This Technote discusses addenda to the
Inside Macintosh: Devices, Power Manager Chapter.
This Note is intended for Macintosh developers who are using the Power Manager Dispatch routines.
Updated: [May 1 1996]
One additional bit field: hasStartupTimer has been added to the possible
PMFeature return values:
Bit Name Bit Number Description
hasStartupTimer 10 The startup timer is supported.
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Startup Time Structure
The startup time structure used by the GetStartupTimer and SetStartupTimer
functions is defined by the StartupTime data type.
typedef struct StartupTime {
unsigned long startTime; /* startup time as number of
seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904*/
Boolean startEnabled; /* 1=enable startup timer, 0=disable timer*/
SInt8 filler;
} StartupTime;
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You can use the GetStartupTimer function to find out when the computer will
start up from power off mode.
void GetStartupTimer(StartupTime *theTime);
theTime A pointer to a StartupTime structure, which specifies whether
the timer is enabled or disabled and the time at which the
startup timer is set to start up the computer.
The GetStartupTimer function returns the time when the computer will
start up from a power off mode.
If the computer doesn't support the startup timer, GetStartupTimer returns a
value of 0.
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E). The selector value is for
GetStartupTimer is 38 ($26) in the low word of register D0. The pointer to
StartupTime is passed in register A0.
The StartupTime structure is described in Startup Time Structure.
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You can use the SetStartupTimer function to set the time when the computer will start up from power off mode.
void SetStartupTimer(StartupTime *theTime);
theTime A pointer to a StartupTime structure, which specifies whether
to enable or disable the timer, and the time at which the
startup timer is set to start up the computer.
The SetStartupTimer function sets the time when the computer will start
up from a power off mode and enables or disables the timer. On a computer that
doesn't support the startup timer, SetStartupTimer does nothing.
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E) . The selector value is for
SetStartupTimer is 39 ($27) in the low word of register D0. The pointer to StartupTime is passed in register A0.
The StartupTime structure is described in Startup Time Structure.
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State Change Notification Queue Structure
The state change notification queue structure used by the PMgrStateQInstall
and PMgrStateQInstall functions is defined by the PMgrQueueElement data type.
#define PMgrStateQType 'PM'
struct PMgrQueueElement {
Ptr *pmQLink; /* pointer to next queue element*/
short pmQType; /* queue type (must be
short pmFlags; /* as defined below */
long pmNotifyBits; /* bitmap of desired notifications*/
StateNotifyProc pmProc; /*pointer to routine to call*/
long pmUser; /* user-defined private storage,*/
} PMgrQueueElement;
The values of the bits in the pmFlags field are as follows:
Bit Name Bit Number Description
sleepTimeout 0 The sleep timer value has changed.
sleepEnable 1 Sleep control has been enabled/disabled
hardDiskTimeout 2 The hard disk timer has changed.
hardDiskSpindown 3 The hard disk spindown state has
dimmingTimeout 4 The screen dimming timer has changed.
dimmingEnable 5 Screen dimming has been enabled or
diskModeAddress 6 The SCSI disk mode address has changed
processorCycling 7 Processor cycling has been enabled or
processorSpeed 8 The processor speed has changed
wakeupTimer 9 The wakeup timer has changed.
startupTimer 10 The startup timer has changed.
hdPowerRemoved 11 The hard disk power has been removed by
the user.
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You can use the PMgrStateQInstall function to notify your software when Power
Manager state configuration parameters have changed.
OSErr PMgrStateQInstall(PMgrStateQElement *theElement);
theElement A pointer to an element for the state change
notification queue.
The PMgrStateQInstall function installs an element into the state
configuration change queue to provide notification to your software when
certain Power Manager state configuration parameters have changed.
When a requested configuration parameter has changed, the software calls the
routine pointed to by the pmProc field so that it can do any special
processing. The routine is passed a pointer to its queue element so that, for
example, the routine can reference its variables.
Before calling PMgrStateQInstall , the calling program must set the pmQType
field to PmgrStateQtype or the queue element won't be added to the queue and
PMgrStateQInstall will return an error.
The pmNotifyBits field may be modified by the PMgrStateQInstall if it
requests notification for a feature that this computer does not support. In
this case your software may remove the element.
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E) . The selector value for
PMgrStateQInstall is 34 ($22) in the low word of register D0. The pointer to
PMgrStateQElement is passed in register A0. The result code is returned in the
low word of register D0.
The PMgrStateQElement structure is described in State Change
Notification Queue Structure.
The application-defined state change notification function is described in
State Change Notification Function.
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You can use the PMgrStateQRemove function to discontinue notification of your
software when Power Manager state configuration parameters have changed.
OSErr PMgrStateQRemove(PMgrStateQElement *theElement);
theElement A pointer to the element for the state change
notification queue that you wish to remove.
The PMgrStateQRemove function removes a queue element installed by
PMgrStateQInstall . If the pmQType field of the queue element is not set to
PmgrStateQtype , PMgrStateQInstall will return an error.
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E) . The selector value is for
PMgrStateQRemove is 35 ($23) in the low word of register D0. The pointer to
PMgrStateQElement is passed in register A0. The result code is returned in the
low word of register D0.
The PMgrStateQElement structure is described in State Change
Notification Queue Structure.
The application-defined state change notification function is described in
State Change Notification Function.
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State Change Notification Function
A state change notification function can perform any operation that you require
when certain Power Manager state configuration parameters have changed .
pascal void MyStateNotificationProc (PMgrStateQElement *theElement);
theElement A pointer to the element in the configuration
change queue that was used to install
this function.
Your state change notification function is called by the Power Manager
when certain configuration parameters have changed. It is called, for
instance, when the sleep timer value or processor speed have changed. You can
determine which of the configuration parameters have changed by examining the
bit map in the pmNotifyBits field of the PMgrStateQElement that was passed to
your function.
The PMgrStateQElement structure is described in State Change Notification Queue Structure.
The PMgrStateQInstall function and the PMgrStateQRemove function.
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You can use the UpdateSystemActivity function to notify the Power Manager that
activity has taken place .
void UpdateSystemActivity(short activityType);
activityType A value indicating the type of activity that has
occurred. See the description below for the meaning
of this field.
The UpdateSystemActivity function is used to notify the Power Manager
that activity has taken place and the timers used to measure idle time should
be updated to the time of this call. This function can be used by device
drivers to prevent the computer from entering a low-power mode while critical
activity is taking place on a particular device. The function is passed a
parameter indicating the type of activity that has occurred.
This function is slightly different from DelaySystemIdle , which should be used
to prevent sleep or idle during a critical section. UpdateSystemActivity simply
updates the tick count for the activity type selected. Conversely,
DelaySystemIdle actually moves the counter to some number of ticks into the
future, which allows the caller to go off and do somethingwithout fear of
The valid types of activity are:
Value Name Value Description
OverallAct 0 general type of activity
UsrActivity 1 user activity (i.e.keyboard or
NetActivity 2 interaction with network(s)
HDActivity 3 hard disk or storage device in
In general, device drivers should make this call to notify the Power
Manager of system activity on their particular device. For example, input
device drivers would call UpdateSystemActivity (UsrActivity)
while a storage device driver would call UpdateSystemActivity (HDActivity) .
If a device driver registers with the power manager state change queue and
implements its own power management timing facilities, it does not need to call
UpdateSystemActivity . For example, a media bay hard disk on a PowerBook should
register for sleeptimeout , sleepenabled , spindownenabled , and hdtimeout change
notifications. It then can maintain its own timer. This allows the internal
hard disk and the media bay hard disk to spin down independently. By not
calling UpdateSystemActivity, it won't unnecessarily keep the internal drive
powered. It should also be installed in the sleep queue so it can refuse sleep
requests if activity is occurring on its associated device.
Calling UpdateSystemActivity more than necessary will cause delays in
the invocation of power saving features which will reduce battery life and
overall power efficiency.
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E). The selector value for
UpdateSystemActivity is 36 ($24) in the low word of register D0. The
activityType is passed in the high word of D0.
The GetLastActivity function.
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You can use the GetLastActivity function to find out when the last time a
particular activity took place.
OSErr GetLastActivity(ActivityInfo *theActivity();
theActivity A pointer to an ActivityInfo structure, which
specifies the type of activity and when that
activity last occurred.
The GetLastActivity function returns the time in ticks of the last
occurrence of the specified activity type. This function can be used by
software that needs to track power management activity. The activity type and
time are specified in the following structure:
struct ActivityInfo {
short activityType; /* same selectors as
UpdateSystemActivity */
unsigned long activityTime; /*time of last event of selected
type as number of
seconds since midnight,
January 1, 1904 */
} ActivityInfo;
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E) . The selector value for
GetLastActivity is 40 ($28) in the low word of register D0. The pointer to the
ActivityInfo structure is passed in register A0.
See also:
The UpdateSystemActivity function.
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You can use the DelaySystemIdle function to control power cycling.
The DelaySystemIdle function delays power cycling and/or sleep to a
time in the near future. This call should only be used when timing-sensitive
I/O operations (e.g., Read/Write) need to occur without interruption from the
Power Manager and the power cycling wait time or sleep timeout may not be long
enough to ensure that this occurs.
Care should be taken to make this call only when absolutely necessary
since it can affect power efficiency.
The trap is _PowerManagerDispatch ($A09E). The selector value is for
DelaySystemIdle is 37 ($25) in the low word of register D0.
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