contains help balloons for the standard items
but with additional help items for your dialog additions. Even though your DITL
will not be the standard -4000 (or -3999), Standard File will pick the -4000
(or -3999) hdlg out of your resource fork and use it with your custom Standard
File dialog.
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Help balloons and short messages with long words
Date Written: 12/11/91
Last reviewed: 2/6/92
Sometimes long words get broken across lines in certain help balloons. Is there
a way to tune the line-breaking algorithm balloon help uses?
If your application is simply adding help resources to your dialogs, then
you're pretty much stuck with the algorithm the Help Manager uses. It decides
how big the balloon should be based on the length of your text and the height
of your text. Then it uses TextEdit to display your text in a rectangle that
size. The problem you're seeing is short messages with long words break the
algorithm. The easy workaround is to make the height of your text larger. For
example, try putting in one carriage return before the first word in your text
and two carriage returns after the last word. You'll probably end up with an
extra line of white space above and below the text in the balloon, but it will
wrap correctly. The other easy solution is to insert "- " (a dash and a space)
where you want your really long word to break. Both of these methods involve
trying the balloon text to see if it breaks where you want it to break.
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More than 239 characters in a help balloon
Date Written: 1/20/92
Last reviewed: 4/23/92
My Balloon Help message doesn't appear when I use a 'TEXT' resource in a static
window as the message in the balloon, following string resource examples in
Inside Macintosh Volume VI and modifying the code to indicate 'TEXT' .
Why doesn't this work?
While using 'TEXT' resources in Help Manager balloons is a way to provide
stylized text, it doesn't mean that strings longer than 256 are possible. In
fact, strings up to only 239 characters in length are valid. When string
lengths are greater than 239 the Help Manager takes a short-circuit return and
no balloon is displayed. To work around this limit, you can draw a picture with
the text you want to display and then use the picture in the Help Manager
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Workaround for help menu MenuKey bug
Date Written: 2/11/92
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
Menu accelerators don't work in System 7.0's help menu. In addition, mouse
clicks don't work in hierarchical menus added to the help menu. For example, we
added to our help menu--a "quit" item with "Q" as the accelerator and a submenu
containing an "exit" item with "X" as the accelerator to our menu. Selecting
"quit" or "exit" should quit the program, but we are not getting that result.
Yes, this is a bug in the Help Manager and Menu Manager. The system is treating
any MenuKey return from the help menu as a "system" hit instead of an
application menu hit. It should be addressed in the next major system release .
In the meantime, you'll have to track menu keys in the help menu yourself,
which is an added step in your keyDown handler, but is the only way to do it
case keyDown:
if(ERecord.modifiers & cmdKey){
if((ERecord.message & charCodeMask) == myMenuHelpKey){
} else {
/* do regular MenuKey call */
Be sure to use a variable for myMenuHelpKey , instead of a constant, and read it
from the menu when you start. This will prevent you from having to recompile if
you change the help menu key for design or internationalizing reasons.
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HMGetIndHelpMsg and 'hrct' resources
Date Written: 2/24/92
Last reviewed: 6/11/92
My application opens a number of resource files. If my 'hrct' resources aren't
in the most recently opened resource file, I get an error -192 (resource not
found) from HMGetIndHelpMsg . Is this a Help Manager bug?
Your 'hrct' resources get loaded only from the most recently opened resource
file because that's where the Help Manager is looking for them. The Help
Manager uses Get1Resource to get 'hrct' -type resources to avoid Resource
Manager conflicts with other resources. This is simply a behavior of the Help
Manager. To use HMGetIndHelpMsg properly, call UseResFile with the refNum of
the file containing the 'hrct' before you call the Help Manager. If the 'hrct'
is stored in your application resource fork, you can use HomeResFile or
CurResFile (at the start of your program before you've opened any other
resource files) to get the refNum of the application resource file.
Not all Help Manager resources are treated this way, due to the design of the
Macintosh Toolbox; 'hdlg' resources, for example, are loaded using GetResource
so that things like Standard File can have common help throughout all
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HMSetBalloonContents controls runaway balloons
Date Written: 5/24/91
Last reviewed: 10/9/91
Help! I've just added Balloon Help to my application, but I'm having some
problems. Whenever a balloon appears, it immediately begins floating away off
the top of the screen. What can I do to stop this madness?
It appears you failed to heed our warning when it comes to routines that can
move balloons. Consult Appendix D of Inside Macintosh X-Ref, "Routines
That May Pop Balloons or Cause Barometric Disturbances," for a complete listing
of these help balloon meteorological nightmares. In addition, be sure to call
the new trap HMSetBalloonContents:
OSErr HMSetBalloonContents (balloonContents: INTEGER);
CONST { types of balloon contents }
helium = 0;
air = 1;
water = 2;
with balloonContents set to something greater than helium.
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HMSetMenuResID & kHMCompareItem with 'hmnu' resource
Date Written: 3/14/91
Last reviewed: 7/29/91
My DA uses a lot of hierarchical menus for which I have help strings in a
'STR#' resource. How do I get around potential renumbering problems? Is it safe
to assume that I never get renumbered under System 7? Also, if a menu item has
a hierarchical menu, how do I get help for the item?
According to the Help Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI,
"You can use the HMSetMenuResID function to set the 'hmnu' resource for a menu
that did not previously have one or to supplement the existing 'hmnu' resource
for a menu.
The menuID parameter specifies the menu to associate with the 'hmnu'
resource.The resID parameter specifies the resource ID of the 'hmnu' resource
to use for the menu specified by the menuID parameter. The menu identified by
the menuID parameter should correspond to an existing menu in your menu list.
The Help Manager maintains a list of the menus whose 'hmnu' resources you map
(set or override) using the HMSetMenuResID function.
Specify -1 in the resID parameter to unmap the pairing of a particular menu and
'hmnu' resource that you previously mapped using the HMSetMenuResID function.
You should unmap any resource IDs before your application quits.
Result codes
Regarding help items for hierarchical menus, you can use kHMCompareItem in your
'hmnu' resource to match against the menu item in question, and display the
appropriate help message at that time. See the "Providing Help Balloons for
Menus" section for details on the HMCompareItem identifier.
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Changing the default help balloon for your Macintosh application
Date Written: 4/8/91
Last reviewed: 5/1/91
In the Macintosh Finder, when you point to the TeachText icon with Balloon Help
turned on, a little description about the application appears. How can I create
a similar description for my application?
TeachText is a special utility application included with Macintosh system
software. Consequently, some TeachText-specific information is stored in system
files. Specifically, the Finder Help file contains special strings which are
used for the TeachText help balloons. Normal applications do not have this
You can create an 'hfdr' resource in your file, which lets you specify your own
help balloon text. You can use the Rez tool in MPW SARez, or BalloonWriter to
make an 'hfdr' . Refer to "Overriding Help Balloons for Application Icons" in
the Help Manager chapter of Inside Macintosh Volume VI for more
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Help balloons can't be attached to HyperCard palettes
Date Written: 4/12/91
Last reviewed: 8/30/91
Help balloons cannot be attached to HyperCard palettes. The problem is that
palettes are structures that are built on the fly and handled by an XCMD called
"Palette." Short of writing your own Palette XCMD, there's no known way to
attach help balloons to HyperCard palettes or to their contents.
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Determining within HyperTalk whether balloon help is enabled
Date Written: 4/12/91
Last reviewed: 8/30/91
There's no easy way to tell whether Balloon Help is enabled from within
HyperTalk, but an XFCN could be written to call HMGetBalloons , which would
return a boolean indicating whether Balloon Help is enabled.
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Macintosh Help Manager and resource files
Date Written: 4/29/91
Last reviewed: 6/7/91
Is there some kind of bug with the Macintosh Balloon Help feature in System
7.0? It goes into the application and uses the text from the 'STR#' resource ID
4001 instead of the 'STR#' resource ID 4001 of Finder Help.
The System 7.0 Help Manager stores its balloon strings in the Finder Help
resource file. Under certain circumstances, the Help Manager will access the
string resources in your application before it accesses the resources of the
Finder Help file. Consequently, problems will occur if your application
contains certain 'STR#' and 'STR ' resources.
There are only two circumstances in which your application may be affected.
First, if your application uses a 'STR#' resource with ID 4001, the Help
Manager will use the first string resource of the list instead of the
corresponding resource in Finder Help. When the pointer is placed over your
application icon's text on the desktop, the default text, "Change the icon's
name by clicking on the name and typing," will be changed to the text stored in
'STR#' 4001 of your application.
Second, if your application has a 'STR ' resource with ID 17251, the Help
Manager will use that string resource instead of the corresponding string
resource in Finder Help. The default text, "This is an application--a program
with which you..." will be changed to the text stored in 'STR ' 17251 of your
To avoid these problems, you have a few options. You can create your own 'hfdr'
resource to override 'STR ' 17251, or you can avoid using 'STR ' 17251 and
'STR#' 4001. If you must use 'STR#' 4001, paste the text "Change the icon's
name by clicking on the name and typing" into the first string and use the rest
of the strings for your application's use.
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Control Panel cdev Balloon Help
Date Written: 8/26/91
Last reviewed: 9/16/91
How do I completely mimic the help in Apple's Control Panel cdevs? Apple's
cdevs have two forms of help: (1) point to the icon and you get the descriptive
text of what the cdev does, and (2) point to the name and you get both the
descriptive text and help on how to change the name. I can only get (1) from
the (hfdr , -5696) resource. Also, when I open my control panel, THEN point to
the icon, I get the default help message, as if my balloon help were not
present. If the control panel isn't open, then the help is correct. Apple's
cdevs don't do this; the correct help is displayed regardless of whether or not
the cdev is open. What's up?
The truth is that you cannot mimic the help given for Apple's cdevs. The Finder
is special-cased for the items that Apple includes on its disk, and in the
Finder help file you'll find all the help messages that go along with the cdevs
and DAs and such. You'll also find some 'fmap' resources. These basically point
the Finder to the proper help message for each filetype/creator combination
that Apple has. This is how the Finder knows to treat the icon specially. You
aren't supposed to modify these resources, so there is no way to mimic the
Apple's cdev help.
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cdevs and foreign language balloons
Date Written: 8/26/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
My cdev contains a 'STR#' resource for each foreign language we support. Prior
to Balloon Help, text was taken from the resource file by doing a
GetResource('STR#', BASE_ID + countryCode) . Now, with Balloon Help, I have to
have fixed resource IDs in the 'hdfr' and 'hdlg' resources. It would be nice to
be able to tell the Help Manager to use the BASE_ID + countryCode selector,
though as a workaround, the INIT associated with the cdev renames resources so
that the correct text is selected.
You can set the dialog resource number explicitly from the code. Use the
HMSetDialogResID (dialog number + country code), and have a different 'hdlg'
for each country.
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