This Technical Note contains a collection
of archived Q&As relating to a specific
topic - questions sent the Developer Support Center (DSC) along with
answers from the DSC engineers. Current Q&A's can be found on the
Macintosh Technical Q&A's web site.
[Sep 01 1993]
Code for getting Macintosh system KCHR resource
How do I find the current KCHR resource?
Here's a method for getting a copy of the KCHR currently being used by the
system. This method works for both System 6 and System 7.
{ long keyScript, KCHRID;
Handle KCHRHdl;
/* First get the current keyboard script. */
keyScript = GetEnvirons(smKeyScript);
/* Now get the KCHR resource ID for that script. */
KCHRID = GetScript((short)keyScript, smScriptKeys);
/* Finally, get your own copy of this KCHR. Now you can pass
a proper KCHR pointer to KeyTrans. */
KCHRHdl = GetResource('KCHR',KCHRID);
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ResEdit and Macintosh Portable 'KCAP' resources
Date Written: 6/17/91
Last reviewed: 6/14/93
I am trying to use the 'KCAP' resource to draw the Macintosh Portable keyboard
layout in our application. I used the ResEdit to check 'KCAP' in both System 7
and the Key Layout file, but the Portable keyboard type is not there.
The resource numbers 6 and 7 of 'KCAP' are contained in the ROM of the Portable
and some other Macintosh models. Being located in ROM, the resources are not
directly viewable with ResEdit. They do, however, exist in the resource chain,
so a RGetResource for 'KCAP' number 6 should load and return a pointer to this
resource. ROM resources and the resource chain are discussed in the Resource
Manager chapters of Inside Macintosh Volumes IV and V. The 'KCAP'
resource is documented in Inside Macintosh: Text, C-28 -6 C-34.
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Using Macintosh KCAP resource to draw a keyboard
Date Written: 1/10/92 Last reviewed: 6/14/93
How can I use the KCAP resource to draw the keyboard?
KCAP resources describe the key layout of Macintosh keyboards. They are
intended for use by the Key Caps desk accessory, but applications can also take
advantage of KCAP s for information about key arrangements. The program kcapApp
demonstrates use of the KCAP resource and is available in the Snippets
This is the format of the KCAP resource:
- rect, boundary for the keyboard (8 bytes)
- rect, appropriate for an editable line of text (8 bytes)
- integer, number of key shapes to follow (2 bytes)
for each key shape:
- integer, number of points defining this key shape - 1 (2 bytes)
for each point:
- point, opposite corner of a rect (2 bytes)
number of keys of this shape - 1 (2 bytes)
for each key:
- byte, modifier mask (1 byte)
- byte, OR/AND setting for modifier mask (1 bit) plus
- virtual keycode for this key (7 bits)
- integer, vertical offset from previous key (2 bytes)
- integer, horizontal offset from previous key (2 bytes)
The keyboard boundary rect may be offset from the origin. It can be realigned
OffsetRect(keybdRect, - keybdRect.left, - keybdRect.top)
Each key shape consists of one or more rectangles. The rectangles are defined
by a series of points, with one point specifying each rectangle. The first
point is the opposite corner of a rectangle anchored at the starting pen
location for the key; the next point is the opposite corner of a rectangle from
the last point; and so on. The key shape is the union of the rects defined by
the points.
Note that a rectangle's point may be above or to the left of the previous
point. To QuickDraw, this would define an empty rectangle, so the rectangle's
horizontal and/or vertical coordinates may need to be swapped before FrameRect
is called to add a rect to the key's region.
The pen is moved to the top left of the keyboard boundary rect before drawing
each group of keys of a given shape. The pen location for each key is given as
a horizontal and vertical offset from the pen location for the previous key.
The pen location for the first key of each shape is an offset from the top left
corner of the keyboard boundary rectangle. The pen does not change location
when a key is drawn.
Use KeyTrans to determine the character to be drawn on the key. The KCAP
resource provides a 7-bit virtual keycode, plus a mask for the modifiers to be
passed to KeyTrans . If the most significant bit of the keycode byte is set, AND
the desired modifiers with the modifier mask. If the bit is clear, OR the
modifiers with the mask.
The high bit of the virtual keycode byte indicates to KeyTrans the type of the
keystroke; before calling KeyTrans , clear the bit for a keydown, or set it for
a keyup. The bit should be clear if you're drawing a keyboard. KeyTrans sets
the state appropriately for dead keys only when called for keydowns.
The global KbdType ($21E), a byte, contains the KCAP resource number for the
last keyboard used. Under System 6, KCAP resources are kept in the file "Key
Layout" in the System folder. Starting with System 7, KCAP resources are in the
System file. Alternatively, a machine's KCAP may be stored in ROM, where it's
available with the GetResource call but cannot be viewed with ResEdit.
The most complete information about the KCAP resource format can be found in
the new Inside Macintosh "Text" volume, C-28 to C-34. For more
information on KeyTrans and KCHR s, see Chapter 10 of Inside Macintosh
Volume V, pages 14-23 and 14-96 of Inside Macintosh Volume VI, and the
Macintosh Technical Note "Key Mapping." KCAP resources are also discussed on
pages 14-95, 14-100 and 14-101 of Inside Macintosh Volume VI.
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Macintosh Option key: Techniques for ignoring
Date Written: 10/16/91
Last reviewed: 2/28/92
I would like to use the Macintosh Option key as the Control key for keyboards
that lack a Control key, such as for Macintosh Plus keyboards. How can I find
the ASCII value that would have been returned if the Option key weren't
pressed, in a way that would be compatible with other keyboards?
There are a couple of clean ways to ignore the Option key. One is to
"reprocess" the keyboard event. The fourth byte of the event message is the
ASCII code, but the third byte is the virtual key code. The system calls the
trap KeyTrans to map the virtual key code to ASCII according to a 'KCHR'
resource. You can do the same, and since the high byte of the modifiers are
part of the input to KeyTrans , you can strip out the Option key, call KeyTrans
on the third byte of the event message, and get back the "true" ASCII keypress.
KeyTrans and 'KCHR' resources are documented in Chapter 10 of Inside
Macintosh Volume V, Chapter 14 of Inside Macintosh Volume VI (pages
14-23 and 14-96), and the Macintosh Technical Note "Key Mapping." In Pascal,
these steps would look something like:
keycode := BAND(event.message, keyCodeMask); { get virtual code }
keycode := BSR(keycode, 8); { move to low byte }
{ now combine with modifiers }
keycode := BOR(keycode, BAND($FF00, event.modifiers));
keycode := BAND(keycode, $FFFF - optionKey); { strip option }
The resource ID of the current KCHR is available as
GetScript(GetEnvirons(smKeyScript), smScriptKeys) . Alternatively, a pointer to
the KCHR data is available under System 7 as GetEnvirons(smKCHRCache) , as
discussed in the Technote "International Canceling."
This method may work for you, but there is a possible problem: dead keys. Since
dead keys are processed before your application gets the event, your
application will not see (for example) the first Option-e typed. However, the
dead keys are specified in the 'KCHR' resource, so you can create a KCHR
(ResEdit 2.1.1 includes a template) to omit dead keys (and, if you choose,
option characters) and include it with your application. Call SetScript to get
the system to use your 'KCHR' (see the Technote "Key Mapping," IM V-313, and
IM VI 14-40).
Another problem is that System 7 ignores a 'KCHR' in the application's
resources, so an application's 'KCHR' has to be installed in the system. You
can install the 'KCHR' with an installer program, or provide a keyboard file
users can drag to the System file. (To create a keyboard file, use ResEdit to
put the 'KCHR' in the System file, and then drag it out with the System 7
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