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QuickTime VR 1.0 Object Movie File Format


This Technote is intended to provide multimedia developers with the knowledge necessary to create QuickTime VR 1.0 object movie files from their own applications.

You should be familiar with the QuickTime Movie Toolbox, as documented in Inside Macintosh: QuickTime. It will also help if you are familiar with using the QuickTime VR Authoring Tool Suite to create object movies.

Although this file format will be supported in future versions of QuickTime VR, be aware that the object movie file format will change significantly in the next release.

 Updated: [Feb 1 1996]

About the Object Movie File Format

In QuickTime VR 1.0, an object movie file contains a single object. The movie file contains:

  • an enabled video track containing the views of the object
  • a 'NAVG' atom in the movie user data area describing the parameters of the object
  • a 'ctyp' atom in the movie user data specifying the QuickTime VR object movie controller
  • the poster time set to the poster view of the object
  • the current time set to the poster time
  • an optional movie file preview

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QuickTime VR Object Movie Authoring

To author a QuickTime VR object movie, you need to be able to capture or generate the bitmap frames of object as viewed from all angles. The frames are saved in the proper sequence as a video track in a QuickTime movie. User data and file type information are then added to convert it into a QuickTime VR object movie.

The Movie File

A QuickTime VR object movie file is a QuickTime movie file. The only difference between an object movie file and a regular linear QuickTime movie file is how the frames in the video track are displayed and the special user data attached to the movie. In particular, for the Macintosh, the file type should be set to 'MooV', and on Windows the file extension should be .mov. The file's creator type on the Macintosh should be 'vrod', which is the creator type for the QTVRPlayer application.

As with any QuickTime file that is intended to be played on both platforms, a data fork version of the file should be created using the FlattenMovie Movie Toolbox call with the flattenAddMovieToDataFork flag set.

Movie Controller User Data

When you create a new QuickTime VR object movie, you must add a special piece of user data to specify that a special QuickTime VR movie controller should be used instead of the standard movie controller. The movie controller type for QuickTime VR 1.0 object movies is 'stna'. This user data is examined by the Movie Toolbox when NewMovieController is called. The following lines of code add the appropriate user data to a new movie:

UserData uDat;
OSType controllerSubType = 'stna';
uDat = GetMovieUserData (newMovie);
SetUserDataItem (uDat, &controllerSubType, sizeof(controllerSubType),
            'ctyp', 1);

The Object Video Track

An object movie is represented by a set of views of the object. Usually the views are captured by moving a camera around the object in the defined pattern of horizontal pan and vertical pan angles (see Fig. 1). Set up your camera with the camera aimed at the object. Camera positions above the object are measured in positive degrees; positions below the object are measured in negative degrees. The vertical position with the camera directly above the object looking down at it is called vertical pan 90 degrees. The vertical position with the camera directly below the object looking up at it is called vertical pan -90 degrees. The center vertical position (equator) is vertical pan 0 degrees, Horizontal positions are measured in degrees from horizontal pan 0 degrees, 360 degrees.

Figure 1. Camera positions to capture views of an object

Ordering the Frames - Simple Object

For a simple object, one frame is captured at each view of the object. Apple recommends incrementing 10 degrees between each position in both horizontal and vertical directions. This produces relatively smooth motion as you interact with the resulting object movie. You can experiment with a larger angle increment if minimal file size is important. Regardless of the increment you choose, use a consistent increment between all horizontal and vertical frames for the object. If you are shooting the complete 360 degrees horizontally, make sure that the increment you use divides 360 degrees evenly.

Your first shot at each horizontal position should be of the back of the object, so that the frame showing the front of the object is half-way through the series at that horizontal position. This improves disk-access time at run-time, since the user will most likely be looking at the front of the object.

Use the following procedure to shoot a full object which shows all possible views:

  1. Position your camera with the vertical pan at 90 degrees (directly above the object).
  2. Shoot the first frame.
  3. Keep the camera at the same vertical pan position and rotate it counter-clockwise to the next position by increasing the horizontal pan angle, then shoot the frame.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you return to the starting point.
    If you moved the camera 10 degrees between each frame, you should have 36 frames to capture the entire 360 degrees
  5. Move the camera down by reducing the vertical pan angle.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for this vertical pan position.
  7. Repeat step 6 for each vertical pan position until you reach a vertical pan position of -90 degrees (directly below the object).

Depending on the object, you may choose not to shoot views towards the top or bottom positions. You may also choose not to shoot back views of an object, if they are uninteresting. The start and end pan angles in the horizontal and vertical directions are required in the file format.

Save the resulting set of frames as PICT files in the form name.001, name.002, etc., and then convert the frames into a movie using a utility such as ConvertToMovie. Alternatively save the frames directly into a QuickTime file during capture. Each frame must be a key frame. Frame differencing (temporal compression) cannot be used for simple objects. Apple recommends using the Apple Video compressor for 16-bit or greater images and the Apple Graphics compressor for 8-bit images. Experiment with the compression quality to reduce the file size. Each frame must have the same duration. If you set the duration to about 1/10 of a second, you can play the movie as a QuickTime linear movie to verify that all frames were captured properly. The frame duration is inconsequential after conversion to QuickTime VR format.

Ordering the Frames - Looping Object

A looping object shows a looping animation at each view of the object. Follow the procedure above for shooting an object, except that Step 2 should be as follows:

2. Shoot N frames of the animation loop.

You must shoot exactly N frames at each camera position. When converting the resulting frames to a movie, specify a key frame every N frames. This will reduce the file size by allowing for frame differencing in the animation loop. At minimum, the first frame of the animation loop at each camera position must be a key frame.

Interpreting the Frames of an Object Movie

The frames of an object movie are stored in sequential order in the video track. They should be interpreted as a two-dimensional array of frames. For a simple object, turning an object one step to the left is equivalent to advancing the movie one frame forward in time. Turning an object one step down is equivalent to advancing the movie approximately 36 frames (or the actual number of horizontal positions during capture) forward in time. For a looping object, the number of frames to advance is N times that described above, where N is the number of frames of the animation loop. Changing views is just a matter of shuttling the play head of a movie to give the illusion of being able to turn an object in two dimensions.

Figure 2. Interpretation of the order of frames saved in a video track in relation to horizontal and vertical camera positions

Table 1 summarizes the information used during the capture process and the corresponding parameters required by the NAVG atom:

Frame Position            File format parameters
Number of horizontal positions            # Columns
Number of vertical positions            # Rows
Starting H pan position (usually 0 degrees)        Start H Pan
Ending H pan position (usually 360 degrees)        End H Pan
Starting V pan position (usually 90 degrees)    Start V Pan
Ending V pan position (usually -90 degrees)        End V Pan
The N frames of the animation loop        Loop Size

Table 1. Information used during the capture process

If the start and end H pans are exactly 0 and 360, frames in the horizontal dimensions are "wrapped," i.e., stepping past the last frame of a row will display the first frame of that row. There is no wrapping in the vertical direction.

Extending the Concept of an Object Movie

An object movie is intended as the technology to display views of a 3-dimensional object from many angles. However, since the frames of the movie can contain any kind of picture, different kinds of interactive movies can be created as QuickTime VR object movies. In many cases, the start and end pan parameters might not make sense for these movies. You should interpret these parameters as mouse scaling factors. The object movie controller interprets a dragging motion from approximately one edge of the window to the other to be 180 degrees. Play around with the start and end pan parameters until the interaction feels right.

The `NAVG' User Data Atom

The 'NAVG' atom in the movie user data area contains the parameters of the object movie. The first user data item list contains the following data structure:

// File format for version 1.0.
#pragma options align=mac68k        // Use Macintosh 68k alignment
typedef struct {
    short    versionNumber;        // Always 1
    short    numberOfColumns;    // Number of columns in movie
    short    numberOfRows;        // Number rows in movie
    short    reserved1;        // Zero
    short    loopSize;        // Number of frames shot at each position
    short    frameDuration;        // The duration of each frame
    short    movieType;        // kStandardObject, kObjectInScene, or
                    // kOldNavigableMovieScene
    short    loopTicks;        // Number of ticks before next frame of
                    // loop is displayed
    Fixed    fieldOfView;        // 180.0 for kStandardObject or
                    // kObjectInScene, actual  degrees for
                    // kOldNavigableMovieScene.
    Fixed    startHPan;        // Start horizontal pan angle in
                    //  degrees
    Fixed    endHPan;        // End horizontal pan angle in  degrees
    Fixed    endVPan;        // End vertical pan angle in  degrees
    Fixed    startVPan;        // Start vertical pan angle in  degrees
    Fixed    initialHPan;        // Initial horizontal pan angle in
                    //  degrees (poster view)
    Fixed    initialVPan;        // Initial vertical pan angle in  degrees
                    // (poster view)
    long    reserved2;        // Zero
} QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Record, *QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Ptr;

In the above data structure , the sizes of the data types are:

Type        bit size
short        16
Fixed        32

The structure uses Macintosh 68K alignment.

The parameters numberOfColumns, numberOfRows, startHPan, endHPan, startVPan and endVPan are already described in Table 1. The frameDuration parameter specifies the duration of each frame in the movie. You may obtain the value from the call GetMovieNextInterestingTime. The movieType parameter specifies the user interface to be used to manipulate the object and can be one of the following values:

enum {
    kStandardObject        = 1,    // "Object"in Add Object Data dialog
    kOldNavigableMovieScene    = 2,    // "Scene"in Add Object Data dialog
    kObjectInScene        = 3    // "Object In Scene" in Add Object
                    // Data dialog

Specifying kStandardObject will provide the hand grabber interface for object manipulation in the central portion of the object and the arrow interface for spinning at the borders. Specifying kObjectInScene will provide a joystick-like interface for spinning the object. Experiment to see which interface style is better for your object. Specifying kOldNavigableMovieScene will provide the original navigable movie interface for viewing a navigable movie scene. Use this constant if you have old navigable movies of scenes that you want to use in QuickTime VR.

The loopSize parameter is 1 for a simple object and the number of frames, N, shot at each position for a looping movie. For a simple object, the loopTicks parameter is ignored. For a looping movie, a LoopTicks value of 0 indicates that the next frame at that position should be displayed as quickly as possible. If the value is greater than 0, the frames of the loop will be cycled at the constant rate specified (in 60ths of a second). Frames will be skipped to maintain the frame rate. If the value is negative, the next frame in the loop is show only after the absolute value of the specified time (in 60ths of a second) has elapsed. This ensures that every frame will be displayed in sequence.

The field of view parameter is 180 for standard object or an object in scene. For an old navigable movie of a scene, it is the approximate field of view of the image.

The parameters initialHPan and initialVPan specify the horizontal and vertical pan angle of the object's poster view. This view is displayed when the movie is first opened.

The Object Movie's Poster View

To ensure that the initial view (poster view), as specified in the 'NAVG' atom, is displayed in QuickTime compatible applications, the current time and poster time of the movie must be set to the frame specified by initialHPan and initialVPan. As an option to make the preview of an object movie manipulable, such as in a Standard File dialog with Show Preview checked, a movie preview can be created. For a looping movie, make the preview duration equal to the length of the animation loop.

SetMovieTimeValue    (movie, posterViewTime);
SetMoviePosterTime    (movie, posterViewTime);
SetMoviePreviewTime    (movie, posterViewTime, frameDuration * loopSize);

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This Technote has shown how to create a QuickTime VR object movie by capturing views of the object, organizing the frames into a video track, adding movie user data to describe the parameters of the object, specifying the movie controllers should be used, setting the poster frame, and changing the file type information.

Authoring a object movie file is a fairly simple process if you make sure there are the right number of frames in the video track, and if the duration of all frames are the same. Make sure the resulting file is verified using QTVRPlayer.

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Inside Macintosh: QuickTime

"Generating QuickTime VR Movies from QuickDraw 3D," in develop Issue 25.

QuickTime VR 1.0 Authoring Tool Suite manuals

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Acrobat gif

Acrobat version of this Note (104K).


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