This Technote describes the Macintosh DMA Serial Driver, also known as
SerialDMA 2.0. The SerialDMA driver is a replacement for the standard set of
Macintosh serial device drivers often referred to by their driver names: .AIn,
.AOut, .BIn, and .BOut. SerialDMA is applicable only to those Macintosh models
which incorporate DMA channels servicing the standard Z8530 Serial
Communications Controller.
Every attempt has been made to ensure compatibility with the classic Macintosh
serial driver which does not support DMA operation. While some minor behavioral
differences exist, the primary differences are:
- significantly enhanced serial throughput capabilities
- longstanding bugs fixed, and
- a few additional features.
Since the SerialDMA driver has undergone a major architectural revision during
its lifetime, it is important to understand how it has evolved. This Technote
primarily describes the second-generation SerialDMA driver, while the
first-generation driver is described largely for context.
You should be familiar with Macintosh device drivers in general, and with the
classic Macintosh serial driver in particular. For reference, see Inside
Macintosh: Devices, chapters 1 and 7.
[Feb 1 1996]
About the SerialDMA Driver
The SerialDMA driver which shipped in the system software of each DMA-capable
Macintosh from the Macintosh Centris 660av through the Power Macintosh 8100/110
(1993-1994) was Apple's first-generation DMA serial driver. This driver was
cursed by some architectural flaws. The flaws exhibited themselves primarily as
latency problems, which affected software handshaking and certain kinds of
read-write operation.
The original version of SerialDMA is identifiable as Serial Driver version 8.
As Apple and several third-parties have discovered, version 8 may simply be
unsuitable for some categories of applications.
In response, Apple is now providing a second-generation SerialDMA driver
(version 9), which corrects the design flaws in the first version, increases
compatibility with the classic serial driver to the greatest extent possible,
and optimizes performance to realize the full potential of the available DMA
hardware. The effects of this re-architecture include:
- a much smaller driver footprint (over 30% smaller) in memory for the 68K
- native performance in the PowerPC version
- significantly higher reliablility
- better potential throughput, and
- minimal latency in response to read requests and XOn/XOff handshaking
Three overriding goals guided the development of the second-generation
SerialDMA driver. Certain of these goals were inherited from the original
SerialDMA development effort, but customer feedback warranted a complete
reassessment of the weight assigned to each of these goals and their priorities
for subsequent releases.
Goal #1: Compatibility
It should be virtually impossible to distinguish SerialDMA 2.0 from the classic
serial driver except that certain bugs are fixed and throughput is far
superior. The SCC itself is programmed slightly differently when data is
transferred by a DMA controller and, as a result, the standard transmit and
receive interrupt handlers are rarely invoked. The classic SCC interrupt
handler API is fully supported, however. Software which depends on replacing
the serial drivers' SCC interrupt handlers while the driver is open will
probably not function as expected. The DMA interrupt handler interface is
private to Apple Computer, Inc.
On the other hand, completion routines are now called with interrupts masked
rather than at deferred task time, which eliminates one source of compatibility
problems with ill-behaved client software.
During an asynchronous I/O request, driver clients cannot depend on the
parameter block's ioActCount field to increment because the processor does not
intervene in the transfer.
Goal #2: Responsiveness
The greatest flaw in the first-generation driver was that the DMA controller
was not programmed to interrupt at the precise moment when an XOn/XOff
character arrived, nor at the precise moment when a read request became
satisfied. Instead, there was a semi-customizable timeout latency before
responding to such events. The result was very high interrupt latency tolerance
at the expense of very poor performance for certain clients more interested in
response time than throughput.
The second-generation driver implements sophisticated DMA channel management to
arrive at a better compromise between the demands of responsiveness and latency
tolerance. Responsiveness should now be indistinguishable from the classic
serial driver. Latency tolerance should still provide ample margins.
Goal #3: Performance
Transmission throughput was already nearly optimal, but may have been improved
slightly in some implementations as a result of more sophisticated DMA channel
Receive bandwidth has received special attention. Receive DMA channel
availalability is maintained at the highest possible level consistent with
responsive behavior toward driver clients. While exact channel availability
characteristics depend on the specifics of the DMA controller, the possibility
is very small that the DMA controller will exhaust its transfer count and allow
the SCC to overrun.
The bandwidth of memory and typical system interrupt latencies provide for
support of the maximum 230.4K bps data stream, provided that exceptional events
do not deplete the available DMA resources and provided the client manipulates
the driver in an efficient manner. New driver Control codes make 115.2K and
230.4K bps modes easily accessible to client software without difficult or
risky hacks and workarounds.
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Working with the SerialDMA Driver
When looking for a certain function in the serial driver, it is usually correct
to simply make the appropriate Control or Status call and check the result. If
a function is not supported, the call returns controlErr or statusErr. It is
only appropriate to make decisions based on the driver version when general
driver characteristics are known for a specific driver version in advance. This
is difficult since serial drivers can and will be revised without changing the
version number. However, Apple guarantees that the first-generation SerialDMA
driver is obsolete and will not be maintained further.
For development purposes, the easiest and quickest way to check the serial
driver version installed on a system is with the MacsBug drvr dcmd. This dcmd
displays all the drivers installed on a system with their respective version
numbers (if specified).
New Capabilities
Thanks to the high-performance DMA controllers available on the machines
supported by SerialDMA, higher serial data rates are possible than ever before.
With conscientious use of the enhanced serial driver API and an understanding
of issues that may stress the drivers' performance, it is feasible to maintain
connections in excess of the traditional 57,600 bps limitation. It should even
be possible to sustain connections with 28,800 bps V.34 modems using a 230.4K
bps DTE rate.
Please read the section on Additional Details for an explanation of how the
client may affect the performance and the potential throughput of the SerialDMA
Identifying the First-Generation Driver
It may be useful to identify the first-generation SerialDMA driver
programmatically in applications where this driver is unsuitable due to bugs or
unacceptable response times. Note that it is not the DMA nature of the driver
which should be implicated but the implementation of the driver itself, so
logically the test is not whether the driver uses DMA, but whether it is the
first-generation DMA driver.
This driver may be identified in one of two ways. The client may make a Status
call to the serial driver with a csCode of 9 to retrieve the driver's version.
The first-generation driver returns the value 8 in the first byte of csParam.
Alternatively, the client may issue a Control call with a csCode of 17987 and
inspect the result; no other version of the serial driver implements this
csCode and therefore only this version returns a result of noErr (other
versions return controlErr by default). This special Control call, which was
unique to the first-generation SerialDMA driver, allowed customization of the
DMA timeout latency between one and 65,535 ticks. The latency must be specified
in the first 16-bit csParam word when issuing the Control call; a value of 1 is
safe and provides best performance although it is somewhat inefficient.
In some cases, applications sensitive to serial driver response
time may be made to work with the first-generation driver through the use of
this special csCode. Because the second-generation driver is now available,
however, this hack is best avoided.
Identifying the Second-Generation Driver
Ideally, of course, all versions of the serial driver should be compatible,
which means virtually indistinguishable. It is the stated compatibility goal of
SerialDMA 2.0 that no one should know the difference between it and the classic
non-DMA Serial Driver or first-generation DMA Serial Driver. But if by chance
it is desired to identify specifically the second-generation SerialDMA driver,
the only direct method is through examination of the driver version number.
This is available to the client as the result of a Status call with csCode 9 as
desribed above. The second-generation driver returns a value of 9 as its
The second-generation SerialDMA driver is the first serial driver to support
csCodes to invoke 115.2K bps mode and 230.4K bps mode, so in some sense the
driver version could be detected that way, but in the future, other driver
versions may also support these calls. Therefore, if these functions are
desired, make the Control calls without regard to the driver version.
Do not make any assumptions based on the numerical sequence
of serial driver versions. Each version number is essentially an ID for a
driver architecture as opposed to a chronological version number. Version 10,
for example, may be a completely different design than SerialDMA, it may or may
not support DMA at all, and so forth.
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SerialDMA Driver Reference
This section documents control codes new to the SerialDMA driver, relative to
the classic non-DMA driver.
Low-Level Routines
The SerialDMA driver supports csCode 15, which was designed to help support
MIDI externally clocked data rates. This csCode has been implemented previously
in the IOP serial driver of the Macintosh IIfx, Quadra 900, and Quadra 950. It
has not been officially documented because a large majority of the installed
base does not implement the call.
The SerialDMA driver supports two new csCodes, 115 and 230, by which its
Control routine can switch the driver to high-speed modes. These csCodes
support 115.2K baud and 230.4K baud rates. The correct time to make these calls
is after a normal SerReset call using some other (lower) baud rate. The reason
for this is SerReset performs a number of configuration tasks but assumes that
the baud rate is a function of the SCC baud rate generator. In order to achieve
these two higher speeds, the baud rate generator must be bypassed, using the
standard 3.672 MHz SCC clock and one of a very limited number of rate divisors.
These csCodes effect the task of bypassing the baud rate generator and setting
the clock divisor to achieve the specified rate.
If the SCC is externally clocked on the GPi line rather than using
the internal RTxC clock, these two control calls will have the effect of
selecting a baud rate as a fraction of the GPi clock rate, where the divisor is
32 for csCode 115 and the divisor is 16 for csCode 230.
Set MIDI Clocking [control code 15]
csCode = 15 csParam = byte
This call is designed to place the serial driver into a quasi-MIDI mode. It is
similar to a SerReset, but it always leaves the serial driver in a mode of
eight data bits and one stop bit. Hardware handshaking is disabled. Clocking is
required externally at the CTS pin. The parameter byte represents the factor by
which the external clock frequency exceeds the data rate according to the
following table. The rate multiplier is encoded in the two most significant
bits of the parameter byte, while all other bits are reserved and should be
Table 1: csCode 15 rate multipier encodings
Encoding Rate multiplier Example
0x00 x 1
0x40 x 16 250K baud 8x MIDI rate @ 4 MHz
0x80 x 32 125K baud 4x MIDI rate @ 4 MHz
0xC0 x 64 31.25K baud standard MIDI rate @ 2 MHz
Set 115.2K Baud Rate [control code 115]
This call is designed for high-speed modems. It typically requires DMA hardware
on the receive channel to be successful. It is similar to the clock selection
function available through csCode = 16, but it instead forces the serial driver
to take its baud rate clock directly from the internal 3.672 MHz RTxC clock
source with a rate multiplier of 32. The result is to force transmit and
receive baud rates of nominally 115.2K baud. Other configuration parameters are
not affected.
Set 230.4K Baud Rate [control code 230]
This call is designed for high-speed modems. It typically requires DMA hardware
on the receive channel to be successful. It is similar to the clock selection
function available through csCode = 16, but it instead forces the serial driver
to take its baud rate clock directly from the internal 3.672 MHz RTxC clock
source with a rate multiplier of 16. The result is to force transmit and
receive baud rates of nominally 230.4K baud. Other configuration parameters are
not affected.
The highest baud rates supported by this driver may be quite
demanding on the client software. Efficiency at the client layer is critical to
take advantage of the benefits of serial DMA reception. Awkward or inefficient
use of the serial driver API may result in poor system performance and failure
to sustain the desired data rate. Please read the performance considerations in
the following section.
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Additional Details
The basis of the second-generation SerialDMA driver is a rewrite of the classic
serial driver (which was written in 68K assembly language) using the C
language. There is a minimal amount of assembly language glue code (Mixed Mode
glue in the case of the native Power Macintosh version) to bind to the 68K
Device Manager. The SCC generally is no longer responsible for generating
transmit or receive interrupts, although it still notifies the driver of
external/status changes and special receive conditions. All normal data
transfer is effected by DMA, and DMA interrupts keep the system synchronized
with transfer progress.
No attempt has been made to abstract the Z8530 Serial Communications Controller
hardware. The serial driver is intimately tied to this piece of legacy
hardware. However, the bulk of the driver is relatively independent of the
details of any specific DMA controller. A handful of primitive vectors are
installed when the driver is opened and all DMA operations are handled in a
device-independent manner by the main part of the SerialDMA driver.
Just to give an idea of the flexibility of the driver with respect to DMA
models, the DMA controller in the Quadra 840av requires a pair of user-defined,
linear DMA buffers of arbitrary size and automatically ping-pongs between them
when the transfer count on each buffer goes to zero. The Power Macintosh 8100
contains a single system-defined, circular DMA buffer which interrupts when the
transfer count goes to zero and then optionally continues transferring
characters even while the interrupt awaits processing. The Power Macintosh 9500
uses a semi-intelligent DMA command processor which supports an arbitrary
number of buffers. The SerialDMA driver supports DMA models with ease, using
only eight brief, abstract primitives and three or four interrupt handlers
unique to each DMA controller.
PowerPC Native Implementation
For Power Macintosh, the SerialDMA driver is compiled native. This is not a
Marconi/Copland CFM driver. It is a traditional Macintosh DRVR compiled in the
native PowerPC instruction set. In order to bind the driver to the 68K
architecture Device Manager, the driver header offsets reference Mixed Mode
routine descriptors. All SCC and DMA interrupt handlers are native, and
pointers to routine descriptors are installed in applicable interrupt dispatch
tables. The driver calls 68K routines such as IODone and the LAP Manager port B
arbitration routines with CallUniversalProc and appropriate procedure info
It is understood that the Mixed Mode switches in the native PowerPC SerialDMA
driver incur costly overhead, but it is thought that native mode execution of
certain critical code sequences when DMA is suspended, or when delivering large
packets of data with interrupts disabled, provides an overall win for the
driver under the most challenging performance conditions.
The native version of the driver is packaged as a native code resource of type
'nsrd' with Mixed Mode calling conventions identical to that of the 'SERD'
resource. The 'SERD' resource is for 68K machines only. The 'nsrd' resource is
for PowerPC machines only.
The traditional Macintosh serial driver functions by responding to a system
interrupt each and every time a character arrives at the SCC receiver, leaves
the SCC transmitter, or when the state of the CTS input changes or a break
condition is detected. This provides an exceptional level of responsiveness
because the driver responds to every event occurring at the SCC with a delay
equivalent only to the system interrupt latency period. On the other hand, this
is also the greatest limitation of the traditional serial driver because the
typical system interrupt latency places an upper bound on the data throughput
of the driver. For example, at the rate of 230.4K bps, a new character may
arrive at the SCC every 43.4us, or 1085 machine cycles (25 MHz CPU). Since a
round trip through the system interrupt handler and the driver's interrupt
service routine may easily take several hundred machine cycles, it is apparent
that this data rate would consume a very large percentage of the CPU bandwidth
resulting in poor system performance and perhaps exceed it, resulting in
dropped data.
The DMA engine offloads responsibility from the CPU for moving data between the
SCC and memory. In the best case, data throughput is limited not by system
interrupt latency but by the bandwidth of the memory system, which is usually
much higher than the rates achievable by common serial I/O hardware. The DMA
hardware generates interrupts only after a previously specified number of
characters have been transferred. Comparing this to the non-DMA model, it is
intuitive that the benefit of DMA transfer increases approximately linearly
with the average size of the DMA transfer count. Every character transferred
without processor intervention saves valuable processor time and improves
response time for other interrupt-driven processes.
One factor which reduces the benefit of DMA is the increased complexity of the
DMA interrupt handler relative to the SCC single-character I/O interrupt
handler. It is important to overcome this brake on performance by taking
advantage of the DMA benefits described earlier. In general, it should only be
necessary to average a few characters per DMA block to overcome the increased
overhead of a generalized DMA block handler versus a single-character handler.
However, it should be understood that it is possible to operate the DMA serial
driver in ways that do not take advantage of DMA and incur even greater
overhead than the traditional interrupt-driven serial driver. Every attempt
should be made to avoid such inefficiencies when performance is critical or
data throughput is high by traditional Macintosh serial I/O standards.
As previously stated, the DMA serial driver causes the hardware to generate
interrupts upon the completion of a DMA block transfer. It also responds to
status interrupts in exactly the same manner as the traditional Macintosh
serial driver, so each time the state of the CTS input changes or a break
condition is detected, an interrupt must be serviced. Furthermore, various
serial driver API calls invoke the drivers interrupt handler in order to
synchronize the DMA engine with pending I/O requests, handshaking thresholds,
and so on. These implicit interrupts which occur as a result of API calls are
required to approximate the responsiveness to certain events which are
supported by the Macintosh serial driver API.
Performance Considerations
A primary concern, based on customer feedback, was how to duplicate the
responsiveness of an interrupt-per-character serial driver in a DMA serial
driver which, by definition, interrupts only upon the completion of a block
transfer. The solution requires relatively sophisticated DMA receive channel
management and implicit interrupts in response to a number of driver API calls.
Each time a DMA interrupt occurs, and in various other circumstances, a new DMA
count must be calculated in order to generate the next interrupt at the optimal
moment based on the selected handshaking mode, read request, and buffer size.
The exact details of this calculation are beyond the scope of this document,
but extreme care has been taken to minimize the calculation time, during which
the DMA receive channel must remain inactive. However, it bears mentioning the
effects that the client's use of the serial driver can have upon the driver's
DMA channel management.
XOn/XOff output handshaking is extraordinarily expensive to support within a
DMA serial driver. The reason for this is that in order to guarantee acceptable
response times to the reception of XOn and XOff characters, the driver must
suspend most of the benefits of DMA and interrupt on every single received
character, just like the non-DMA serial driver. Only it is worse because the
DMA interrupt handler is more complex and time consuming than a standard
receive character interrupt handler. Nevertheless, since the DMA driver cannot
support old-fashioned pollprocs for immunity to interrupt latency, use of the
DMA interrupt handler on every character is the only viable recourse. As a
result, XOn/XOff handshaking is not recommended at high data rates (as a rule
of thumb, 57,600 bps is probably too fast for efficient software
It is not quite as punishing, but any type of input handshaking may put a limit
on the DMA transfer count (and therefore available DMA resources) because it is
necessary to generate an interrupt and assert flow control when the buffer
threshold is reached.
Regardless of the initially programmed DMA transfer count, special receive
conditions must terminate active DMA transfers (again, limiting the available
DMA resources) in order to support extraction of corrupted characters from the
data stream in accordance with the serial driver specification. Reception of
break sequences may also temporarily limit DMA resources, or even suspend
receive channel DMA during the break assertion.
Because DMA transfer counts are dependent upon the handshaking mode, buffer
size, read request size, and other factors, numerous Control and Status calls
require that DMA be stopped temporarily and restarted with new parameters. This
involves some overhead which can be avoided frequently through more
sophisticated use of the serial driver API. For example, rather than polling
SerGetBuf frequently, it is much more efficient to make a single asynchronous
Read request for some expected amount of data, and time out the request with a
KillIO sometime later if it is not forthcoming. There is no overhead whatsoever
to leave a pending read request while no data are being transferred by the SCC,
but there is a great deal of overhead polling SerGetBuf in a loop. This is true
of both DMA and non-DMA serial drivers.
Another performance-killer is the commonly-used small, chained read algorithm.
The purpose of DMA is to stream relatively large quantities of data at high
speed, and posing frequent, one-character read requests is very
counterproductive. Each time a read completes, an interrupt must occur. Also,
each time a read is issued, an implicit interrupt results to synchronize the
DMA engine with the clients request count. The key to sustaining high data
rates is in limiting the number of system interrupts and reaping some economy
of scale in block data processing.
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Hints for Optimizing Performance
So some hints for optimizing performance are:
- Avoid the use of XOn/XOff handshaking to control driver data output at high
baud rates. This makes DMA worthless on the receive channel and poses a
worst-case performance scenario.
- Avoid repeatedly polling the serial driver for status or buffer information.
This approach, while simple, is fully synchronous and particularly inefficient
for the DMA serial driver.
- Use aynchronous requests whenever possible, for the full amount of data
expected in a transaction. Process the transaction all at once. You can and
should always time out a transaction with KillIO if things do not go according
to plan. On the other hand, it is never necessary to issue a KillIO
command unless it is possible that an asynchronous request has been left
- Avoid requiring the serial driver to use its own buffer (its default or the
one set by SerSetBuf) when input data are expected. Keep an asynchronous read
pending instead. A client buffer is more efficient because handshaking
threshold checks are not required on client buffers.
- If your completion routine performs complex processing (i.e., more than
setting or clearing a semaphore) or chained I/O, consider executing that code
as a deferred task in order to return control to the drivers' interrupt handler
as soon as possible, freeing the system to process other interrupts. The driver
would prefer to call serial I/O completion routines as deferred tasks in the
first place, but this causes compatibility problems with certain third-parties'
software which call the driver synchronously from VBLs, Time Manager tasks,
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